context("test-tests") test_that('set_testing_fast', { # save current value of TEST_FAST test_fast <- Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST") # Now erase it. Sys.unsetenv("TEST_FAST") expect_true(set_testing_fast()) expect_identical(Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST"), 'true') # Restore the original value before the test Sys.setenv(TEST_FAST = test_fast) }) test_that('set_testing_slow', { # save current value of TEST_FAST test_fast <- Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST") # Now erase it. Sys.unsetenv("TEST_FAST") expect_true(set_testing_slow()) expect_identical(Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST"), 'false') # Restore the original value before the test Sys.setenv(TEST_FAST = test_fast) }) test_that('skip_if_testing_is_fast: TEST_FAST is set to true', { # save current value of TEST_FAST test_fast <- Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST") # Now erase it. set_testing_fast() with_mock(`testthat::skip` = function(...) FALSE, expect_false(skip_if_testing_is_fast())) # Restore the original value before the test Sys.setenv(TEST_FAST = test_fast) }) test_that('skip_if_testing_is_fast: TEST_FAST is set to false', { # save current value of TEST_FAST test_fast <- Sys.getenv("TEST_FAST") # Now erase it. set_testing_slow() expect_true(skip_if_testing_is_fast()) # Restore the original value before the test Sys.setenv(TEST_FAST = test_fast) })