skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("cardx", "survival"))) t1_summary <- trial |> dplyr::filter(trt == "Drug A") |> select(age, response, death) |> tbl_summary() |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "**Statistic**") t2_summary <- trial |> dplyr::filter(trt == "Drug B") |> select(age, response, death) |> tbl_summary() |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "**Statistic**") t1_regression <- glm(response ~ trt, trial, family = binomial) |> tbl_regression( exponentiate = TRUE, label = list("trt" ~ "Treatment (unadjusted)") ) t2_regression <- glm(response ~ trt + grade + stage + marker, trial, family = binomial) |> tbl_regression( include = "trt", exponentiate = TRUE, label = list("trt" ~ "Treatment (adjusted)") ) t1_survival <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt, trial) |> tbl_regression( exponentiate = TRUE, label = list("trt" ~ "Treatment (unadjusted)") ) t2_survival <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + grade + stage + marker, trial) |> tbl_regression( include = "trt", exponentiate = TRUE, label = list("trt" ~ "Treatment (adjusted)") ) merge_row1 <- tbl_merge(list(t1_regression, t1_survival), tab_spanner = c("Tumor Response", "Death")) merge_row2 <- tbl_merge(list(t2_regression, t2_survival)) test_that("tbl_stack works with standard use", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1_summary, t2_summary), group_header = c("Drug A", "Drug B")) ) # no error if list input is named expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1 = t1_summary, t2 = t2_summary), group_header = c("Drug A", "Drug B")) ) # correct number of rows after stacking expect_equal( nrow(tbl$table_body), nrow(t1_summary$table_body) + nrow(t2_summary$table_body) ) # correct ordering of stacked tables expect_equal(tbl$tbls$t1$table_body, t1_summary$table_body) expect_equal(tbl$tbls$t2$table_body, t2_summary$table_body) # correct group headers expect_equal( tbl$table_body$groupname_col |> unique(), c("Drug A", "Drug B") ) expect_equal( tbl$table_body$tbl_id1, c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5)) ) # footnotes stacked correctly expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$footnote, rbind(t1_summary$table_styling$footnote, t2_summary$table_styling$footnote) ) # indentation values stacked correctly expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$indent |> dplyr::select(-rows), rbind(t1_summary$table_styling$indent, t2_summary$table_styling$indent) |> dplyr::select(-rows) ) }) test_that("tbl_stack(quiet) works", { t1 <- t1_summary |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "**Statistic**") t2 <- t2_summary |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "Replaced label") expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t2), quiet = TRUE)) expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble() |> names(), c("**Characteristic**", "**Statistic**") ) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with no group header", { expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1_summary, t2_summary))) expect_true(!"groupname_col" %in% names(tbl$table_body)) expect_equal( tbl$table_body$tbl_id1, c(rep(1, 5), rep(2, 5)) ) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with a single table", { expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1_summary))) # tbls has length 1 expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 1) # table_body unchanged except for added id column expect_equal( tbl$table_body, t1_summary$table_body |> dplyr::mutate(tbl_id1 = 1L, .before = variable) ) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with tbl_regression objects", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1_regression, t2_regression), group_header = c("Group 1", "Group 2")) ) # correct number of rows after stacking expect_equal( nrow(tbl$table_body), nrow(t1_regression$table_body) + nrow(t2_regression$table_body) ) # correct ordering of stacked tables expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[1]]$table_body, t1_regression$table_body) expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[2]]$table_body, t2_regression$table_body) # correct group headers expect_equal( tbl$table_body$groupname_col |> unique(), c("Group 1", "Group 2") ) expect_equal( tbl$table_body$tbl_id1, c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 3)) ) # footnote abbreviations stacked correctly expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$footnote_abbrev, rbind(t1_regression$table_styling$footnote_abbrev, t2_regression$table_styling$footnote_abbrev) ) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with tbl_merge objects", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_stack(list(merge_row1, merge_row2), quiet = TRUE) ) # correct number of rows after stacking expect_equal( nrow(tbl$table_body), nrow(merge_row1$table_body) + nrow(merge_row2$table_body) ) # correct ordering of stacked tables expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[1]]$table_body, merge_row1$table_body) expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[2]]$table_body, merge_row2$table_body) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with tbl_merge objects", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_stack(list(merge_row1, merge_row2), quiet = TRUE) ) # correct number of rows after stacking expect_equal( nrow(tbl$table_body), nrow(merge_row1$table_body) + nrow(merge_row2$table_body) ) # correct ordering of stacked tables expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[1]]$table_body, merge_row1$table_body) expect_equal(tbl$tbls[[2]]$table_body, merge_row2$table_body) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with formatting functions", { t1 <- t1_regression |> modify_fmt_fun( p.value ~ function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 3), rows = variable == "trt" ) |> modify_fmt_fun( estimate ~ function(x) style_ratio(x, digits = 4, decimal.mark = ",") ) t2 <- t2_regression |> modify_fmt_fun( estimate ~ function(x) style_ratio(x, digits = 2, decimal.mark = "*") ) expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t2))) expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(estimate), c(NA, NA, "1,2148", NA, NA, "1*48") ) expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(p.value), c(NA, NA, "0.531", NA, NA, "0.2") ) }) test_that("tbl_stack works with missing symbols", { t1 <- t1_summary |> modify_table_body( ~ .x |> mutate(stat_0 = NA_character_) ) |> modify_missing_symbol(stat_0, rows = !, symbol = "n / a") t2 <- t2_summary |> modify_table_body( ~ .x |> mutate(stat_0 = NA_character_) ) expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t2))) expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$fmt_missing |> dplyr::select(-rows), rbind(t1$table_styling$fmt_missing, t2$table_styling$fmt_missing) |> dplyr::select(-rows) ) # missing symbol in first table only expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE, fmt_missing = TRUE) |> dplyr::pull(stat_0), c(rep("n / a", 5), rep(NA, 5)) ) t2 <- t2 |> modify_missing_symbol(stat_0, rows = !, symbol = "miss") expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t2))) # different missing symbol in each stacked table expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE, fmt_missing = TRUE) |> dplyr::pull(stat_0), c(rep("n / a", 5), rep("miss", 5)) ) expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$fmt_missing |> dplyr::select(-rows), rbind(t2$table_styling$fmt_missing, t1$table_styling$fmt_missing) |> dplyr::select(-rows) ) }) test_that("tbl_stack returns expected message when unique column names are present", { t1 <- t1_summary |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "**Statistic**") t2 <- t2_summary |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "Replaced label") expect_message( tbl_stack(list(t1, t2)), "Column headers among stacked tables differ" ) }) test_that("tbl_stack() can stack tbl that have been previosly stacked", { t1 <- trial |> tbl_summary(include = age, missing = "no") t2 <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t1)) expect_silent(t3 <- tbl_stack(list(t1, t2))) t4 <- glm(response ~ trt + grade + age, trial, family = binomial) %>% tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) t5 <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + grade + age, trial) %>% tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) expect_error(t6 <- tbl_stack(tbls = list(t4, t5)), NA) }) test_that("tbl_stack throws expected errors", { # input must be a list expect_snapshot( tbl_stack(t1_summary, t2_summary), error = TRUE ) # must pass acceptable objects expect_snapshot( tbl_stack(list(mtcars)), error = TRUE ) # correct group header length expect_snapshot( tbl_stack(tbls = list(t1_summary, t2_summary), group_header = c("Table")), error = TRUE ) })