context("test-ebi_server") # # # is_ebi_reachable() # test_that("is_ebi_reachable: should return FALSE if computer cannot ping.", { with_mock(`pingr::is_online` = function(...) FALSE, expect_message(status <- is_ebi_reachable(), "It seems you are not online.") ) expect_identical(status, FALSE) with_mock(`pingr::is_online` = function(...) TRUE, `pingr::ping_port` = function(...) NA, expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), "Am I online? Yes.", " is not replying to ping requests on port 443.", fixed = TRUE), expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), " is not replying to ping requests on port 443.", fixed = TRUE), expect_identical(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), FALSE) ) with_mock(`pingr::is_online` = function(...) TRUE, `pingr::ping_port` = function(...) 10.0, # time in miliseconds expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), "Am I online? Yes.", fixed = TRUE), expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), "Is there a DNS service running? Yes.", fixed = TRUE), expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), "Connected to the internet? Yes.", fixed = TRUE), expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), "Ping'ing on port 443...", fixed = TRUE), expect_message(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), " successfully replied in 10 ms.", fixed = TRUE), expect_identical(is_ebi_reachable(), TRUE), expect_identical(is_ebi_reachable(chatty = TRUE), TRUE) ) }) test_that("is_ebi_reachable: should return FALSE if there is no DNS.", { with_mock(`pingr::is_online` = function(...) "nodns", expect_message(status <- is_ebi_reachable(), "It seems there is no Domain Name Server (DNS) service running.", fixed = TRUE) ) expect_identical(status, FALSE) })