test_that("can mold recipes", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = matrix_bp) expect_s3_class(x1$predictors, "data.frame") expect_s4_class(x2$predictors, "dgCMatrix") expect_matrix(x3$predictors) expect_s3_class(x1$outcomes, "data.frame") expect_s3_class(x2$outcomes, "data.frame") expect_s3_class(x3$outcomes, "data.frame") expect_equal(colnames(x1$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(colnames(x2$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_equal(colnames(x3$predictors), "Sepal.Length") expect_s3_class(x1$outcomes[[1]], "factor") expect_s3_class(x1$blueprint, "default_recipe_blueprint") # Training data should _not_ be in the recipe expect_error(recipes::juice(x1$blueprint)) }) test_that("can mold recipes with intercepts", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) x1 <- mold( rec, iris, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(intercept = TRUE) ) x2 <- mold( rec, iris, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint( intercept = TRUE, composition = "dgCMatrix" ) ) x3 <- mold( rec, iris, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint( intercept = TRUE, composition = "matrix" ) ) expect_true("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x1$predictors)) expect_true("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x2$predictors)) expect_true("(Intercept)" %in% colnames(x3$predictors)) }) test_that("can pass `fresh` through to `prep()`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") iris1 <- iris[1:50, ] iris2 <- iris[51:100, ] rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris1) rec <- recipes::step_center(rec, Sepal.Length) prepped_rec <- recipes::prep(rec, iris1) non_fresh_mean <- prepped_rec$steps[[1]]$means x1 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(fresh = FALSE)) mold_non_fresh_mean1 <- x1$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means x2 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(fresh = FALSE, composition = "dgCMatrix")) mold_non_fresh_mean2 <- x2$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means y1 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(fresh = TRUE)) mold_fresh_mean1 <- y1$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means y2 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(fresh = TRUE, composition = "dgCMatrix")) mold_fresh_mean2 <- y2$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means fresh_mean <- c(Sepal.Length = mean(iris2$Sepal.Length)) expect_equal(non_fresh_mean, mold_non_fresh_mean1) expect_false(identical(non_fresh_mean, mold_fresh_mean1)) expect_equal(non_fresh_mean, mold_non_fresh_mean2) expect_false(identical(non_fresh_mean, mold_fresh_mean2)) expect_equal(mold_fresh_mean1, fresh_mean) expect_equal(mold_fresh_mean2, fresh_mean) }) test_that("`fresh` defaults to `TRUE`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") iris1 <- iris[1:50, ] iris2 <- iris[51:100, ] rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris1) rec <- recipes::step_center(rec, Sepal.Length) prepped_rec <- recipes::prep(rec, iris1) non_fresh_mean <- prepped_rec$steps[[1]]$means fresh_mean <- c(Sepal.Length = mean(iris2$Sepal.Length)) x1 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint()) mold_fresh_mean1 <- x1$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means x2 <- mold(prepped_rec, iris2, blueprint = sparse_bp) mold_fresh_mean2 <- x2$blueprint$recipe$steps[[1]]$means expect_false(identical(non_fresh_mean, mold_fresh_mean1)) expect_identical(mold_fresh_mean1, fresh_mean) expect_false(identical(non_fresh_mean, mold_fresh_mean2)) expect_identical(mold_fresh_mean2, fresh_mean) }) test_that("can pass `strings_as_factors` through to `prep()`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") df <- tibble(y = 1, x = "a") rec <- recipes::recipe(y ~ x, data = df) # Defaults to `TRUE` x <- mold(rec, df) expect_identical(x$predictors$x, factor("a")) x <- mold(rec, df, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(strings_as_factors = FALSE)) expect_identical(x$predictors$x, "a") }) test_that("`data` is validated", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, mold(recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris), 1) ) }) test_that("`extras` holds a slot for `roles`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = matrix_bp) expect_equal(x1$extras, list(roles = NULL)) expect_equal(x2$extras, list(roles = NULL)) expect_equal(x3$extras, list(roles = NULL)) expect_equal(x1$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL) expect_equal(x2$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL) expect_equal(x3$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL) }) test_that("non-standard roles ptypes are stored by default", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy") x <- mold(rec, iris) expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, list(dummy = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = double())) ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles, list(dummy = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width)) ) }) test_that("case weights is not considered a required extra role by default", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") iris$weight <- frequency_weights(seq_len(nrow(iris))) rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy") x <- mold(rec, iris) expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, list(dummy = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = double())) ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles$dummy, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width) ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles$case_weights, tibble::tibble(weight = iris$weight) ) }) test_that("case weights can be updated to be a required extra role", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") iris$weight <- frequency_weights(seq_len(nrow(iris))) rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy") rec <- recipes::update_role_requirements(rec, "case_weights", bake = TRUE) x <- mold(rec, iris) expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$dummy, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = double()) ) expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$case_weights, tibble::tibble(weight = frequency_weights(integer())) ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles$dummy, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width) ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles$case_weights, tibble::tibble(weight = iris$weight) ) }) test_that("only original non-standard columns are in the extra roles ptype", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") # same custom role, but note step_bs() columns aren't original columns rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy") rec <- recipes::step_bs(rec, Sepal.Length, role = "dummy", deg_free = 3) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) # extra roles ptype only has original columns expect_identical( colnames(x1$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$dummy), "Sepal.Width" ) expect_identical( colnames(x2$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$dummy), "Sepal.Width" ) # all `dummy` columns are returned in the `extras` slot expect_identical( colnames(x1$extras$roles$dummy), c("Sepal.Width", paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_")) ) expect_identical( colnames(x2$extras$roles$dummy), c("Sepal.Width", paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_")) ) }) test_that("`extra_role_ptypes` and `extras` only hold roles that actually exist in the data", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") df <- tibble(y = 1, x = 1, z = 2) rec <- recipes::recipe(y ~ ., df) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, x, new_role = "dummy") # For example `default_bake_role_requirements()` specifies that `NA` is # a required role, but there aren't any columns with that role in `df` x <- mold(rec, df) expect_named(x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, "dummy") expect_named(x$extras$roles, "dummy") }) test_that("multiple extra roles types can be stored", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::step_bs(rec, Sepal.Length, role = "dummy", deg_free = 3) rec <- recipes::step_bs(rec, Sepal.Width, role = "dummy2", deg_free = 3) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) # these are not original columns expect_equal( x1$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL ) expect_equal( x2$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL ) # They are automatically are returned in the `mold()` result expect_equal( names(x1$extras$roles), c("dummy", "dummy2") ) expect_equal( names(x2$extras$roles), c("dummy", "dummy2") ) }) test_that("`NA` roles are treated as extra roles", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "predictor") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Species, new_role = "outcome") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "custom") x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_equal( colnames(x1$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$outcomes), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$outcomes), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$extras$roles$custom), "Sepal.Width" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$extras$roles$custom), "Sepal.Width" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$extras$roles$`NA`), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width") ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$extras$roles$`NA`), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width") ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$custom), "Sepal.Width" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$custom), "Sepal.Width" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$`NA`), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width") ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$`NA`), c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width") ) }) test_that("roles that aren't required are not retained as `extra_role_ptypes`, but are in the mold result", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy1") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "dummy2") rec <- recipes::update_role_requirements(rec, "dummy1", bake = FALSE) x <- mold(rec, iris) expect_equal( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, list(dummy2 = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Length = double())) ) expect_equal( x$extras$roles$dummy1, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width) ) expect_equal( x$extras$roles$dummy2, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Length = iris$Sepal.Length) ) }) test_that("Missing y value returns a 0 column tibble for `outcomes`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(~Sepal.Width, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_equal(nrow(x1$outcomes), 150) expect_equal(ncol(x1$outcomes), 0) expect_equal(x1$outcomes, x2$outcomes) }) test_that("Missing y value returns a 0 column / 0 row tibble for `ptype`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(~Sepal.Width, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_equal(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes, tibble()) expect_equal(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes, tibble()) }) test_that("`mold()` is compatible with hardhat 0.2.0 blueprints", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") path <- test_path("data", "hardhat-0.2.0-pre-mold-recipe.rds") object <- readRDS(path) data <- object$data blueprint <- object$blueprint rec <- recipes::recipe(y ~ ., data = data) rec <- recipes::step_mutate(rec, z = 1) out <- mold(rec, data = data, blueprint = blueprint) expect <- tibble::tibble(x = data$x, z = 1) expect_identical(out$predictors, expect) })