context("h5-DataSet-createDataset") fname <- tempfile(fileext=".h5") test_that("DataSet-createDataset",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") f <- function() dset1 <- createDataSet(file, "testmat_n") expect_that(f(), throws_error("If a sample robj is not provided, then dtype has to be given")) h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-createDataset-chunksize",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") f <- function() dset1 <- createDataSet(file, "testmat_n", 1:10, chunk_dims = "test") expect_that(f(), throws_error("In RToH5_INTEGER can't convert type of object passed")) dset_c9 <- createDataSet(file, "test_chunk_9", 1:10, chunk_dims = 9) h5close(dset_c9) dset_c1 <- createDataSet(file, "test_chunk_1", 1:10, chunk_dims = 1) h5close(dset_c1) f <- function() dset_c0 <- createDataSet(file, "test_chunk_0", 1:10, chunk_dims = 0) expect_that(f(), throws_error("all chunk dimensions must be positive")) # TODO (mario): Create dataset without chunking? # ds_nochunk <- createDataSet(file, "dset", 1:3, chunk_dims = NA) # expect_that(ds_nochunk@chunksize, is_identical_to(NA_real_)) # expect_that(ds_nochunk@maxdim, is_identical_to(3)) # expect_that(ds_nochunk@compression, is_identical_to(character(0))) # h5close(ds_nochunk) # TODO (mario): Get Chunk size from dataset # ds_chunk <- createDataSet(file, name = "dset2", robj = 1:3) # expect_that(ds_chunk@chunksize, is_identical_to(3)) # expect_that(ds_chunk@maxdim, is_more_than(1e+19)) # expect_that(ds_chunk@compression , is_identical_to("H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE")) # expect_that(ds_chunk@datatype, is_identical_to("i")) # h5close(ds_chunk) h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-createDataset-maxdimensions",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") # TODO(mario): H5S$new(maxdims = "test") should immediately throw error dspace <- H5S$new(maxdims = "test") #f <- function() dset1 <- createDataSet(file, "testmat_n", 1:10, chunk_dims = "test", space = dspace) #expect_that(f(), throws_error("Parameter maxdimensions must be of type integer")) f <- function() dspace2 <- H5S$new(dims = c(10), maxdims = c(Inf, Inf)) expect_that(f(), throws_error("maxdims, if it is not NULL, has to be of the same length as dims")) f <- function() dspace2 <- H5S$new(dims = c(10), maxdims = c(9)) expect_that(f(), throws_error("maxdims is smaller than dims")) dspace2 <- H5S$new(dims = c(10), maxdims = c(10)) dset_md_10 <- createDataSet(file, "test_md_10", 1:10, space = dspace2) h5close(dset_md_10) testmat <- matrix(rep(1:10, 10), nrow = 10) f <- function() dspace2 <- H5S$new(dims = c(10, 10), maxdims = c(9, 10)) expect_that(f(), throws_error("maxdims is smaller than dims")) dspace2 <- H5S$new(dims = c(10, 10), maxdims = c(10, 10)) dset_md_10_10 <- createDataSet(file, "test_md_10_10", testmat, space = dspace2) h5close(dset_md_10_10) h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-createDataset-compression",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") f <- function() dset_cp_type <- createDataSet(file, "cp_type_n", 1:10, gzip = "test") expect_that(f(), throws_error("gzip_level has to be between 0 and 9")) f <- function() dset_cp_-1 <- createDataSet(file, "cp_-1", 1:10, gzip = -1) expect_that(f(), throws_error("gzip_level has to be between 0 and 9")) f <- function() dset_cp_10 <- createDataSet(file, "cp_10", 1:10, gzip = 10) expect_that(f(), throws_error("gzip_level has to be between 0 and 9")) for(i in 0:9) { dset <- createDataSet(file, sprintf("cp_%d", i), 1:10, gzip = i) h5close(dset) } h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-list-dataset",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") f <- function() list.datasets(file, path = "path doesn't exist") expect_that(f(), throws_error("An object with name path doesn't exist does not exist in this group")) expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(character(0))) group <- createGroup(file, "testgroup") group[["testset"]] <- 1:3 expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(c("testgroup/testset"))) # TODO: Fix Bug implicit group extract/create #expect_that(list.datasets(file["/testgroup"], recursive = FALSE), # is_identical_to(c("/testgroup/testset"))) testgroup <- file[["/testgroup"]] expect_that(list.datasets(testgroup, recursive = FALSE), is_identical_to(c("testset"))) h5close(testgroup) expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(c("testgroup/testset"))) g1 <- createGroup(file, "testgroup/testgroup1") file[["testgroup/testgroup1/testset1"]] <- 1:3 g2 <- createGroup(file, "testgroup/testgroup2") file[["testgroup/testgroup2/testset2"]] <- 1:3 g3 <- createGroup(file, "testgroup3") createGroup(file, "testgroup3/testgroup3") file[["testgroup3/testgroup3/testset3"]] <- 1:3 group <- createGroup(file, "testgroupN") h5close(group) ex <- c("testgroup/testgroup1/testset1", "testgroup/testgroup2/testset2", "testgroup/testset", "testgroup3/testgroup3/testset3") expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(ex)) #ex <- c("testset1", "testset2", "testset", "testset3") #expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(ex)) ex <- c("testgroup1/testset1", "testgroup2/testset2", "testset") testgroup <- file[["testgroup"]] expect_that(list.datasets(testgroup), is_identical_to(ex)) h5close(testgroup) h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-list-dataset",{ if(file.exists(fname)) file.remove(fname) file <- h5file(fname, "a") abc <- createGroup(file, "ABC") file[["ABC/1A"]] <- 1:3 file[["ABC/1B"]] <- 1:3 file[["ABC/1C"]] <- 1:3 file[["ABC/1D"]] <- 1:3 file[["ABC/1E"]] <- 1:3 file[["ABC/1F"]] <- 1:3 ex <- c("ABC/1A", "ABC/1B", "ABC/1C", "ABC/1D", "ABC/1E", "ABC/1F") expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(ex)) expect_that(list.datasets(file, recursive = FALSE), is_identical_to(character(0))) h5close(file) expect_true(file.remove(fname)) }) test_that("DataSet-list-dataset-link",{ fname <- system.file("test-h5link.h5", package = "hdf5r", mustWork = TRUE) file <- h5file(fname, "r") # TODO(mario): check why H5T_STD_I64LE is not mapped to 64bit integer expect_that(file[["hardlink/test2"]][], is_identical_to(1:3)) expect_that(file[["softlink/test3/test"]][], is_identical_to(1:3)) expect_that(list.datasets(file[["softlink"]]), is_identical_to(character(0))) # TODO(mario): Implement # exp1 <- c("softlink/test3/subgroup/test-sub", "softlink/test3/test") # expect_that(list.datasets(file[["softlink"]], = TRUE), is_identical_to(exp1)) exp2 <- c("hardlink/test2", "testgroup/subgroup/test-sub", "testgroup/test") expect_that(list.datasets(file), is_identical_to(exp2)) #exp3 <- "softlink/test3/test" expect_that(list.datasets(file[["softlink/test3"]], recursive = FALSE), is_identical_to("test")) h5close(file) }) test_that("DataSet-Bug-F32-Issue10",{ fname <- system.file("test-f32.h5", package = "hdf5r", mustWork = TRUE) file <- h5file(fname, "r") expect_that(file[["floats"]][], is_identical_to(c(1, 2, 3))) h5close(file) })