skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("broom.helpers", "broom", "survival", "survey"))) test_that("tbl_uvregression(x)", { expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, x = trt, include = c(marker, age), show_single_row = trt, method = lm ) ) expect_snapshot( expect_equal( tbl1$tbls$age$inputs$x |> broom::tidy(), lm(age ~ trt, trial) |> broom::tidy() ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(method)", { # first passing method three way, and checking equality of results expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, include = c(marker, grade), method = lm ) ) expect_silent( tbl2 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, include = c(marker, grade), method = "lm" ) ) expect_silent( tbl3 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, include = c(marker, grade), method = stats::lm ) ) expect_equal(, expect_equal(, expect_snapshot( }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(method.args)", { # testing typical use of the argument expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = c(age, trt) ) ) # check Ns are correct expect_equal( tbl1$table_body$stat_n |> na.omit(), c(trial[c("response", "age")] |> na.omit() |> nrow(), trial[c("response", "trt")] |> na.omit() |> nrow()), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # check model coefs are correct expect_equal( tbl1$table_body$estimate |> na.omit(), c(glm(response ~ age, trial, family = binomial) |> coef() |> getElement("age"), glm(response ~ trt, trial, family = binomial) |> coef() |> getElement("trtDrug B")), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # check with NSE argument expect_error( tbl2 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = survival::Surv(ttdeath, death), method = survival::coxph, method.args = list(id = response), include = c(age, trt) ), NA ) # check models are the same expect_equal( tbl2$tbls$age$inputs$x |> broom::tidy(), survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ age, trial, id = response) |> broom::tidy() ) expect_equal( tbl2$tbls$trt$inputs$x |> broom::tidy(), survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt, trial, id = response) |> broom::tidy() ) expect_snapshot( }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(exponentiate)", { expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = c(age, trt), exponentiate = TRUE ) ) expect_equal( tbl1$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(column == "estimate") |> dplyr::pull("label"), "**OR**" ) expect_equal( tbl1$table_body$estimate[1], glm(response ~ age, trial, family = binomial) |> broom::tidy(exponentiate = TRUE) |> dplyr::pull("estimate") |> dplyr::last() ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(label)", { expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = marker, method = lm, include = c(age, trt), label = list(age = "AGE", trt = "TRT") ) ) expect_equal( tbl1$table_body$label[1:2], c("AGE", "TRT"), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_silent( tbl2 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, x = trt, method = lm, include = c(age, marker), label = list(age = "AGE", marker = "MARKER"), show_single_row = trt ) ) expect_equal( tbl2$table_body$label[1:2], c("AGE", "MARKER"), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(include)", { # check that trt is removed from include appropriately expect_silent( tbl1 <- trial |> dplyr::select(trt, age, marker) |> tbl_uvregression( x = trt, method = "lm", show_single_row = trt, include = everything() ) ) expect_equal(tbl1$inputs$include, c("age", "marker")) expect_snapshot( # check that ttdeath and death are removed from include expect_silent( tbl2 <- trial |> dplyr::select(ttdeath, death, age, marker) |> tbl_uvregression( y = survival::Surv(ttdeath, death), method = survival::coxph, exponentiate = TRUE, include = everything() ) ) expect_equal(tbl2$inputs$include, c("age", "marker")) expect_snapshot( # check that variables in the formula are removed from include expect_equal( trial |> select(age, grade, trt) |> tbl_uvregression( y = age, method = "lm", formula = "{y} ~ {x} + grade" ) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("variable") |> unique(), "trt" ) # check we get an error if no variables are selected expect_error( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = "lm", include = starts_with("xxxx") ), "The `include` argument cannot be empty" ) # ensure non-syntactic names work in the `include` variables expect_snapshot( mtcars |> dplyr::select(`M P G` = mpg, hp) |> tbl_uvregression(y = hp, method = lm) |> ) expect_snapshot( mtcars |> dplyr::select(`M P G` = mpg, hp) |> tbl_uvregression(x = hp, method = lm) |> ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(tidy_fun)", { # check the tidy_fun is respected expect_snapshot( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = marker, tidy_fun = function(x, ...) { cat("THIS IS MY CUSTOM MESSAGE!") broom::tidy(x, ...) } ) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(hide_n)", { expect_equal( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = marker, hide_n = TRUE ) |>, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = marker ) |> modify_column_hide(stat_n) |> ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(conf.level)", { expect_equal( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = marker, conf.level = 0.90 ) |> getElement("table_body") |> dplyr::select(conf.low, conf.high) |> as.list(), lm(age ~ marker, trial) |> broom::tidy(conf.level = 0.9, = TRUE) |> dplyr::filter(term == "marker") |> dplyr::select(conf.low, conf.high) |> as.list(), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(estimate_fun)", { expect_snapshot( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = c(marker, trt), estimate_fun = label_style_sigfig(digits = 4) ) |> = FALSE) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(pvalue_fun)", { expect_snapshot( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = c(marker, trt), pvalue_fun = label_style_pvalue(digits = 3) ) |> = FALSE) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(formula)", { expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = c(marker, trt), formula = "{y} ~ {x} + grade" ) ) expect_equal( tbl1$tbls$marker$inputs$x |> broom::tidy(), lm(age ~ marker + grade, trial) |> broom::tidy() ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(add_estimate_to_reference_rows)", { expect_equal( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = trt, add_estimate_to_reference_rows = TRUE, exponentiate = TRUE ) |> = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(estimate), c(NA, "1.00", "1.21") ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(", { expect_snapshot( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = trt, = FALSE ) |> ) }) # test the dots are passed on to broom.helpers, and the tidy function test_that("tbl_uvregression(...)", { expect_snapshot( tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = trt, add_header_rows = FALSE ) |> ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(x,y) messaging", { # expect error when both or neither x/y specified expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, method = lm, include = trt ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, x = age, y = marker, method = lm, include = trt ) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(formula) messaging", { # problems with formula argument expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = trt, formula = "{y} ~ {y}" ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = trt, formula = "{y} ~ {x} + {x}" ) ) # no tilda expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = trt, formula = "{y} {x}" ) ) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial |> dplyr::rename(`Tx Effect` = trt), y = "Tx Effect", method = glm, method.args = list(family = binomial), include = age ) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression(method.args) messaging", { # error with an incorrect argument passed expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = response, method = glm, method.args = list(not_an_arg = FALSE), include = trt ) ) expect_snapshot( tbl <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, method.args = list(not_an_arg = FALSE), include = trt ) ) }) test_that("tbl_uvregression() messaging", { # introduce an error in the `tbl_regression()` step expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = trt, tidy_fun = \(x, ...) stop("Inducing an error") ) ) expect_snapshot( tbl <- tbl_uvregression( trial, y = age, method = lm, include = trt, tidy_fun = \(x, ...) { warning("Inducing an warning") broom::tidy(x, ...) } ) ) }) # check function works with a object test_that("tbl_uvregression() with", { data(api, package = "survey") dclus2 <- survey::svydesign(id = ~dnum + snum, weights = ~pw, data = apiclus2) survey::svyglm(api00 ~ ell + meals + mobility, design = dclus2) expect_silent( tbl1 <- tbl_uvregression( dclus2, y = api00, include = c(ell, meals), method = survey::svyglm ) ) # check models are the same expect_equal( tbl1$tbls$ell$inputs$x |> broom::tidy(), survey::svyglm(api00 ~ ell, design = dclus2) |> broom::tidy() ) })