testthat::context("gs stress") ### Utility functions for gsDesign stress tests "alpha.beta.range.util" <- function(alpha, beta, type, sf) { no.err <- TRUE for (a in alpha) { for (b in beta) { # sfLDPocock, test.type=3: errors with alpha >= .5 and beta close to 1 - alpha if (b < 1 - a - 0.1) { # cat("a = ", a, "b = ", b, "\n") res <- try(gsDesign(test.type = type, alpha = a, beta = b, sfu = sf)) if (inherits(res, "try-error")) { no.err <- FALSE } } } } no.err } "param.range.util" <- function(param, type, sf) { no.err <- TRUE for (p in param) { res <- try(gsDesign(test.type = type, sfu = sf, sfupar = p)) if (inherits(res, "try-error")) { no.err <- FALSE } } no.err } a1 <- round(seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), 2) a2 <- round(seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.45, by = 0.05), 2) b <- round(seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.05), 2) # nu: sfExponential parameter nu <- round(seq(from = 0.1, to = 1.5, by = 0.1), 1) # rho: sfPower parameter rho <- round(seq(from = 1, to = 15, by = 1), 0) # gamma: sfHSD parameter gamma <- round(seq(from = -5, to = 5, by = 1), 0) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type1", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 1, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 1 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type2", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 2, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 2 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type3", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 3, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 3 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type4", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 4, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 4 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type5", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 5, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 5 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfExp.type6", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = nu, type = 6, sf = sfExponential) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 6 sfExponential stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type1", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 1, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 1 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type2", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 2, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 2 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type3", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 3, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 3 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type4", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 4, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 4 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type5", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 5, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 5 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfHSD.type6", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = gamma, type = 6, sf = sfHSD) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 6 sfHSD stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type1", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 1, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 1 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type2", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a2, beta = b, type = 2, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 2 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type3", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 3, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 3 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type4", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 4, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 4 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type5", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 5, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 5 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDOF.type6", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 6, sf = sfLDOF ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 6 LDOF stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type1", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 1, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 1 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type2", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a2, beta = b, type = 2, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 2 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type3", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 3, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 3 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type4", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 4, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 4 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type5", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 5, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 5 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfLDPocock.type6", { no.errors <- alpha.beta.range.util( alpha = a1, beta = b, type = 6, sf = sfLDPocock ) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 6 LDPocock stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type1", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 1, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 1 sfPower stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type2", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 2, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 2 sfPower stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type3", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 3, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 3 sfPower stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type4", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 4, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 4 sfPower stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type5", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 5, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 5 sfPower stress test") }) testthat::test_that("test.stress.sfPower.type6", { no.errors <- param.range.util(param = rho, type = 6, sf = sfPower) testthat::expect_true(no.errors, info = "Type 6 sfPower stress test") })