test_that("an offset slot is NULL when there isn't one", { x <- mold(Species ~ Sepal.Width, iris) expect_true(has_name(x$extras, "offset")) expect_equal(x$extras$offset, NULL) }) test_that("the offset slot is only present for the formula method", { x <- mold(iris[, "Sepal.Width", drop = FALSE], iris$Species) expect_false(has_name(x$extras, "offset")) }) test_that("can use offsets", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Width), iris) expect_s3_class(x$extras$offset, "tbl_df") expect_equal(colnames(x$extras$offset), ".offset") expect_equal(x$extras$offset$.offset, iris$Sepal.Width) }) test_that("(offset) is not recognized as an offset", { iris$`(offset)` <- iris$Sepal.Length mf <- model.frame(Species ~ `(offset)`, iris) # Base R expect_equal( model.offset(mf), iris$Sepal.Length ) # Us expect_equal( model_offset(terms(mf), mf), NULL ) }) test_that("Only numeric columns can be offsets", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, mold(~ Sepal.Width + offset(Species), iris) ) }) test_that("multiple offsets can be used", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Width) + offset(Sepal.Length), iris) expect_equal( x$extras$offset$.offset, iris$Sepal.Width + iris$Sepal.Length ) }) test_that("a 0 col tibble is returned for predictors if only offsets are used", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Length), iris) expect_equal( x$predictors, tibble::tibble(.rows = 150) ) }) test_that("intercepts and offsets can be intermingled", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Length), iris, blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(intercept = TRUE)) expect_equal( colnames(x$predictors), "(Intercept)" ) }) # This test is because model.matrix() is where the offsets are removed # from the model.frame() result, but with indicators = "none" we don't run # that so we have to handle it specially ourselves. test_that("offsets columns are removed from predictors with `indicators = 'none'`", { x <- mold( Species ~ offset(Sepal.Length), iris, blueprint = default_formula_blueprint(indicators = "none") ) expect_equal( ncol(x$predictors), 0 ) }) test_that("offsets are NULL in forge() result if not used", { x <- mold(Species ~ Sepal.Length, iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) expect_true(has_name(xx$extras, "offset")) expect_equal(xx$extras$offset, NULL) }) test_that("offsets show up in forged results", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Length), iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) expect_equal( xx$extras$offset, tibble::tibble(.offset = iris$Sepal.Length) ) }) test_that("offset columns are stored as predictors", { x <- mold(Species ~ offset(Sepal.Length), iris) expect_equal( colnames(x$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) iris2 <- iris iris2$Sepal.Length <- NULL expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris2, x$blueprint) ) }) test_that("inline offset wrapped in a function is not recognized as an offset (same as base)", { x <- mold(Species ~ log(offset(Sepal.Length)), iris) mf <- model.frame(Species ~ log(offset(Sepal.Length)), iris) trms <- attr(mf, "terms") expect_equal(x$extras$offset, NULL) expect_equal( attr(x$blueprint$terms$predictors, "offset"), attr(trms, "offset") ) })