#---------------------------------- ### Testing LaTeX output for gsSurv #---------------------------------- test_that( desc = "test: Checking LaTeX output for gsSurv", code = { x <- gsSurv( k = 4, sfl = sfPower, sflpar = .5, lambdaC = log(2) / 6, hr = .5, eta = log(2) / 40, gamma = 1, T = 36, minfup = 12 ) local_edition(3) # use the 3rd edition of the testthat package expect_snapshot_output(x = xprint(xtable::xtable(x), comment = FALSE)) } ) test_that( desc = "test: Checking LaTeX output for gsSurv for footnote not NULL", code = { x <- gsSurv( k = 4, sfl = sfPower, sflpar = .5, lambdaC = log(2) / 6, hr = .5, eta = log(2) / 40, gamma = 1, T = 36, minfup = 12 ) local_edition(3) # use the 3rd edition of the testthat package expect_snapshot_output(x = xprint(xtable::xtable(x, footnote = "This is a footnote; note that it can be wide.", caption = "Caption example." ), comment = FALSE)) } ) test_that( desc = "Check LaTeX output for gsSurv for testtype = 1", code = { x <- gsSurv( k = 4, sfl = sfPower, sflpar = .5, lambdaC = log(2) / 6, hr = .5, eta = log(2) / 40, gamma = 1, T = 36, minfup = 12, test.type = 1 ) local_edition(3) # use the 3rd edition of the testthat package expect_snapshot_output(x = xprint(xtable::xtable(x, footnote = "This is a footnote; note that it can be wide.", caption = "Caption example." ), comment = FALSE)) } )