test_that("simple forge works", { sparse_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "matrix") x1 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species) x2 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = matrix_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint) xx3 <- forge(iris, x3$blueprint) expect_s3_class(xx1$predictors, "tbl_df") expect_s4_class(xx2$predictors, "dgCMatrix") expect_matrix(xx3$predictors) expect_equal(colnames(xx1$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(colnames(xx2$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(colnames(xx3$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(xx1$outcomes, NULL) expect_equal(xx2$outcomes, NULL) expect_equal(xx3$outcomes, NULL) }) test_that("asking for the outcome works", { sparse_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "matrix") x1 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE] ) x2 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE], blueprint = sparse_bp ) x3 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE], blueprint = matrix_bp ) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx3 <- forge(iris, x3$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes, tibble::tibble(Species = iris$Species) ) expect_equal(xx1$outcomes, xx3$outcomes) expect_equal(xx1$outcomes, xx3$outcomes) }) test_that("asking for the outcome is special cased for vector `y` values", { sparse_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "matrix") x1 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species ) x2 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = sparse_bp ) x3 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = matrix_bp ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), ".outcome" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), ".outcome" ) expect_equal( colnames(x3$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), ".outcome" ) iris2 <- iris iris2$.outcome <- iris2$Species iris2$Species <- NULL xx1 <- forge(iris2, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx2 <- forge(iris2, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx3 <- forge(iris2, x3$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes, tibble::tibble(.outcome = iris2$.outcome) ) expect_equal(xx1$outcomes, xx3$outcomes) expect_equal(xx1$outcomes, xx3$outcomes) # This expects: # - standard message: "The following required columns" # - more detail: "`new_data` must include a column with the automatically generated name, '.outcome'" expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) }) test_that("new_data can be a matrix", { x <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species) iris_mat <- as.matrix(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE]) expect_no_error(xx <- forge(iris_mat, x$blueprint)) sep_len <- iris$Sepal.Length pred_tbl <- tibble::tibble(Sepal.Length = sep_len) expect_equal( xx$predictors, pred_tbl ) }) test_that("new_data can only be a data frame / matrix", { sparse_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "matrix") x1 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species) x2 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = matrix_bp) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, forge("hi", x1$blueprint)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, forge("hi", x2$blueprint)) expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, forge("hi", x3$blueprint)) }) test_that("missing predictor columns fail appropriately", { bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") x1 <- mold(iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), drop = FALSE], iris$Species) x2 <- mold( iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = bp ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 1, drop = FALSE], x1$blueprint) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 1, drop = FALSE], x2$blueprint) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 3, drop = FALSE], x1$blueprint) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 3, drop = FALSE], x2$blueprint) ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels are caught", { dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) x <- mold(dat[, "f", drop = FALSE], dat$y) expect_snapshot({ xx <- forge(new, x$blueprint) }) expect_equal( xx$predictors[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels can be ignored", { dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) blueprint <- default_xy_blueprint(allow_novel_levels = TRUE) x <- mold(dat[, "f", drop = FALSE], dat$y, blueprint = blueprint) # Silent expect_snapshot({ xx <- forge(new, x$blueprint) }) expect_equal( xx$predictors[[5, 1]], factor("e", c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")) ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels without any data are silently removed", { dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) # The 'e' level exists, but there is no data for it! new <- new[1:4, ] x <- mold(dat[, "f", drop = FALSE], dat$y) expect_silent( xx <- forge(new, x$blueprint) ) expect_equal( colnames(xx$predictors), colnames(x$predictors) ) }) test_that("novel outcome levels are caught", { dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") x1 <- mold( x = dat[, "y", drop = FALSE], y = dat[, "f", drop = FALSE] ) x2 <- mold( x = dat[, "y", drop = FALSE], y = dat[, "f", drop = FALSE], blueprint = bp ) expect_snapshot({ xx1 <- forge(new, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) }) expect_snapshot({ xx2 <- forge(new, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) }) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) expect_equal( xx2$outcomes[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) }) test_that("original predictor and outcome classes are recorded", { bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") x1 <- mold( iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), drop = FALSE], iris$Species ) x2 <- mold( iris[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = bp ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x1$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), list(Sepal.Length = "numeric", Sepal.Width = "numeric") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x2$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), list(Sepal.Length = "numeric", Sepal.Width = "numeric") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), list(.outcome = "factor") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), list(.outcome = "factor") ) }) test_that("new data classes are caught", { iris2 <- iris iris2$Species <- as.character(iris2$Species) x <- mold(iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE], iris$Sepal.Length) # Silent recovery expect_no_error( x_iris2 <- forge(iris2, x$blueprint) ) expect_s3_class( x_iris2$predictors$Species, "factor" ) xx <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species) iris3 <- iris2 iris3$.outcome <- iris2$Species iris3$Species <- NULL expect_no_error( xx_iris3 <- forge(iris3, xx$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) expect_s3_class( xx_iris3$outcomes$.outcome, "factor" ) }) test_that("new data classes can interchange integer/numeric", { iris2 <- iris iris2$Sepal.Length <- as.integer(iris2$Sepal.Length) bp <- default_xy_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") x1 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species ) x2 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris$Species, blueprint = bp ) expect_no_error(forge(iris2, x1$blueprint)) expect_no_error(forge(iris2, x2$blueprint)) }) test_that("intercept is not included as a predictor", { x1 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE], blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(intercept = TRUE) ) x2 <- mold( iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE], iris[, "Species", drop = FALSE], blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(intercept = TRUE, composition = "matrix") ) expect_false( "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$predictors) ) expect_false( "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$predictors) ) expect_no_error(xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint)) expect_no_error(xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint)) expect_equal( colnames(xx1$predictors), c("(Intercept)", "Sepal.Length") ) expect_equal( colnames(xx2$predictors), c("(Intercept)", "Sepal.Length") ) # again, with matrices y <- mold( as.matrix(iris[, "Sepal.Length", drop = FALSE]), iris$Sepal.Width, blueprint = default_xy_blueprint(intercept = TRUE) ) expect_false( "(Intercept)" %in% colnames(y$blueprint$ptypes$predictors) ) }) test_that("Missing y value still returns `NULL` if no outcomes are asked for", { x <- mold(iris, y = NULL) expect_equal(forge(iris, x$blueprint)$outcomes, NULL) }) test_that("Missing y value returns 0 column tibble if outcomes are asked for", { x <- mold(iris, y = NULL) forged <- forge(iris, x$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) outcomes <- forged$outcomes expect_equal(nrow(outcomes), 150) expect_equal(ncol(outcomes), 0) })