context("HandlrClient") skip_on_cran() test_that("HandlrClient class: after initializing, but before reading", { expect_is(HandlrClient, "R6ClassGenerator") expect_is(HandlrClient$new, "function") z <- system.file('extdata/citeproc.json', package = "handlr") x <- HandlrClient$new(x = z) expect_is(x, "HandlrClient") expect_is(x$path, "character") expect_null(x$string) expect_null(x$substring) expect_is(x$ext, "character") expect_equal(x$ext, "json") expect_null(x$parsed) expect_is(x$write, "function") expect_is(x$read, "function") }) test_that("HandlrClient class: after initializing and reading", { z <- system.file('extdata/citeproc.json', package = "handlr") x <- HandlrClient$new(x = z) expect_is(x$read("citeproc"), "handl") expect_is(x$parsed, "handl") }) test_that("HandlrClient class: writing", { z <- system.file('extdata/citeproc.json', package = "handlr") x <- HandlrClient$new(x = z) x$read("citeproc") expect_is(x$write("citeproc"), "json") expect_null(x$write("citeproc", (f<-tempfile()))) expect_is(f, "character") expect_equal(jsonlite::fromJSON(f, FALSE)$categories, x$parsed$keywords) }) test_that("HandlrClient fails well", { expect_error(HandlrClient$new(), "argument \"x\" is missing") expect_error(HandlrClient$new(5), "x must be of class character") # expect_error(HandlrClient$new("apple"), "invalid 'file' argument") }) test_that("HandlrClient fails well: file does not exist", { z <- system.file('extdata/codemeta.txt', package = "handlr") expect_error(HandlrClient$new(z), "input is zero length string") }) test_that("handlr_readers", { expect_is(handlr_readers, "character") expect_is(handlr_writers, "character") }) test_that("HandlrClient class: works with DOIs", { skip_if_net_down() a <- HandlrClient$new('') a$read() a$parsed # read from a DOI b <- HandlrClient$new('10.7554/elife.01567') b$read() b$parsed # result from DOI and DOI as url the same expect_identical(a$parsed, b$parsed) # can convert to bibtex expect_true(any(grepl("journal = \\{eLife\\}", a$write('bibtex')))) # fails as expected expect_error( HandlrClient$new('10.7554/elife.01567', timeout_ms = 10)) })