cat("#### Test smoothSpline using NCSS with leaf data when there are missing values\n") test_that("leaf_smoothSpline", { skip_if_not_installed("growthPheno") skip_on_cran() library(dae) library(ggplot2) library(growthPheno) # A small subset of Exp 270 leaf tracking data data(testSpline) responses <- names(test)[5:ncol(test)] ##Test omit in smoothSpline- Length 3 leaf.dat <- test carts <- levels(leaf.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag) nrows <- list(6,4,5,3,2,6,1,1) names(nrows) <- carts fit <- list() for (cart in carts) { fit[[cart]] <- smoothSpline(subset(leaf.dat, Snapshot.ID.Tag == cart), response = "Length.3", response.smoothed = "sLength.3", x="xDays", df = 4, na.x.action = "omit", na.y.action = "omit", rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), suffices.rates = c("AGRdv", "RGRdv")) testthat::expect_equal(nrows[[cart]], nrow(fit[[cart]]$predictions)) testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(c("xDays", "sLength.3", "sLength.3.AGRdv", "sLength.3.RGRdv") %in% names(fit[[cart]]$predictions)))) } ##Test omit in snoothSpline - Length 2 with a 0 length data.frame nrows <- list(11,12,12,12,9,12,0,9) names(nrows) <- carts fit <- list() for (cart in carts) { fit[[cart]] <- smoothSpline(subset(leaf.dat, Snapshot.ID.Tag == cart), response = "Length.2", response.smoothed = "sLength.2", x="xDays", df = 4, na.x.action = "omi", na.y.action = "omit", rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), suffices.rates = c("AGRdv", "RGRdv")) testthat::expect_equal(nrows[[cart]], nrow(fit[[cart]]$predictions)) testthat::expect_equal(ncol(fit[[cart]]$predictions), 4) testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(c("xDays", "sLength.2", "sLength.2.AGRdv", "sLength.2.RGRdv") %in% names(fit[[cart]]$predictions)))) } ##Test omit in smoothSpline - Length 2 with a 0 length data.frame leaf.dat <- test carts <- levels(leaf.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag) nrows <- list(6,4,5,3,2,6,1,1) names(nrows) <- carts fit <- list() for (cart in carts) { fit[[cart]] <- smoothSpline(subset(leaf.dat, Snapshot.ID.Tag == cart), response = "Length.3", response.smoothed = "sLength.3", x="xDays", correctBoundaries = FALSE, df = 4, na.x.action = "omit", na.y.action = "omit") testthat::expect_equal(ncol(fit[[cart]]$predictions), 2) testthat::expect_equal(nrow(fit[[cart]]$predictions), nrows[[cart]]) testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(c("xDays", "sLength.3") %in% names(fit[[cart]]$predictions)))) } nrows <- list(6,4,5,3,2,6,1,1) names(nrows) <- carts fitC <- list() for (cart in carts) { fitC[[cart]] <- smoothSpline(subset(leaf.dat, Snapshot.ID.Tag == cart), response = "Length.3", x="xDays", correctBoundaries = TRUE, df = 4, na.x.action = "omit", na.y.action = "omit") testthat::expect_equal(ncol(fitC[[cart]]$predictions), 2) testthat::expect_equal(nrow(fitC[[cart]]$predictions), nrows[[cart]]) testthat::expect_true(all(unlist(c("xDays", "sLength.3") %in% names(fit[[cart]]$predictions)))) } testthat::expect_true(all(abs(fit[["047162-C"]]$sLength.3 - fitC[["047162-C"]]$sLength.3) > 0.01)) testthat::expect_true(all(abs(fit[["047164-S"]]$sLength.3 - fitC[["047164-S"]]$sLength.3) < 1e-05)) })