skip_on_cran() t1_summary <- trial |> select(trt, age, death) |> tbl_summary() t2_regression <- glm(response ~ age + grade, trial, family = binomial(link = "logit")) |> tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) t3_uvregression <- tbl_uvregression( trial |> dplyr::select(response, age, grade), method = glm, y = response, method.args = list(family = binomial), exponentiate = TRUE ) t4_regression_merged <- tbl_merge(list( lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl), mtcars) |> tbl_regression(), lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl), mtcars |> dplyr::filter(cyl != 4)) |> tbl_regression() )) test_that("as_tibble works with standard use", { expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t1_summary)) expect_silent(as_tibble(t1_summary, return_calls = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(res |> expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t2_regression)) expect_snapshot(res |> expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t3_uvregression)) expect_snapshot(res |> }) test_that("as_tibble(col_labels) works", { # col_labels = FALSE expect_equal( as_tibble(t2_regression, col_labels = FALSE) |> names(), c("label", "estimate", "conf.low", "p.value") ) # col_labels = TRUE expect_equal( as_tibble(t2_regression) |> names(), c("**Characteristic**", "**OR**", "**95% CI**", "**p-value**") ) }) test_that("as_tibble works with bold/italics", { t1_summary <- t1_summary |> bold_labels() |> italicize_levels() t2_regression <- t2_regression |> bold_labels() |> italicize_levels() t3_uvregression <- t3_uvregression |> bold_levels() |> italicize_labels() expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t1_summary)) expect_equal( names(res), c("**Characteristic**", "**N = 200**") ) expect_equal( res$`**Characteristic**`, c("__Chemotherapy Treatment__", "_Drug A_", "_Drug B_", "__Age__", "_Unknown_", "__Patient Died__") ) expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t2_regression)) expect_equal( names(res), c("**Characteristic**", "**OR**", "**95% CI**", "**p-value**") ) expect_equal( res$`**Characteristic**`, c("__Age__", "__Grade__", "_I_", "_II_", "_III_") ) expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t3_uvregression)) expect_equal( names(res), c("**Characteristic**", "**N**", "**OR**", "**95% CI**", "**p-value**") ) expect_equal( res$`**Characteristic**`, c("_Age_", "_Grade_", "__I__", "__II__", "__III__") ) }) test_that("as_tibble works with bold_p()", { t2_regression <- t2_regression |> bold_p(t = 0.10) bold_p_data <- data.frame( x = c(rep("YES", 10), rep("NO", 10)), y = c(rep("YES", 9), rep("NO", 11)), a = c(rep(c(rep("YES", 5), rep("NO", 5)))), b = c(rep("YES", 4), rep("NO", 16)) ) expect_equal( bold_p_data |> tbl_summary(by = x) |> add_p() |> bold_labels() |> bold_p() |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(p.value), c("__<0.001__", ">0.9", "0.087") ) expect_equal( as_tibble(t2_regression, col_labels = FALSE)$p.value, c("__0.10__", NA, NA, "0.7", ">0.9") ) }) test_that("as_tibble works with formatting functions", { t2_regression_modify_fmt <- t2_regression |> modify_fmt_fun( p.value ~ function(x) style_pvalue(x, digits = 3), rows = variable == "grade" ) |> modify_fmt_fun( estimate ~ function(x) style_ratio(x, digits = 4, decimal.mark = ",") ) expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t2_regression_modify_fmt, col_labels = FALSE)) # formatted cells expect_equal( res$p.value, c("0.10", NA, NA, "0.688", "0.972") ) # formatted column expect_equal( res$estimate, c("1,0191", NA, NA, "0,8535", "1,0136") ) t3_uvregression_modify_fmt <- t3_uvregression |> modify_fmt_fun( stat_n ~ function(x) style_number(x, digits = 2), rows = variable == "age" ) |> modify_fmt_fun( stat_n ~ label_style_number(digits = 4), rows = variable == "grade" ) |> modify_fmt_fun( c(conf.low, conf.high) ~ label_style_sigfig(digits = 3) ) expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t3_uvregression_modify_fmt, col_labels = FALSE)) # formatted cell expect_equal( res$stat_n, c("183.00", "193.0000", NA, NA, NA) ) # formatted column expect_equal( res$conf.low, c("0.997, 1.04", NA, NA, "0.446, 2.00", "0.524, 2.29") ) }) test_that("as_tibble works with tbl_merge", { expect_silent(res <- as_tibble(t4_regression_merged, col_labels = FALSE)) expect_equal( names(res), c("label", "estimate_1", "conf.low_1", "p.value_1", "estimate_2", "conf.low_2", "p.value_2") ) }) test_that("as_tibble(fmt_missing) works", { expect_silent( res <- t4_regression_merged |> as_tibble(fmt_missing = TRUE, col_labels = FALSE) ) # fmt_missing = TRUE, default missing_symbol expect_equal( res$estimate_1, c(NA_character_, "—", "-6.9", "-12") ) expect_equal( res$estimate_2, c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "—", "-4.6") ) # fmt_missing = FALSE expect_equal( t4_regression_merged |> as_tibble(fmt_missing = FALSE, col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(estimate_1), c(NA_character_, NA_character_, "-6.9", "-12") ) # fmt_missing = TRUE, custom missing_symbol expect_equal( trial |> select(age) |> tbl_summary() |> modify_table_body( ~ .x |> mutate(stat_0 = NA_character_) ) |> modify_missing_symbol(stat_0, rows = !, symbol = "n / a") |> as_tibble(fmt_missing = TRUE, col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(stat_0), c("n / a", "n / a") ) }) test_that("as_tibble works with grouped columns", { tbl <- tbl_summary(trial, include = age, missing = "no") tbl <- tbl_stack(list(tbl, tbl), group_header = c("T1", "T2")) expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(groupname_col), c("T1", "T2") ) }) test_that(" works as expected", { expect_equal( t1_summary |> as_tibble() |>, t1_summary |> ) })