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Type 'q()' to quit R. > options(digits=6) > # illustrates the use of merge, for merging parameters accross variables: > # Z1=m+e1(s) > # Z2=m+e2(s) > # Z1 and Z2 each have a different variogram, but share the parameter m > # see documentation of gstat() function > library(gstat) > d1 = data.frame(x=c(0,2),y=c(0,0),z=c(0,1)) > d2 = data.frame(x=c(0,2),y=c(2,2),z=c(4,5)) > g = gstat(NULL,"d1", z~1,~x+y,d1,model=vgm(1, "Exp", 1)) > g = gstat(g,"d2", z~1,~x+y,d2,model=vgm(1, "Exp", 1), merge=c("d1","d2")) > g = gstat(g, c("d1", "d2"), model = vgm(0.5, "Exp", 1)) > predict(g, data.frame(x=1,y=1), debug = 32) Intrinsic Correlation found. Good. [using ordinary cokriging] we're at location X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 0 zero block size we're at point X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 0 # X: #Matrix: 4 by 1 rbind( c( 1.000000), # row 1 c( 1.000000), # row 2 c( 1.000000), # row 3 c( 1.000000) # row 4 ) [using generalized covariances: max_val - semivariance()] # Covariances (x_i, x_j) matrix C (upper triangle): #Matrix: 4 by 4 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.135335, 0.067668, 0.029553), # row 1 c( 0.135335, 1.000000, 0.029553, 0.067668), # row 2 c( 0.067668, 0.029553, 1.000000, 0.135335), # row 3 c( 0.029553, 0.067668, 0.135335, 1.000000) # row 4 ) # glm->C, Choleski decomposed:: #Matrix: 4 by 4 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.135335, 0.067668, 0.029553), # row 1 c( 0.000000, 0.990800, 0.020584, 0.064259), # row 2 c( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.997496, 0.132344), # row 3 c( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.988677) # row 4 ) # X'C-1 X: #Matrix: 1 by 1 rbind( c( 3.245289) # row 1 ) # beta: #Vector: dim: 1 c( 2.500000) # Cov(beta), (X'C-1 X)-1: #Matrix: 1 by 1 rbind( c( 0.308139) # row 1 ) # Corr(beta): #Matrix: 1 by 1 rbind( c( 1.000000) # row 1 ) # X0 (X values at prediction location x0): #Matrix: 1 by 2 rbind( c( 1.000000, 1.000000) # row 1 ) # BLUE(mu), E(y(x0)) = X0'beta: #Vector: dim: 2 c( 2.500000, 2.500000) # Covariances (x_i, x_0), C0: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.243117, 0.121558), # row 1 c( 0.243117, 0.121558), # row 2 c( 0.121558, 0.243117), # row 3 c( 0.121558, 0.243117) # row 4 ) # C-1 C0: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.206482, 0.089387), # row 1 c( 0.206482, 0.089387), # row 2 c( 0.089387, 0.206482), # row 3 c( 0.089387, 0.206482) # row 4 ) # [a] Cov_ij(B,B) or Cov_ij(0,0): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.500000), # row 1 c( 0.500000, 1.000000) # row 2 ) # [c] (x0-X'C-1 c0)'(X'C-1 X)-1(x0-X'C-1 c0): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 0.051360, 0.051360), # row 1 c( 0.051360, 0.051360) # row 2 ) # [b] c0'C-1 c0: #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 0.122130, 0.093662), # row 1 c( 0.093662, 0.122130) # row 2 ) # Best Linear Unbiased Predictor: #Vector: dim: 2 c( 2.031619, 2.968381) # MSPE ([a]-[b]+[c]): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 0.929230, 0.457698), # row 1 c( 0.457698, 0.929230) # row 2 ) # kriging weights: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.308548, 0.191452), # row 1 c( 0.308548, 0.191452), # row 2 c( 0.191452, 0.308548), # row 3 c( 0.191452, 0.308548) # row 4 ) x y d1.pred d1.var d2.pred d2.var cov.d1.d2 1 1 1 2.03162 0.92923 2.96838 0.92923 0.457698 > > # Z1 and Z2 share a regression slope: > g = gstat(NULL,"d1", z~x,~x+y,d1,model=vgm(1, "Exp", 1)) > g = gstat(g,"d2", z~x,~x+y,d2,model=vgm(1, "Exp", 1), + merge=list(c("d1",2,"d2",2))) > g = gstat(g, c("d1", "d2"), model = vgm(0.5, "Exp", 1)) > predict(g, data.frame(x=1,y=1), debug = 32) Intrinsic Correlation found. Good. [using universal cokriging] we're at location X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 0 zero block size we're at point X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 0 # X: #Matrix: 4 by 3 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), # row 1 c( 1.000000, 2.000000, 0.000000), # row 2 c( 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000), # row 3 c( 0.000000, 2.000000, 1.000000) # row 4 ) [using generalized covariances: max_val - semivariance()] # Covariances (x_i, x_j) matrix C (upper triangle): #Matrix: 4 by 4 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.135335, 0.067668, 0.029553), # row 1 c( 0.135335, 1.000000, 0.029553, 0.067668), # row 2 c( 0.067668, 0.029553, 1.000000, 0.135335), # row 3 c( 0.029553, 0.067668, 0.135335, 1.000000) # row 4 ) # glm->C, Choleski decomposed:: #Matrix: 4 by 4 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.135335, 0.067668, 0.029553), # row 1 c( 0.000000, 0.990800, 0.020584, 0.064259), # row 2 c( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.997496, 0.132344), # row 3 c( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.988677) # row 4 ) # X'C-1 X: #Matrix: 3 by 3 rbind( c( 1.774607, 1.622645, -0.151962), # row 1 c( 1.622645, 7.676050, 1.622645), # row 2 c(-0.151962, 1.622645, 1.774607) # row 3 ) # beta: #Vector: dim: 3 c( 0.000000, 0.500000, 4.000000) # Cov(beta), (X'C-1 X)-1: #Matrix: 3 by 3 rbind( c( 0.793363, -0.225695, 0.274305), # row 1 c(-0.225695, 0.225695, -0.225695), # row 2 c( 0.274305, -0.225695, 0.793363) # row 3 ) # Corr(beta): #Matrix: 3 by 3 rbind( c( 1.000000, -0.533366, 0.345750), # row 1 c(-0.533366, 1.000000, -0.533366), # row 2 c( 0.345750, -0.533366, 1.000000) # row 3 ) # X0 (X values at prediction location x0): #Matrix: 3 by 2 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.000000), # row 1 c( 1.000000, 1.000000), # row 2 c( 0.000000, 1.000000) # row 3 ) # BLUE(mu), E(y(x0)) = X0'beta: #Vector: dim: 2 c( 0.500000, 4.500000) # Covariances (x_i, x_0), C0: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.243117, 0.121558), # row 1 c( 0.243117, 0.121558), # row 2 c( 0.121558, 0.243117), # row 3 c( 0.121558, 0.243117) # row 4 ) # C-1 C0: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.206482, 0.089387), # row 1 c( 0.206482, 0.089387), # row 2 c( 0.089387, 0.206482), # row 3 c( 0.089387, 0.206482) # row 4 ) # [a] Cov_ij(B,B) or Cov_ij(0,0): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 1.000000, 0.500000), # row 1 c( 0.500000, 1.000000) # row 2 ) # [c] (x0-X'C-1 c0)'(X'C-1 X)-1(x0-X'C-1 c0): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 0.203564, -0.100844), # row 1 c(-0.100844, 0.203564) # row 2 ) # [b] c0'C-1 c0: #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 0.122130, 0.093662), # row 1 c( 0.093662, 0.122130) # row 2 ) # Best Linear Unbiased Predictor: #Vector: dim: 2 c( 0.500000, 4.500000) # MSPE ([a]-[b]+[c]): #Matrix: 2 by 2 rbind( c( 1.081434, 0.305494), # row 1 c( 0.305494, 1.081434) # row 2 ) # kriging weights: #Matrix: 4 by 2 rbind( c( 0.500000, 0.000000), # row 1 c( 0.500000, 0.000000), # row 2 c( 0.000000, 0.500000), # row 3 c( 0.000000, 0.500000) # row 4 ) x y d1.pred d1.var d2.pred d2.var cov.d1.d2 1 1 1 0.5 1.08143 4.5 1.08143 0.305494 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.85 0.21 1.06