skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("cardx")) my_ttest <- function(data, variable, by, ...) { t.test(data[[variable]] ~ as.factor(data[[by]]))$p.value } my_ttest2 <- function(data, variable, by, ...) { tt <- t.test(data[[variable]] ~ as.factor(data[[by]])) # returning test statistic and pvalue glue::glue( "t={style_sigfig(tt$statistic)}, {style_pvalue(tt$p.value, prepend_p = TRUE)}" ) } tbl <- trial %>% select(trt, age, marker) %>% tbl_summary(by = trt, missing = "no") test_that("add_stat() works with fns that return a scalar", { expect_error( test1 <- tbl |> add_p(test = everything() ~ t.test) |> # replicating result of `add_p()` with `add_stat()` add_stat( fns = everything() ~ my_ttest # all variables compared with with t-test ), NA ) # checking the pvalues match expect_equal( test1$table_body$p.value, test1$table_body$add_stat_1 ) expect_error( tbl |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ my_ttest2, # all variables will be compared by t-test ), NA ) }) test_that("add_stat() works with fns that returns a vector", { return_three_10s <- function(...) rep_len(10, 3) expect_equal( trial |> tbl_summary(include = grade) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_three_10s, location = all_categorical() ~ "level" ) |> = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(add_stat_1), c(NA, "10.0", "10.0", "10.0") ) expect_equal( trial |> tbl_summary( include = age, type = age ~ "continuous2", statistic = everything() ~ c("{mean}", "{min}", "{max}") ) %>% add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_three_10s, location = everything() ~ "level" ) |> = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(add_stat_1), c(NA, "10.0", "10.0", "10.0", NA) ) }) test_that("add_stat() works with fns that returns a tibble", { return_two_by_two_10s <- function(...) dplyr::tibble(one = rep_len(10, 2), two = rep_len(10, 2)) expect_equal( trial |> tbl_summary( include = age, type = age ~ "continuous2", statistic = everything() ~ c("{mean}", "{sd}") ) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_two_by_two_10s, location = everything() ~ "level" ) |> as_tibble(col_label = FALSE) |> dplyr::select(one, two), dplyr::bind_rows( dplyr::tibble(one = NA, two = NA), return_two_by_two_10s(), dplyr::tibble(one = NA, two = NA) ) |> dplyr::mutate(across(everything(), label_style_sigfig(digits = 3))) ) return_one_by_two_10s <- function(...) dplyr::tibble(one = rep_len(10, 1), two = rep_len(10, 1)) expect_equal( trial |> tbl_summary( include = age, type = age ~ "continuous2", statistic = everything() ~ c("{mean}", "{sd}"), missing = "always" ) %>% add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_one_by_two_10s, location = everything() ~ "missing" ) |> as_tibble(col_label = FALSE) |> dplyr::select(one, two), dplyr::bind_rows( dplyr::tibble(one = c(NA, NA, NA), two = c(NA, NA, NA)), return_one_by_two_10s(), ) |> dplyr::mutate(across(everything(), label_style_sigfig(digits = 3))) ) }) test_that("add_stat(fns) messaging", { # pass a function, but it does not accept the correct arguments expect_snapshot( result <- tbl |> add_stat(fns = everything() ~ mean) ) return_two_by_two_10s <- function(...) dplyr::tibble(one = rep_len(10, 2), two = rep_len(10, 2)) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, trial |> tbl_summary( include = age, type = age ~ "continuous2", statistic = everything() ~ c("{mean}", "{sd}") ) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_two_by_two_10s, location = everything() ~ "label" ) ) return_two_by_two_10s <- function(...) dplyr::tibble(one = rep_len(10, 2), two = rep_len(10, 2)) expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, trial |> tbl_summary( include = age, type = age ~ "continuous2", statistic = everything() ~ c("{mean}", "{sd}") ) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_two_by_two_10s, location = everything() ~ "level" ) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_two_by_two_10s, location = everything() ~ "level" ) ) }) test_that("add_stat(x) messaging", { # function only accepts certain gtsummary tables expect_snapshot( error = TRUE, mtcars |> add_stat(fns = everything() ~ my_ttest2) ) }) # `tbl_continuous()` tests test_that("add_stat() for 'tbl_continuous'", { tt <- trial |> tbl_continuous( age, include = grade, by = trt ) add_stat_test1 <- function(data, variable, by, ...) { dplyr::tibble(addtl = "Data from elsewhere") } expect_equal( tt |> add_stat(fns = everything() ~ add_stat_test1) |> as_tibble() |> dplyr::pull(addtl), c("Data from elsewhere", NA, NA, NA) ) }) test_that("add_stat(location) for 'tbl_continuous'", { tt <- trial |> tbl_continuous( age, include = grade, by = trt ) p_vals <- trial |> dplyr::group_split(grade) |> map_dbl(~ t.test(.x[["age"]] ~ .x[["trt"]])$p.value)|> round(3) |> as.character() add_stat_test2 <- function(data, variable, by, tbl, ...) { data |> dplyr::group_split(!!sym(tbl$inputs$include)) |> map_dbl(~ t.test(.x[[tbl$inputs$variable]] ~ .x[[by]])$p.value) } expect_equal( tt |> add_stat(fns = everything() ~ add_stat_test2, location = everything() ~ "level") |> as_tibble() |> dplyr::pull(add_stat_1), c(NA, p_vals) ) }) # adding test against a `tbl_svysummary()` object test_that("add_stat() with tbl_svysummary()", { skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("survey")) return_three_10s <- function(...) rep_len(10, 3) expect_equal( survey::svydesign(~1, data = trial, weights = ~1) |> tbl_svysummary(include = grade) |> add_stat( fns = everything() ~ return_three_10s, location = all_categorical() ~ "level" ) |> = FALSE) |> dplyr::pull(add_stat_1), c(NA, "10.0", "10.0", "10.0") ) }) test_that("add_stat() with curly braces in errors/warnings", { expect_snapshot({ curly_warning <- \(x, ...) { warning("{curly} warning"); 10 } tbl |> add_stat(fns = ~ curly_warning) |> }) expect_snapshot({ curly_error <- \(x, ...) { stop("{curly} error") } tbl |> add_stat(fns = ~ curly_error) |> }) })