skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("broom.helpers", "cardx"))) test_that("tidy_standardize()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("parameters", "effectsize"))) expect_snapshot( lm(age ~ grade + marker, trial) |> tidy_standardize() ) }) test_that("tidy_bootstrap()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("parameters", "withr"))) withr::local_seed(11235) expect_error( df <- lm(age ~ grade + marker, trial) |> tidy_bootstrap(exponentiate = TRUE) |> suppressWarnings(), # ignores deprecation warning out of our control present on 2024-10-02. Can later be deleted NA ) expect_snapshot(df) }) test_that("tidy_wald_test()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("aod"))) expect_snapshot( lm(age ~ grade + marker, trial) |> tidy_wald_test(exponentiate = TRUE) ) }) test_that("tidy_robust()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed(c("parameters", "insight"))) expect_snapshot( lm(age ~ grade + marker, trial) |> tidy_robust(exponentiate = TRUE) ) })