skip_on_cran() test_that("theme_gtsummary_compact() works", { expect_error( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_compact(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) |> as_gt() ), NA ) expect_error( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_compact(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) |> as_hux_table() ), NA ) expect_error( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_compact(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) |> as_flex_table() ), NA ) expect_error( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_compact(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) |> as_kable_extra() ), NA ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_eda() works", { expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_eda(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) ) |> ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_mean_sd() works", { expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_mean_sd(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = age) ) |> getElement("inputs") |> getElement("statistic") |> getElement("age"), "{mean} ({sd})", ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_mean_sd(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = age) |> add_p() ) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("test_name") |> dplyr::last(), "t.test", ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_continuous2() works", { expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_continuous2(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = age) ) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("var_type") |> dplyr::last(), "continuous2" ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_language() works", { expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_language("es"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = age) ) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("label") |> dplyr::last(), "Desconocido" ) expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_language("es", big.mark = " ", decimal.mark = ",", iqr.sep = " - "), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = marker) ) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("stat_0") |> head(n = 1L), "0,64 (0,22 - 1,41)" ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_journal('lancet') works", { # R 4.1 wasn't working with the UTF8 midpoint character, but is working on release (4.4 as of May 2024) skip_if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && startsWith(R.version$version.string, "R version 4.1")) # check that we get # - IQR separated with emdash in table # - pvalues are rounded to 2 places # - CI seperator is " to " expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("lancet"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = marker, label = marker ~ "marker", missing = "no") |> add_difference() |> modify_column_hide(c("stat_2")) |> ) ) # check the footnote updated to IQR from Q1 - Q3 expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("lancet"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = marker, label = marker ~ "marker", missing = "no") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("footnote_header") |> dplyr::filter(.by = "column", dplyr::n() == dplyr::row_number(), column %in% c("stat_1", "stat_2")) |> dplyr::pull("footnote") |> unique() ), "Median (IQR)" ) # check the prepend p-value function is used expect_true( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("lancet"), lm(age ~ marker, trial) |> tbl_regression() |> inline_text(variable = marker) ) %>% {str_detect(., "p=") && endsWith(., "97)")} ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_journal('nejm') works", { # check that we get # - IQR separated with emdash in table, and no percent symbol # - pvalues are rounded to 2 places # - CI separator is " to " expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("nejm"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = age, label = age ~ "Age", missing = "no") |> add_difference() |> modify_column_hide(c("stat_2")) |> ) ) # check the footnote has IQR in it expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("nejm"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = age, label = age ~ "Age", missing = "no") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("footnote_header") |> getElement("footnote") |> dplyr::last() ), "Median (IQR)" ) # checking preprended pvalue expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("nejm"), expr = lm(hp ~ am, mtcars) |> tbl_regression() |> inline_text(variable = "am") ), "-33 (95% CI -83, 16; p=0.18)" ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_journal('jama') works", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("survey")) # check that we get # - IQR separated with emdash in table # - pvalues are rounded to 2 places # - CI separator is " to " # - estimate and CI are in the same cell with appropriate header expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("jama"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(by = trt, include = age, label = age ~ "Age", missing = "no") |> add_difference() |> modify_column_hide(c("stat_2")) |> ) ) # check that we get # - pvalues are rounded to 2 places # - CI separator is " to " # - estimate and CI are in the same cell with appropriate header expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("jama"), expr = lm(hp ~ am, mtcars) |> tbl_regression() |> ) ) # checking preprended pvalue expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("jama"), expr = lm(hp ~ am, mtcars) |> tbl_regression() |> inline_text(variable = "am") ), "-33 (95% CI -83, 16; p=0.18)" ) svy_trial <- survey::svydesign(~1, data = trial, weights = ~1) # check that we get # - IQR separated with emdash in table # - pvalues are rounded to 2 places # - CI separator is " to " # - estimate and CI are in the same cell with appropriate header expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("jama"), expr = svy_trial |> tbl_svysummary(by = trt, include = age, label = age ~ "Age", missing = "no") |> add_difference() |> modify_column_hide(c("stat_2"))|> ) ) }) test_that("theme_gtsummary_journal('qjecon') works", { # check that we get # - percentages rounded to one decimal place expect_equal( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("qjecon"), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = response, missing = "no") |> = FALSE) |> dplyr::select(stat_0) |> dplyr::pull() ), "61 (31.6%)" ) # check that we get # - pvalues are not shown # - CI is not shown # - estimate and std.error in same cell with line breaker between them # - sign stars added to beta expect_snapshot( with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_journal("qjecon"), expr = lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl) + hp, mtcars) |> tbl_regression() |> ) ) }) test_that("check_gtsummary_theme()", { expect_snapshot( check_gtsummary_theme(mean) ) expect_snapshot( check_gtsummary_theme(list(not_a_theme_element = letters)) ) expect_snapshot( check_gtsummary_theme(list("add_global_p-str:type" = letters)) ) }) test_that("with_gtsummary_theme()", { expect_snapshot({ theme_gtsummary_compact() with_gtsummary_theme( x = list("pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "My new theme"), expr = identical(1L, 1L), msg_ignored_elements = "The following theme elements are temporarilty overwritten: {.val {elements}}." ) reset_gtsummary_theme() }) # check that the theme is reset and a message about the resetting of the theme does not appear expect_snapshot({ theme_gtsummary_language("es") with_gtsummary_theme( theme_gtsummary_eda(), expr = trial |> tbl_summary(include = c(age, grade)) |> as_kable() ) tbl_summary(trial, include = age) |> as_kable() reset_gtsummary_theme() }) })