test_that("check_tf_version works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # record the true version and forge an old version true_version <- tf$`__version__` tf$`__version__` <- "0.9.0" # nolint expect_snapshot_error( check_tf_version("error") ) expect_snapshot_warning( check_tf_version("warn") ) expect_snapshot( check_tf_version("message") ) # reset the true version tf$`__version__` <- true_version # nolint }) test_that(".onLoad runs", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) expect_ok(greta:::.onLoad()) }) test_that("tensorflow coercion works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) float <- greta:::tf_as_float(1) integer <- greta:::tf_as_integer(1) logical <- greta:::tf_as_logical(1) float_type <- options()$greta_tf_float expect_equal(float$dtype$name, float_type) expect_equal(integer$dtype$name, "int32") expect_equal(logical$dtype$name, "bool") }) test_that("all_greta_arrays works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) env <- new.env() env$a <- normal(0, 1) env$b <- as_data(rnorm(10)) env$c <- env$a * env$b array_list <- greta:::all_greta_arrays(env) array_list_nodata <- greta:::all_greta_arrays(env, include_data = FALSE) expect_identical(names(array_list), c("a", "b", "c")) expect_identical(names(array_list_nodata), c("a", "c")) }) test_that("greta_model objects print", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) m <- model(normal(0, 1)) message <- capture_output(print(m)) expect_equal(message, "greta model") }) test_that("define and mcmc error informatively", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- as_data(randn(10)) # no model with non-probability density greta arrays expect_snapshot_error( model(variable()) ) expect_snapshot_error( model(x) ) expect_snapshot_error( model() ) # can't define a model for an unfixed discrete variable expect_snapshot_error( model(bernoulli(0.5)) ) # no parameters here, so define or dag should error distribution(x) <- normal(0, 1) expect_snapshot_error( model(x) ) # a bad number of cores a <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(a) expect_warning( mcmc(m, warmup = 1, n_samples = 1, n_cores = 1000000L, verbose = FALSE ), "cores were requested, but only" ) # can't draw samples of a data greta array z <- normal(x, 1) m <- model(x, z) expect_snapshot_error( draws <- mcmc(m, verbose = FALSE) ) }) test_that("check_dims errors informatively", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) a <- ones(3, 3) b <- ones(1) c <- ones(2, 2) d <- ones(2, 2, 2) dim1 <- c(3, 3) # with one scalar, it should always should work expect_equal( greta:::check_dims(a, b), dim(a) ) # as long as target_dim matches vector dim expect_equal( greta:::check_dims(a, b, target_dim = dim1), dim(a) ) # with both scalar, it should always should work expect_equal( greta:::check_dims(b, b), dim(b) ) # with two differently shaped arrays it shouldn't expect_snapshot_error( greta:::check_dims(a, c) ) # with two scalars and a target dimension, just return the target dimension expect_equal( greta:::check_dims(b, b, target_dim = dim1), dim1 ) }) test_that("disjoint graphs are checked", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # if the target nodes aren't related, they sould be checked separately a <- uniform(0, 1) b <- normal(a, 2) # c is unrelated and has no density c <- variable() expect_snapshot_error( m <- model(a, b, c) ) # d is unrelated and known d <- as_data(randn(3)) distribution(d) <- normal(0, 1) expect_snapshot_error( m <- model(a, b, d) ) }) test_that("plotting models doesn't error", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) a <- uniform(0, 1) m <- model(a) expect_ok(plot(m)) }) test_that("structures work correctly", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) a <- ones(2, 2) b <- zeros(2) c <- greta_array(3, dim = c(2, 2, 2)) expect_identical(grab(a), array(1, dim = c(2, 2))) expect_identical(grab(b), array(0, dim = c(2, 1))) expect_identical(grab(c), array(3, dim = c(2, 2, 2))) }) test_that("cleanly() handles TF errors nicely", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) inversion_stop <- function() { stop("this non-invertible thing is not invertible") } cholesky_stop <- function() { stop("Cholesky decomposition was not successful") } other_stop <- function() { stop("Fetchez la vache!") } expect_s3_class(cleanly(inversion_stop()), "error") expect_s3_class(cleanly(cholesky_stop()), "error") expect_snapshot_error( cleanly(other_stop()) ) }) test_that("double precision works for all jacobians", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) none <- normal(0, 1) expect_ok(model(none, precision = "double")) high <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(-1, Inf)) expect_ok(model(high, precision = "double")) low <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(-Inf, 1)) expect_ok(model(low, precision = "double")) both <- normal(0, 1, truncation = c(-1, 1)) expect_ok(model(both, precision = "double")) correlation_matrix <- lkj_correlation(1) expect_ok(model(correlation_matrix, precision = "double")) covariance_matrix <- wishart(3, diag(2)) expect_ok(model(covariance_matrix, precision = "double")) }) test_that("module works", { mod <- module(mean, functions = module( sum, exp, log ) ) # returns a list expect_true(inherits(mod, "list")) expect_true(inherits(mod$functions, "list")) # all elements named, and reordered expect_identical(names(mod), c("functions", "mean")) expect_identical(names(mod$functions), c("exp", "log", "sum")) })