# cummax and cummin functions error informatively `cummax()` not yet implemented for greta --- `cummin()` not yet implemented for greta # complex number functions error informatively greta does not yet support complex numbers --- greta does not yet support complex numbers --- greta does not yet support complex numbers --- greta does not yet support complex numbers --- greta does not yet support complex numbers # cumulative functions error as expected `x` must be a column vector but `x` has dimensions 1x5 --- `x` must be a column vector but `x` has dimensions 5x1x1 --- `x` must be a column vector but `x` has dimensions 1x5 --- `x` must be a column vector but `x` has dimensions 5x1x1 # solve and sweep and kronecker error as expected Arrays are not both 2D `a` and `b` must both be 2D, but `a` has dimensions: 5x25x2 --- Arrays are not both 2D `a` and `b` must both be 2D, but `b` has dimensions: 5x25x2 --- `a` is not square x `a` must be square, but has 5 rows and 25 columns --- `a` is not square x `a` must be square, but has 5 rows and 25 columns --- Number of rows not equal x `b` must have the same number of rows as `a` (5), but has 25 rows instead --- Array not 2D x `x` must be a 2D array, but has 3 dimensions --- MARGIN can only be 1 or 2 --- The number of elements of `stats` does not match `dim(x)[MARGIN]` --- `stats` not a column vector array `stats` must be a column vector array x `stats` has dimensions 1x5 --- The number of elements of `stats` does not match `dim(x)[MARGIN]` --- Not a 2D array `X` must be a 2D array, but has 2 dimensions --- Not a 2D array `X` must be a 2D array, but has 3 dimensions # colSums etc. error as expected invalid `dims` --- invalid `dims` --- invalid `dims` --- invalid `dims` # forwardsolve and backsolve error as expected `k` must equal `ncol(l)` for s --- `k` must equal `ncol(r)` for s --- transpose must be FALSE for s --- transpose must be FALSE for s # tapply errors as expected `x` must be 2D greta array with one column However `x` has dimensions 10x2 --- INDEX cannot be a greta array # ignored options are errored/warned about the "digits" argument of `round()` cannot be set for s s can only be rounded to the nearest integer, so the "digits" argument cannot be set --- `chol()` options are ignored for s --- The `LINPACK` argument is ignored for s, and has also been defunct since R 3.1.0 --- `size` is ignored for s --- `compact` is ignored for s # incorrect dimensions are errored about only 2D arrays can be transposed --- `perm` must be a reordering of the dimensions: 1, 2, and 3 but was: 2 and 1 --- only two-dimensional, square, symmetric s can be Cholesky decomposed `dim(x)` returns: 3, 3, and 3 --- only two-dimensional, square, symmetric s can be Cholesky decomposed `dim(x)` returns: 3 and 4 --- `chol2symm()` must have two-dimensional, square, upper-triangular s `dim(x)` returns: 3, 3, and 3 --- `chol2symm()` must have two-dimensional, square, upper-triangular s `dim(x)` returns: 3 and 4 --- only two-dimensional, square, symmetric s can be eigendecomposed --- only two-dimensional, square, symmetric s can be eigendecomposed --- `x1` and `x2` must have the same number of columns However `ncol(x1)` = 1 and `ncol(x2)` = 4