skip_on_cran() skip_if_not(is_pkg_installed("withr", reference_pkg = "gtsummary")) levels <- c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Agree", "Strongly Agree") df_likert <- withr::with_seed( seed = 11235, data.frame( recommend_friend = sample(levels, size = 20, replace = TRUE) |> factor(levels = levels), regret_purchase = sample(levels, size = 20, replace = TRUE) |> factor(levels = levels) ) ) test_that("tbl_likert(data)", { # standard use works well expect_snapshot( df_likert |> tbl_likert() |> add_n() |> ) # errors with bad input expect_error( tbl_likert(letters), "The `data` argument must be class" ) }) test_that("tbl_likert(statistic)", { # standard use works well expect_snapshot( df_likert |> tbl_likert(statistic = ~"{n} / {N} ({p}%)") |> ) # errors with bad inputs expect_error( df_likert |> tbl_likert(statistic = ~letters), "Values pass in `statistic` argument must be strings" ) # statistic doesn't have any glue syntax expect_error( df_likert |> tbl_likert(statistic = ~"n / N"), "The `statistic` argument string does not contain any glue element" ) # statistic has stats that are not available expect_error( df_likert |> tbl_likert(statistic = ~"{n} ({sd})"), "are not valid" ) }) test_that("tbl_likert(label)", { expect_equal( df_likert |> tbl_likert(label = list(recommend_friend = "I Would Recommend to a Friend")) |> getElement("table_body") |> getElement("label") |> head(1L), "I Would Recommend to a Friend" ) expect_error( df_likert |> tbl_likert(label = list(recommend_friend = letters)), "Values pass in `label` argument must be strings." ) }) test_that("tbl_likert(digits)", { # standard use works well expect_snapshot( df_likert |> tbl_likert(digits = ~list(p = label_style_sigfig(digits = 3, scale = 100))) |> ) # errors with bad inputs expect_error( df_likert |> tbl_likert(digits = ~letters), "Error in `digits` argument for variable" ) }) test_that("tbl_likert(include)", { expect_error( mtcars |> tbl_likert(include = mpg), "All variables in the `include` argument must be" ) expect_error( df_likert |> dplyr::mutate( bad_fct = recommend_friend |> fct_expand("anoter_level") ) |> tbl_likert(include = everything()), "All variables in the `include` argument must have the same factor levels" ) }) test_that("tbl_likert(sort)", { expect_snapshot( df_likert |> tbl_likert(sort = "descending") |> ) })