skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("survival", "cardx", "broom"))) test_that("tbl_survfit(times) works", { expect_silent( trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12 ) ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(probs) works", { expect_silent( trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", probs = 0.5 ) ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit works with integer times values", { expect_silent( trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = c(6L, 12L) ) ) }) test_that("Using both times and probs errors correctly", { expect_error( trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, probs = 0.5 ), regexp = "Specify one and only one of arguments `times` and `probs`." ) }) test_that("Double check results with ard_survival_survfit", { check_res <- function(x) { y <- tbl_survfit( trial, include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, statistic = paste0("{", x, "}") ) return(y) } check_comp <- function(x) { compare = survival::survfit(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt, trial) |> cardx::ard_survival_survfit(times = 12) %>% |> dplyr::filter(stat_name == x) |> dplyr::pull(stat) |> unlist() return(compare) } expect_equal( check_res("estimate")$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, paste0(round(check_comp("estimate")*100), "%")) ) expect_equal( check_res("conf.low")$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, paste0(round(check_comp("conf.low")*100), "%")) ) expect_equal( check_res("conf.high")$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, paste0(round(check_comp("conf.high")*100), "%")) ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(statistic) works", { expect_silent( tbl <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, statistic = "{estimate} [{conf.low} - {conf.high}]" ) ) expect_equal( tbl$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, "91% [85% - 97%]", "86% [80% - 93%]") ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(label) works", { expect_silent( tbl1 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = c(trt, grade), y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, label = list(trt = "TREATMENT", grade = "GRADE") ) ) expect_equal( tbl1$table_body |> dplyr::filter(row_type == "label") |> dplyr::pull(label), c(trt = "TREATMENT", grade = "GRADE") ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(label_header) works", { expect_silent( tbl2 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = c(trt, grade), y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, label_header = "Time ({time})" ) ) expect_equal( tbl2$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(column == "stat_1") |> dplyr::pull(label), "Time (12)" ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(estimate_fun) works", { test_perc <- function(x) { y <- paste0(round(x, 2)*100, "%%") } expect_silent( tbl3 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", times = 12, estimate_fun = test_perc ) ) expect_equal( tbl3$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, "91%% (85%%, 97%%)", "86%% (80%%, 93%%)") ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(missing) works", { expect_silent( tbl4 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", probs = 0.5, missing = "???" ) ) expect_equal( tbl4$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, "24 (21, ???)", "21 (18, ???)") ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(type) works", { expect_silent( tbl5 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", time = 12, type = "risk" ) ) expect_equal( tbl5$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, "9.2% (3.3%, 15%)", "14% (6.8%, 20%)") ) expect_silent( tbl6 <- trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", time = 12, type = "cumhaz" ) ) expect_equal( tbl6$table_body$stat_1, c(NA, "9.6% (3.3%, 16%)", "15% (7.0%, 23%)") ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(type with prob) errors properly", { expect_error( trial |> tbl_survfit( include = trt, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", prob = 0.5, type = "risk" ), regexp = "Cannot use `type` argument when `probs` argument specifed." ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(conf.level)", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_survfit( trial, y = "Surv(ttdeath, death)", include = trt, probs = 0.5, label_header = "**Median Survival**", conf.level = 0.50, statistic = "{conf.low}" ) ) # check CI matches expect_equal(, col_label = FALSE)$stat_1 |> discard(, survival::survfit(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt, data = trial, = 0.50) |> quantile(probs = 0.5) |> getElement("lower") |> as.vector() |> style_number() ) }) test_that("tbl_survfit(x) messaging", { expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_survfit( survival::survfit(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + grade, trial), times = c(12, 24) ) ) })