# variable() errors informatively lower and upper must be numeric lower has class: numeric lower has length: 1 upper has class: logical upper has length: 1 --- lower and upper must be numeric lower has class: numeric lower has length: 1 upper has class: function upper has length: 1 --- lower and upper must be numeric lower has class: logical lower has length: 1 upper has class: numeric upper has length: 1 --- lower and upper must be numeric lower has class: function lower has length: 1 upper has class: numeric upper has length: 1 --- incompatible dimensions: 3x1, 2x1 --- upper bounds must be greater than lower bounds lower is: 1 upper is: 1 # constrained variable constructors error informatively cholesky variables must be square However its dimension is: "2x3" --- `dim` can either be a scalar or a vector of length 2 However `dim` has length 3, and contains: "2, 2, 2" --- the final dimension of a simplex variable must have more than one element --- the final dimension of a simplex variable must have more than one element --- the final dimension of an ordered variable must have more than one element --- the final dimension of an ordered variable must have more than one element