source('../gsDesign_independent_code.R') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hGraph : hGraph() plots a multiplicity graph defined by user inputs. The graph # can also be used with the **gMCPLite** package to evaluate a set of # nominal p-values for the tests of the hypotheses in the graph #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testthat::test_that("test : checking basic graph layout", { x <- hGraph() save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_1.png") }) testthat::test_that("test : checking note clockwise ordering", { x <- hGraph(5) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_2.png") }) testthat::test_that("test : Add colors (default is 3 gray shades)", { x <- hGraph(3, fill = 1:3) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_3.png") }) testthat::test_that("test : Use a hue palette ", { x <- hGraph(4, fill = factor(1:4), palette = scales::hue_pal(l = 75)(4)) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_4.png") }) # different alpha allocation, hypothesis names and transitions testthat::test_that("test: different alpha allocation, hypothesis names and transitions", { alphaHypotheses <- c(.005, .007, .013) nameHypotheses <- c("ORR", "PFS", "OS") m <- matrix(c( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) x <- hGraph(3, alphaHypotheses = alphaHypotheses, nameHypotheses = nameHypotheses, m = m) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_5.png") }) # Custom position and size of ellipses, change text to multi-line text # Adjust box width # add legend in middle of plot testthat::test_that("test: Custom position and size of ellipses, change text to multi-line text", { cbPalette <- c( "#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7") x <- hGraph(3, x = sqrt(0:2), y = c(1, 3, 1.5), size = 6, halfWid = .3, halfHgt = .3, trhw = 0.6, palette = cbPalette[2:4], fill = c(1, 2, 2), legend.position = c(.95, .45), = "Legend:", labels = c("Group 1", "Group 2"), nameHypotheses = c("H1:\n Long name", "H2:\n Longer name", "H3:\n Longest name")) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_6.png") }) testthat::test_that("test: number of digits to show for alphaHypotheses", { x <- hGraph(nHypotheses = 3, size = 5, halfWid = 1.25, trhw = 0.25, radianStart = pi/2, offset = pi/20, arrowsize = .03, digits = 3) save_plot_obj <- save_gg_plot(x) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_file(save_plot_obj, "plot_hGraph_7.png") })