#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # condPower :is a supportive routine that also is interesting in its own right; # it computes conditional power of a combination test given an interim test statistic, # stage 2 sample size and combination test statistic. # Expected Output Source is East 6.5 # chart of East 6.5 workbook are in "benchmarks/condPower-01.jpg & benchmarks/condPower-02.jpg. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testthat::test_that( desc = "Test : output validation condPower source : CP calculator in East 6.5", code = { x <- gsDesign(k = 2, test.type = 1, n.fix = 800, timing = c(0.5, 1), delta1 = 0.1146049, delta0 = 0) a_res <- condPower(z1 = 1.151764990571, n2 = 403, z2 = z2NC, theta = NULL, x = x) ## The tolerance is high (=1e-3) ## because such differences are expected from the different software ## where # East Sample Size computation uses rounded sample sizes expect_equal(a_res, 0.308644, 1e-03) }) testthat::test_that( desc = "Test : output validation condPower source : CP calculator in East 6.5", code = { x <- gsDesign(k = 2, test.type = 1, n.fix = 800, timing = c(0.5, 1), delta1 = 0.1146049, delta0 = 0) a_res <- condPower(z1 = 1.151764990571, n2 = 403, z2 = z2NC, theta = 0.057339132, x = x) ## The tolerance is high (=1e-3) ## because such differences are expected from the different software ## where # East Sample Size computation uses rounded sample sizes expect_equal(a_res, 0.308644, 1e-03) })