test_that("simple forge works", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) rec <- recipes::step_normalize(rec, Sepal.Length) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = matrix_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint) xx3 <- forge(iris, x3$blueprint) expect_s3_class( xx1$predictors, "tbl_df" ) expect_s4_class( xx2$predictors, "dgCMatrix" ) expect_matrix( xx3$predictors ) expect_equal( colnames(xx1$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(xx2$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(xx3$predictors), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes, NULL ) expect_equal( xx2$outcomes, NULL ) expect_equal( xx3$outcomes, NULL ) }) test_that("asking for the outcome works", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") matrix_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) rec <- recipes::step_normalize(rec, Sepal.Length) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) x3 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = matrix_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx3 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes, tibble::tibble(Species = iris$Species) ) expect_equal( xx2$outcomes, tibble::tibble(Species = iris$Species) ) expect_equal( xx3$outcomes, tibble::tibble(Species = iris$Species) ) }) test_that("asking for the outcome when it isn't there fails", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) iris2 <- iris iris2$Species <- NULL expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris2, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris2, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) }) test_that("outcomes steps get processed", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) rec <- recipes::step_log(rec, Sepal.Width) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes$Sepal.Width, log(iris$Sepal.Width) ) expect_equal( xx2$outcomes$Sepal.Width, log(iris$Sepal.Width) ) }) test_that("missing predictor columns fail appropriately", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") x <- mold( recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width, data = iris), iris ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 1, drop = FALSE], x$blueprint) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, forge(iris[, 3, drop = FALSE], x$blueprint) ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels are caught", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) x1 <- mold(recipes::recipe(y ~ f, dat), dat) x2 <- mold(recipes::step_dummy(recipes::recipe(y ~ f, dat), f), dat, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_snapshot({ xx1 <- forge(new, x1$blueprint) }) expect_snapshot({ xx2 <- forge(new, x2$blueprint) }) expect_equal( xx1$predictors[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, levels = c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) expect_equal( unname(xx2$predictors[5, ]), rep(NA_real_, 3) ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels can be ignored and handled by recipes", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) bp1 <- default_recipe_blueprint(allow_novel_levels = TRUE) bp2 <- default_recipe_blueprint(allow_novel_levels = TRUE, composition = "dgCMatrix") rec1 <- recipes::recipe(y ~ f, dat) rec2 <- recipes::step_novel(rec1, f) rec3 <- recipes::step_dummy(rec2, f) x1 <- mold(rec1, dat, blueprint = bp1) x2 <- mold(rec2, dat, blueprint = bp1) x3 <- mold(rec3, dat, blueprint = bp2) # Recipes will silently handle the novel level expect_snapshot({ xx1 <- forge(new, x1$blueprint) }) expect_equal( xx1$predictors$f[[5]], factor(NA_real_, levels = c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) # `step_novel()` let's us handle the novel level differently expect_snapshot({ xx2 <- forge(new, x2$blueprint) }) expect_equal( xx2$predictors$f[[5]], factor("new", levels = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "new")) ) # Silent expect_snapshot({ xx3 <- forge(new, x3$blueprint) }) expect_equal( colnames(xx3$predictors), c("f_b", "f_c", "f_d", "f_new") ) }) test_that("novel predictor levels without any data are silently removed", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) # The 'e' level exists, but there is no data for it! new <- new[1:4, ] rec1 <- recipes::recipe(y ~ f, dat) rec2 <- recipes::step_dummy(rec1, f) x1 <- mold(rec1, dat) x2 <- mold(rec2, dat, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_silent( xx1 <- forge(new, x1$blueprint) ) expect_equal( colnames(xx1$predictors), colnames(x1$predictors) ) expect_silent( xx2 <- forge(new, x2$blueprint) ) expect_equal( colnames(xx2$predictors), c("f_b", "f_c", "f_d") ) }) test_that("novel outcome levels are caught", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") dat <- data.frame( y = 1:4, f = factor(letters[1:4]) ) new <- data.frame( y = 1:5, f = factor(letters[1:5]) ) rec1 <- recipes::recipe(f ~ y, dat) x1 <- mold(rec1, dat) x2 <- mold(rec1, dat, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_snapshot({ xx1 <- forge(new, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) }) expect_equal( xx1$outcomes[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, levels = c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) expect_snapshot({ xx2 <- forge(new, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) }) expect_equal( xx2$outcomes[[5, 1]], factor(NA_real_, levels = c("a", "b", "c", "d")) ) }) test_that("original predictor and outcome classes / names are recorded", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Sepal.Length ~ Species, data = iris) rec <- recipes::step_dummy(rec, Species) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), "Species" ) expect_equal( colnames(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( colnames(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), "Sepal.Length" ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x1$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), list(Species = "factor") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x2$blueprint$ptypes$predictors), list(Species = "factor") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x1$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), list(Sepal.Length = "numeric") ) expect_equal( get_data_classes(x2$blueprint$ptypes$outcomes), list(Sepal.Length = "numeric") ) }) test_that("new data classes are caught", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") iris2 <- iris iris2$Species <- as.character(iris2$Species) rec <- recipes::recipe(Sepal.Length ~ Species, iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(recipes::step_dummy(rec, Species), iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) # Silent recovery expect_no_error(xx1 <- forge(iris2, x1$blueprint)) expect_no_error(xx2 <- forge(iris2, x2$blueprint)) expect_s3_class( xx1$predictors$Species, "factor" ) expect_s4_class( xx2$predictors, "dgCMatrix" ) x3 <- mold(recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, iris), iris) x4 <- mold(recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, iris), iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_no_error(xx3 <- forge(iris2, x3$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)) expect_no_error(xx4 <- forge(iris2, x4$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)) expect_s3_class( xx3$outcomes$Species, "factor" ) expect_s3_class( xx4$outcomes$Species, "factor" ) }) test_that("new data classes can interchange integer/numeric", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") iris2 <- iris iris2$Sepal.Length <- as.integer(iris2$Sepal.Length) x1 <- mold(recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, iris), iris) x2 <- mold(recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, iris), iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_no_error(forge(iris2, x1$blueprint)) expect_no_error(forge(iris2, x2$blueprint)) rec <- recipes::recipe(Sepal.Length ~ Species, iris) x3 <- mold(rec, iris) x4 <- mold(recipes::step_dummy(rec, Species), iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_no_error( forge(iris2, x3$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) expect_no_error( forge(iris2, x4$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) ) }) test_that("an `extras` slot exists for `roles`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint) expect_equal( xx1$extras, list(roles = NULL) ) expect_equal( xx2$extras, list(roles = NULL) ) }) test_that("non-standard roles generated in the recipe are returned by both `mold()` and `forge()`", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") # This is a convention we follow to have consistency between `mold()` and `forge()`. # Both should have the same `.$extras$roles$` slot names. rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::step_bs(rec, Sepal.Length, role = "dummy", deg_free = 3) x <- mold(rec, iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) expect_identical(x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL) # Same slots in both `mold()` and `forge()` results expect_identical( colnames(x$extras$roles$dummy), paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_") ) expect_identical( colnames(xx$extras$roles$dummy), paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_") ) }) test_that("`forge()` returns a slot for non standard roles that aren't required at `bake()` time", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") # This is a convention we follow to have consistency between `mold()` and `forge()`. # Both should have the same `.$extras$roles$` slot names, even if there # wasn't any data there at `forge()` time (because it wasn't a required role). rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "id") rec <- recipes::update_role_requirements(rec, "id", bake = FALSE) rec <- recipes::step_bs(rec, Sepal.Length, role = "dummy", deg_free = 3) x <- mold(rec, iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) expect_identical(x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes, NULL) # Same slots in both `mold()` and `forge()` results expect_identical( colnames(x$extras$roles$dummy), paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_") ) expect_identical( colnames(xx$extras$roles$dummy), paste("Sepal.Length", c("1", "2", "3"), sep = "_bs_") ) expect_identical( x$extras$roles$id, tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width) ) # There is a slot for this, but no data is returned here, because `"id"` # wasn't a required role, so `Sepal.Width` was removed before being passed # to `bake()` expect_identical( xx$extras$roles$id, tibble::new_tibble(x = list(), nrow = nrow(iris)) ) }) test_that("required non standard roles can be dropped during the baking process", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy1") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "dummy2") rec <- recipes::step_rm(rec, Sepal.Length) x <- mold(rec, iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) # `extra_role_ptypes` holds ptypes for both expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$dummy1, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = double()) ) expect_identical( x$blueprint$extra_role_ptypes$dummy2, tibble::tibble(Sepal.Length = double()) ) # But `Sepal.Length` got dropped along the way and isn't in the `term_info` # of the recipe, so it doesn't appear in the final result expect_identical( x$extras$roles, list(dummy1 = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width)) ) expect_identical( xx$extras$roles, list(dummy1 = tibble::tibble(Sepal.Width = iris$Sepal.Width)) ) }) test_that("`forge()` will error if required non standard roles are missing", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy1") x <- mold(rec, iris) iris$Sepal.Width <- NULL expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { forge(iris, x$blueprint) }) }) test_that("recipes will error if the role is declared as not required, but really was", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "dummy1") rec <- recipes::update_role_requirements(rec, "dummy1", bake = FALSE) rec <- recipes::step_log(rec, Sepal.Width) x <- mold(rec, iris) # Error is specific to however `step_log()` handles this expect_error(forge(iris, x$blueprint)) }) test_that("`NA` roles are treated as extra roles that are required at `forge()` time", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") # `Petal.Length`, `Petal.Width` have `NA` roles rec <- recipes::recipe(iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "predictor") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Species, new_role = "outcome") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "custom") x <- mold(rec, iris) xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) # They are returned in `forge()` as extras expect_identical( xx$extras$roles$`NA`, tibble(Petal.Length = iris$Petal.Length, Petal.Width = iris$Petal.Width) ) # They are required at `forge()` time iris$Petal.Length <- NULL expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { forge(iris, x$blueprint) }) }) test_that("`NA` roles can be declared as not required at `forge()` time", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") # Petal.Length, Petal.Width have `NA` roles rec <- recipes::recipe(iris) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "predictor") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Species, new_role = "outcome") rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, Sepal.Width, new_role = "custom") rec <- recipes::update_role_requirements(rec, "NA", bake = FALSE) x <- mold(rec, iris) # No longer required at `forge()` time iris$Petal.Length <- NULL xx <- forge(iris, x$blueprint) # And `Petal.Width` (which is still in `iris`) won't be in the output expect_identical( xx$extras$roles$`NA`, tibble::new_tibble(x = list(), nrow = nrow(iris)) ) }) test_that("`extras` only hold roles that actually exist in the data", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") df <- tibble(y = 1, x = 1, z = 2) rec <- recipes::recipe(y ~ ., df) rec <- recipes::update_role(rec, x, new_role = "dummy") # For example `default_bake_role_requirements()` specifies that `NA` is # a required role, but there aren't any columns with that role in `df` x <- mold(rec, df) xx <- forge(df, x$blueprint) expect_named(xx$extras$roles, "dummy") }) test_that("Missing y value still returns `NULL` if no outcomes are asked for", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(~Sepal.Width, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) expect_equal(forge(iris, x1$blueprint)$outcomes, NULL) expect_equal(forge(iris, x2$blueprint)$outcomes, NULL) }) test_that("Missing y value returns 0 column tibble if outcomes are asked for", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(~Sepal.Width, data = iris) x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_equal(nrow(xx1$outcomes), 150) expect_equal(ncol(xx1$outcomes), 0) expect_equal(nrow(xx2$outcomes), 150) expect_equal(ncol(xx2$outcomes), 0) }) test_that("Predictors with multiple roles are only included once before baking (#120)", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") skip_if_not_installed("Matrix") rec <- recipes::recipe(Species ~ ., iris) # Implicit "predictor" role too rec <- recipes::add_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "test1") rec <- recipes::add_role(rec, Sepal.Length, new_role = "test2") sparse_bp <- default_recipe_blueprint(composition = "dgCMatrix") x1 <- mold(rec, iris) x2 <- mold(rec, iris, blueprint = sparse_bp) xx1 <- forge(iris, x1$blueprint) xx2 <- forge(iris, x2$blueprint) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx1$predictors)) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx1$extras$roles$test1)) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx1$extras$roles$test2)) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx2$predictors)) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx2$extras$roles$test1)) expect_true("Sepal.Length" %in% colnames(xx2$extras$roles$test2)) }) test_that("`strings_as_factors` is used at `bake()` time", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") df <- tibble(y = "a", x = "b") rec <- recipes::recipe(y ~ x, data = df) # Default is `TRUE` x <- mold(rec, df) out <- forge(df, x$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_identical(out$outcomes$y, factor("a")) expect_identical(out$predictors$x, factor("b")) x <- mold(rec, df, blueprint = default_recipe_blueprint(strings_as_factors = FALSE)) out <- forge(df, x$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE) expect_identical(out$outcomes$y, "a") expect_identical(out$predictors$x, "b") }) test_that("`forge()` is compatible with hardhat 0.2.0 molded blueprints with a basic recipe", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") path <- test_path("data", "hardhat-0.2.0-post-mold-recipe.rds") object <- readRDS(path) new_data <- object$new_data blueprint <- object$blueprint out <- forge(new_data, blueprint) expect <- recipes::bake(blueprint$recipe, new_data, recipes::all_predictors()) expect_identical(out$predictors, expect) expect_identical(out$extras, list(roles = NULL)) new_data$x <- NULL expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { forge(new_data, blueprint) }) }) test_that("`forge()` is compatible with hardhat 0.2.0 molded blueprints with a recipe with a nonstandard role", { skip_if_not_installed("recipes") path <- test_path("data", "hardhat-0.2.0-post-mold-recipe-nonstandard-role.rds") object <- readRDS(path) new_data <- object$new_data blueprint <- object$blueprint out <- forge(new_data, blueprint) expect <- recipes::bake(blueprint$recipe, new_data, recipes::all_predictors()) expect_identical(out$predictors, expect) expect <- recipes::bake(blueprint$recipe, new_data, id) expect_identical(out$extras, list(roles = list(id = expect))) new_data$id <- NULL expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, { forge(new_data, blueprint) }) })