# Testing sfprint for different spending functions like 'Pocock', 'Wang-Tsiatis' # and truncated etc. # local_edition(3) #use the 3rd edition of the testthat package # checking for O'Brien-Fleming spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - name - O'Brien-Fleming", code = { res <- gsDesign(k = 4, test.type = 2, sfu = "OF")$upper local_edition(3) # use the 3rd edition of the testthat package expect_snapshot_output(x = sfprint(res)) }) # checking for Pocock spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - name - 'Pocock'", code = { res <- gsDesign(k = 4, test.type = 2, sfu = "Pocock")$upper local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_output(x = sfprint(res)) }) # checking for Wang-Tsiatis spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - name - Wang-Tsiatis", code = { res <- gsDesign(test.type = 1, sfu = "WT", sfupar = .25)$upper local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_output(x = sfprint(res)) }) # checking for Truncated spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - Truncated", code = { tx <- (0:100) / 100 param <- list(trange = c(.2, .8), sf = gsDesign::sfHSD, param = 1) sf <- sfTruncated(alpha = .025, t = c(.1, .4), param) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_output(x = sfprint(sf)) }) # checking for Trimmed spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - Trimmed", code = { tx <- (0:100) / 100 param <- list(trange = c(.2, .8), sf = gsDesign::sfHSD, param = 1) sf <- sfTrimmed(alpha = .025, t = c(.1, .4), param) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_output(x = sfprint(sf)) }) # this is an error check spending functions. testthat::test_that("Test - spending function", code = { tx <- (0:100) / 100 param <- list(trange = c(.2, .8), sf = gsDesign::sfHSD, param = 1) sf <- spendingFunction(alpha = .025, t = c(.1, .4), param) local_edition(3) expect_snapshot_error(x = sfprint(sf)) })