skip_on_cran() test_that("modify_caption(caption) works", { expect_equal( tbl_summary(trial, include = marker) |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption** N = {N}", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption** N = 200" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with tbl_svysummary()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("survey", "cardx"))) expect_equal( survey::svydesign(~1, data =, weights = ~Freq) |> tbl_svysummary(by = Survived, percent = "row", include = c(Class, Age))|> add_overall() |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption** N = {N}", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption** N = 2201" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with tbl_continuous()", { expect_equal(tbl_continuous(data = trial, variable = age, by = trt, include = grade)|> add_overall() |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption** N = {N}", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption** N = 200" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with tbl_cross()", { expect_equal(tbl_cross(data = trial, row = trt, col = response) |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption** N = {N}", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption** N = 200" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with tbl_regression()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("broom.helpers")) expect_equal(glm(response ~ age + grade, trial, family = binomial()) |> tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption** N = {N} (Event N = {N_event})", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption** N = 183 (Event N = 58)" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with tbl_uvregression()", { expect_equal(tbl_uvregression(trial, method = glm, y = response, method.args = list(family = binomial), exponentiate = TRUE, include = c("age", "grade")) |> modify_caption("**Adding a caption**", text_interpret = "html") |> getElement("table_styling") |> getElement("caption"), "**Adding a caption**" |> structure(text_interpret = "html") ) }) test_that("modify_caption() works with vector of input", { expect_silent( tbl <- tbl_summary(trial, include = age) |> modify_caption(c("row one", "row two")) ) expect_equal( as_gt(tbl) |> getElement("_options") |> dplyr::filter(parameter == "table_caption") |> dplyr::pull("value") |> getElement(1L), c("row one", "row two"), ignore_attr = TRUE ) })