################################################# # Test plotASN function ################################################# ## The benchmark values for testing plotASN() are obtained from East 6.5 ## chart in the East 6.5 workbook - benchmarks/gsDelta.cywx ## Validate gsDesign benchmrk data from plotASN function. xx <- gsDesign(k = 2, test.type = 1, alpha = 0.025,beta = 0.1, delta1 = 0.3, sfu = sfLDOF,n.fix = 466.9965809) pltob <- plotASN(xx) test_that( desc = "check the sample size", code = { ## at delta = 0.06 obs <- subset(pltob$data, x == 0.06)$y exptd <- 467.1517045 ## The tolerance is high (=1e-2) ## because such differences are expected from the different softwares. expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 1e-2) ## at delta = 0.24 obs <- subset(pltob$data, x == 0.24)$y exptd <- 438.103876 expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 1e-2) ## at delta = 0.3 obs <- subset(pltob$data, x == 0.3)$y exptd <- 409.427932 expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 1e-2) } ) ## Validate gsSurv benchmrk data from plotASN function. ## expected sample size vs treatment effect chart x <- gsSurv(k = 4, sfl = sfPower, sflpar = .5, lambdaC = log(2) / 6, hr = .5, eta = log(2) / 40, gamma = 1, T = 36, minfup = 12) pltobj <- plotASN(x) ## check plot data values test_that( desc = "check expected sample sizes", code = { ## at HR = 1 obs <- subset(pltobj$data, x == 1.0)$y exptd <- 47.143 expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 2) ## at delta = 0.75785828 obs <- subset(pltobj$data, x > 0.74 & x < 0.78)$y exptd <- 69.732 ## The tolerance is high (= 2) as the computations for survival design ## are based on slightly different formulae in East and gsDesign. expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 2) ## at delta = 0.5 obs <- subset(pltobj$data, x == 0.5)$y exptd <- 72.2 expect_lte(abs(obs - exptd), 2) } ) test_that("plotASN: plots for gSurv objects are correctly rendered", { vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plotASN gSurv", plotASN(x)) }) test_that("plotASN: plots for gsDesign objects are correctly rendered", { vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("plotASN gsDesign", plotASN(xx)) })