test_that("labelled() with no args returns a zero-length vector", { expect_length(labelled(), 0) }) test_that("x must be numeric or character", { expect_error(labelled(TRUE), "must be a numeric or a character vector") }) test_that("x and labels must be compatible", { expect_incompatible_type(labelled(1, "a")) expect_error(labelled(1, c(female = 2L, male = 1L)), NA) expect_error(labelled(1L, c(female = 2, male = 1)), NA) }) test_that("labels can be NULL", { x <- labelled(1:5, NULL) expect_equal(x[], x) }) test_that("labels must have names", { expect_error(labelled(1, 1), "must have names") }) test_that("label must be length 1 character or missing", { expect_error(labelled(1, c(female = 1)), NA) expect_error(labelled(1, c(female = 1), label = "foo"), NA) expect_error( labelled(1, c(female = 1), label = 1), "character vector of length one" ) expect_error( labelled(1, c(female = 1), label = c("foo", "bar")), "character vector of length one" ) }) test_that("labels must be unique", { expect_error(labelled(1, c(female = 1, male = 1)), "must be unique") }) test_that("have methods used by revdeps", { x <- labelled(1:3, labels = c(x = 1L, y = 2L)) expect_equal(as.character(x), c("1", "2", "3")) expect_equal(levels(x), NULL) }) test_that("arithmetic strips class", { int <- labelled(1L) dbl <- labelled(2) expect_error(int + "x", class = "vctrs_error_incompatible") expect_identical(int + dbl, 3) expect_identical(int + 1L, 2L) expect_identical(1L + int, 2L) expect_identical(int + 1, 2) expect_identical(1 + int, 2) expect_identical(sum(int), 1L) }) # methods ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("implements methods that vctrs requires", { x_int <- labelled(1:3) expect_equal(median(x_int), 2L) expect_equal(quantile(x_int, 0.25), c("25%" = 1.5)) expect_equal(summary(x_int), summary(1:3)) x_chr <- labelled(letters[1:3]) expect_error(median(x_chr), "labelled") expect_error(quantile(x_chr), "labelled") expect_equal(summary(x_chr), summary(letters[1:3])) }) # types ------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("combining is symmetrical w.r.t. data types", { expect_incompatible_type(vec_c(labelled(character()), labelled())) expect_incompatible_type(vec_c(labelled(), labelled(character()))) expect_identical( vec_c(labelled(integer()), labelled()), vec_c(labelled(), labelled(integer())) ) expect_identical( vec_c(labelled(), double()), vec_c(double(), labelled()) ) expect_identical( vec_c(labelled(), integer()), vec_c(integer(), labelled()) ) }) test_that("can cast labelled to atomic vectors", { x_int <- labelled(1:2) x_dbl <- labelled(c(1, 2)) x_chr <- labelled(c("a", "b")) expect_identical(vec_cast(x_int, integer()), 1:2) expect_identical(vec_cast(x_int, double()), c(1, 2)) expect_error(vec_cast(x_int, character()), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_identical(vec_cast(x_dbl, integer()), 1:2) expect_identical(vec_cast(x_dbl, double()), c(1, 2)) expect_error(vec_cast(x_dbl, character()), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_error(vec_cast(x_chr, integer()), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_error(vec_cast(x_chr, double()), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_identical(vec_cast(x_chr, character()), c("a", "b")) }) test_that("can cast atomic vectors to labelled", { x_int <- labelled(1:2) x_dbl <- labelled(c(1, 2)) x_chr <- labelled(c("a", "b")) expect_identical(vec_cast(1:3, x_int), labelled(1:3)) expect_identical(vec_cast(1:3, x_dbl), labelled(c(1, 2, 3))) expect_error(vec_cast(1:3, x_chr), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_identical(vec_cast(c(0, 1), x_int), labelled(0:1)) expect_identical(vec_cast(c(0, 1), x_dbl), labelled(c(0, 1))) expect_error(vec_cast(c(0, 1), x_chr), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_error(vec_cast("a", x_int), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_error(vec_cast("a", x_dbl), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type") expect_identical(vec_cast("a", x_chr), labelled("a")) }) test_that("combining preserves label sets", { expect_equal( vec_c( labelled(1, labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), labelled(5, labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), ), labelled(c(1, 5), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)) ) }) test_that("can combine names", { x <- labelled(c(x = 1L)) expect_named(vec_c(x, x), c("x", "x")) expect_named(vec_c(x, c(y = 1L)), c("x", "y")) }) test_that("take labels from LHS", { expect_snapshot_warning({ expect_equal( vec_c( labelled(1, labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), labelled(5, labels = c(Bad = 1, Good = 5)), ), labelled(c(1, 5), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)) ) }) expect_snapshot_warning({ expect_equal( vec_c( labelled(1, labels = c(Good = 1)), labelled(5, labels = c(Bad = 1)), ), labelled(c(1, 5), labels = c(Good = 1)) ) }) }) test_that("warn only for conflicting labels", { expect_snapshot_warning({ x <- labelled(1:2, c(Yes = 1, No = 2)) y <- labelled(1:2, c(Female = 1, Male = 2, Other = 3)) c(x, y) }) expect_snapshot_warning({ x <- labelled(1:2, c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5, f = 6, g = 7, h = 8, i = 9, j = 10, k = 11, l = 12)) y <- labelled(1:2, c(A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, H = 8, I = 9, J = 10, K = 11, L = 12)) c(x, y) }) }) test_that("combining picks label from the left", { expect_equal( attr(vec_c( labelled(label = "left"), labelled(label = "right"), ), "label", exact = TRUE), "left" ) }) test_that("combining with bare vectors results in a labelled()", { expect_identical(vec_c(labelled(), 1.1), labelled(1.1)) expect_identical(vec_c(labelled(integer()), 1.1), labelled(1.1)) expect_equal( vec_c(labelled(labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), 1, 3, 5), labelled(vec_c(1, 3, 5), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)) ) }) test_that("casting to labelled throws lossy cast if not safe", { expect_incompatible_type(vec_cast("a", labelled())) expect_incompatible_type(vec_cast("a", labelled(integer()))) expect_error(vec_cast(1.1, labelled(integer())), class = "vctrs_error_cast_lossy") }) test_that("casting to a superset of labels works", { expect_equal( vec_cast( labelled(c(1, 5), c(Good = 1)), labelled(labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)) ), labelled(c(1, 5), labels = c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)) ) }) test_that("casting to a subset of labels works iff labels were unused", { expect_equal( vec_cast( labelled(1, c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), labelled(labels = c(Good = 1)) ), labelled(1, labels = c(Good = 1)) ) expect_lossy_cast(vec_cast( labelled(c(1, 5), c(Good = 1, Bad = 5)), labelled(labels = c(Good = 1)) )) }) test_that("casting away labels throws lossy cast", { expect_lossy_cast(vec_cast( labelled(1, c(Good = 1)), labelled(labels = c(Bad = 5)) )) }) test_that("casting away tagged na values throws lossy cast", { expect_lossy_cast(vec_cast( labelled(tagged_na("a")), labelled(integer()) )) expect_incompatible_type(vec_cast( labelled(tagged_na("a")), labelled(character()) )) }) test_that("won't cast labelled numeric to character", { expect_incompatible_type(vec_cast(labelled(), character())) expect_incompatible_type(vec_cast(labelled(integer()), character())) }) # methods ----------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("printed output is stable", { x <- labelled( c(1:5, NA, tagged_na("x", "y", "z")), c( Good = 1, Bad = 5, "Not Applicable" = tagged_na("x"), "Refused to answer" = tagged_na("y") ) ) expect_snapshot(x) }) test_that("given correct name in data frame", { x <- labelled(1:3, c(a = 1)) expect_named(data.frame(x), "x") expect_named(data.frame(y = x), "y") }) test_that("can convert to factor with using labels with labelled na's", { x <- labelled(c(1:2, tagged_na("a")), c(a = 1, c = tagged_na("a"))) expect_equal(as_factor(x, "labels"), factor(c("a", NA, "c"))) })