skip_on_cran() test_that("tbl_strata works with standard use", { # one stratifier ---- expect_silent( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, response, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p() ) ) # df_strata correct expect_equal(nrow(tbl$df_strata), 3) expect_equal(names(tbl$df_strata), c("strata_1", "header")) # correct subtables expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 3) # two stratifiers ---- expect_silent( tbl <- trial |> select(age, grade, stage, trt) |> mutate( grade = paste("Grade", grade), stage = paste("Stage", stage) ) |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, stage), .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(test = all_continuous() ~ "t.test") ) ) # df_strata correct expect_equal(nrow(tbl$df_strata), 12) expect_equal(names(tbl$df_strata), c("strata_1", "strata_2", "header")) # correct subtables expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 12) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.sep) works as expected", { # default .sep tbl <- trial |> select(age, grade, stage, trt) |> mutate( grade = paste("Grade", grade), stage = paste("Stage", stage) ) |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, stage), .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(test = all_continuous() ~ "t.test") ) expect_true(all(grepl(", ", tbl$df_strata$header))) # custom .sep tbl <- trial |> select(age, grade, stage, trt) |> mutate( grade = paste("Grade", grade), stage = paste("Stage", stage) ) |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, stage), .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(test = all_continuous() ~ "t.test"), .sep = "--" ) expect_true(all(grepl("--", tbl$df_strata$header))) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.combine_with) works as expected", { # non-default .combine_with (tbl_stack) expect_message( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(), .combine_with = "tbl_stack" ) ) # df_strata correct expect_equal(nrow(tbl$df_strata), 3) expect_equal(names(tbl$df_strata), c("strata_1", "header")) # correct subtables expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 3) expect_true("groupname_col" %in% names(tbl$table_body)) expect_true(all(c("Grade I", "Grade II", "Grade III") %in% tbl$table_body$groupname_col)) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.header) works as expected", { # default .header tbl <- trial |> select(age, grade, stage, trt) |> mutate( grade = paste("Grade", grade), stage = paste("Stage", stage) ) |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, stage), .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(test = all_continuous() ~ "t.test") ) expect_true(all(grepl("\\*\\*Grade .* Stage .*\\*\\*", tbl$df_strata$header))) # custom .header tbl <- trial |> select(age, grade, stage, trt) |> mutate( grade = paste("Grade", grade), stage = paste("Stage", stage) ) |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, stage), .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(test = all_continuous() ~ "t.test"), .header = "_{strata}_" ) expect_true(all(grepl("_Grade .* Stage .*_", tbl$df_strata$header))) # custom .header with .combine_with = "tbl_stack" expect_message( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(), .combine_with = "tbl_stack", .header = "_{strata}_" ) ) expect_true(all(grepl("_Grade .*_", tbl$df_strata$header))) expect_true(all(grepl("_Grade .*_", tbl$table_body$groupname_col))) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.combine_with) works as expected", { # non-default .combine_with (tbl_stack) expect_message( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(), .combine_with = "tbl_stack" ) ) # df_strata correct expect_equal(nrow(tbl$df_strata), 3) expect_equal(names(tbl$df_strata), c("strata_1", "header")) # correct subtables expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 3) expect_true("groupname_col" %in% names(tbl$table_body)) expect_true(all(c("Grade I", "Grade II", "Grade III") %in% tbl$table_body$groupname_col)) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.combine_args) works as expected", { expect_silent( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, stage, trt) |> tbl_strata( strata = trt, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(), .combine_args = list(tab_spanner = FALSE) ) ) # no spanning header added expect_true(tbl$table_styling$spanning_header$spanning_header |> is_empty()) }) test_that("tbl_strata2 works with standard use", { expect_silent( tbl <- trial |> select(grade, response) |> tbl_strata2( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary( include = response, label = list(response = .y), missing = "no" ) ) ) # df_strata correct expect_equal(nrow(tbl$df_strata), 3) expect_equal(names(tbl$df_strata), c("strata_1", "header")) # correct subtables expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 3) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.stack_group_header) produces defunct warning", { lifecycle::expect_defunct( trial |> select(grade, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(by = trt) |> add_p(), .combine_with = "tbl_stack", .stack_group_header = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("tbl_strata(.quiet) produces deprecation warning", { lifecycle::expect_deprecated( trial |> select(grade, response, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(), .quiet = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("tbl_strata2(.quiet) produces deprecation warning", { lifecycle::expect_deprecated( trial |> select(grade, response, stage, trt) |> mutate(grade = paste("Grade", grade)) |> tbl_strata2( strata = grade, .tbl_fun = ~ .x |> tbl_summary(), .quiet = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("tbl_strata works with survey objects", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("survey")) svy_obj <- survey::svydesign(~1, data = trial, weights = ~1) expect_silent( svy_obj |> tbl_strata( strata = grade, ~ tbl_svysummary(.x, by = trt, include = c(stage, trt), percent = "cell") ) ) # error when multiple strata variables selected expect_error( svy_obj |> tbl_strata( strata = c(grade, trt), ~ tbl_svysummary(.x, by = trt, include = c(stage, trt), percent = "cell") ) ) })