skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("survival", ref = "survival")) # univariate regression models t0 <- trial |> dplyr::select(response, trt, grade, age) |> tbl_uvregression( method = glm, y = response, method.args = list(family = binomial), exponentiate = TRUE, ) # MVA logistic regression t1 <- glm(response ~ trt + grade + age, trial, family = binomial) |> tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) # MVA cox regression t2 <- survival::coxph(survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ trt + grade + age, trial) |> tbl_regression( exponentiate = TRUE ) # tbl_stack adjusted model covars <- c("trt", "age") # get model covariates adjusted by stage and grade adj_mods <- map( covars, ~ survival::coxph( as.formula( paste("survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ grade + ", .x) ), trial ) |> tbl_regression( include = all_of(.x), exponentiate = TRUE ) ) # now get stage and grade models adjusted for each other adj_mods[["grade_mod"]] <- survival::coxph( as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ grade")), trial ) |> tbl_regression(exponentiate = TRUE) # stack all your adjusted models t3 <- tbl_stack(adj_mods) test_that("tbl_merge works with standard use", { # apply tbl_merge expect_silent( t4 <- tbl_merge( tbls = list(t0, t1, t2, t3), tab_spanner = c("UVA Tumor Response", "MVA Tumor Response", "MVA Time to Death", "TTD Adjusted for grade") ) ) # same number of rows after merge expect_true(nrow(t0$table_body) == nrow(t4$table_body)) expect_true(nrow(t1$table_body) == nrow(t4$table_body)) expect_true(nrow(t2$table_body) == nrow(t4$table_body)) expect_true(nrow(t3$table_body) == nrow(t4$table_body)) # correct spanning headers expect_equal( t4$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(!hide) |> dplyr::pull(spanning_header), c(NA, rep("UVA Tumor Response", 4), rep("MVA Tumor Response", 3), rep("MVA Time to Death", 3), rep("TTD Adjusted for grade", 3)) ) }) test_that("tbl_merge orders columns correctly", { t4 <- tbl_merge( tbls = list(t0, t1, t2, t3), tab_spanner = c("UVA Tumor Response", "MVA Tumor Response", "MVA Time to Death", "TTD Adjusted for grade") ) # table body is constructed in correct order expect_equal(t4$tbls[[1]]$table_body, t0$table_body) expect_equal(t4$tbls[[2]]$table_body, t1$table_body) expect_equal(t4$tbls[[3]]$table_body, t2$table_body) expect_equal(t4$tbls[[4]]$table_body, t3$table_body) expect_equal( t4 |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE), t4 |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> select(label, ends_with("_1"), ends_with("_2"), ends_with("_3"), ends_with("_4")) ) }) test_that("tbl_merge works with no spanning header", { expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_merge(list(t0, t1, t2, t3), tab_spanner = FALSE)) expect_true( tbl$table_styling$header$spanning_header |> |> all() ) }) test_that("tbl_merge works with a single table", { t5 <- trial |> dplyr::select(age, grade, response) |> tbl_summary(missing = "no") |> add_n() expect_silent(tbl <- tbl_merge(list(t5))) # tbls has length 1 expect_equal(length(tbl$tbls), 1) # table_body unchanged except for labels expect_equal( tbl |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE), t5 |> as_tibble(col_labels = FALSE) |> dplyr::rename( n_1 = n, stat_0_1 = stat_0, ) ) # correct spanning header expect_equal( tbl$table_styling$header$spanning_header, c(rep(NA, 4), rep("**Table 1**", 3)) ) }) test_that("tbl_merge works with more complex merge", { suppressMessages(theme_gtsummary_journal("jama")) t1 <- trial[c("age", "grade", "response")] |> tbl_summary( missing = "no", type = list(where(is.numeric) ~ "continuous2"), include = c(age, response) ) |> add_n() |> modify_header(stat_0 ~ "**Summary Statistics**") t2 <- tbl_uvregression( trial[c("ttdeath", "death", "age", "grade", "response")], method = survival::coxph, y = survival::Surv(ttdeath, death), exponentiate = TRUE, hide_n = TRUE, include = c(age, response) ) expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(tbls = list(t1, t2)) |> modify_spanning_header(everything() ~ NA) |> ) reset_gtsummary_theme() }) test_that("tbl_merge returns expected message when nonunique columns present", { expect_message( tbl_merge(list(tbl_stack(list(t1, t1)))), "not unique and the merge may fail or result in a malformed table" ) }) test_that("tbl_merge throws expected errors", { # input must be a list expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(t1), error = TRUE ) # tables must be gtsummary tables expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(list(mtcars)), error = TRUE ) # correct spanning header type expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(tbls = list(t0, t1), tab_spanner = 1), error = TRUE ) # correct spanning header length expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(tbls = list(t0, t1), tab_spanner = c("Table")), error = TRUE ) tbl <- .create_gtsummary_object(table_body = head(mtcars)) |> modify_column_unhide(everything()) # gtsummary tables must be correctly formatted expect_snapshot( tbl_merge(list(tbl, tbl)), error = TRUE ) })