R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-03 r87683 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(sp) > > data(meuse) > data(meuse.grid) > > set.seed(13131) # reproduce results > > # select 10 random rows; > # create two missing values in the coordinates: > m = meuse.grid[sample(nrow(meuse.grid), 10), ] > m[c(2,8), "x"] = NA > > library(gstat) > ## this is not allowed anymore: > try(krige(log(zinc)~1,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.pass)) Error in na.fail.default(structure(list(x = c(179220, NA, 178740, 179300, : missing values in object > try(krige(log(zinc)~1,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.omit)) Error in na.fail.default(structure(list(x = c(179220, NA, 178740, 179300, : missing values in object > try(krige(log(zinc)~1,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.exclude)) Error in na.fail.default(structure(list(x = c(179220, NA, 178740, 179300, : missing values in object > try(krige(log(zinc)~1,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.fail)) Error in na.fail.default(structure(list(x = c(179220, NA, 178740, 179300, : missing values in object > > # select 10 random rows; > # create two missing values in the regressor variable: > m = meuse.grid[sample(nrow(meuse.grid), 10), ] > m[c(3,7), "dist"] = NA > krige(log(zinc)~dist,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.pass) [ordinary or weighted least squares prediction] x y var1.pred var1.var 1 178860 330860 6.530134 0.2415196 2 180260 331860 5.389567 0.2406041 3 180100 331860 NA NA 4 180460 331820 5.213370 0.2417197 5 179660 330580 5.550859 0.2398778 6 179740 330300 6.108648 0.2395392 7 180220 330660 NA NA 8 178580 329820 6.533801 0.2415453 9 180100 331900 5.580264 0.2397758 10 180780 331900 5.095967 0.2426499 > krige(log(zinc)~dist,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.omit) [ordinary or weighted least squares prediction] x y var1.pred var1.var 1877 178860 330860 6.530134 0.2415196 1015 180260 331860 5.389567 0.2406041 1056 180460 331820 5.213370 0.2417197 2199 179660 330580 5.550859 0.2398778 2556 179740 330300 6.108648 0.2395392 2985 178580 329820 6.533801 0.2415453 975 180100 331900 5.580264 0.2397758 992 180780 331900 5.095967 0.2426499 > krige(log(zinc)~dist,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.exclude) [ordinary or weighted least squares prediction] x y var1.pred var1.var 1877 178860 330860 6.530134 0.2415196 1015 180260 331860 5.389567 0.2406041 1056 180460 331820 5.213370 0.2417197 2199 179660 330580 5.550859 0.2398778 2556 179740 330300 6.108648 0.2395392 2985 178580 329820 6.533801 0.2415453 975 180100 331900 5.580264 0.2397758 992 180780 331900 5.095967 0.2426499 > try(krige(log(zinc)~dist,~x+y,meuse,m, na.action = na.fail)) Error in na.fail.default(structure(list(dist = c(0.00135803, 0.423804, : missing values in object > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.90 0.25 1.09