# uniform distribution errors informatively `min` and `max` must be numeric vectors of length 1 They have class and length: `min`: numeric, 1 `max`: logical, 1 --- `min` and `max` must be numeric vectors of length 1 They have class and length: `min`: numeric, 1 `max`: function, 1 --- `min` and `max` must be numeric vectors of length 1 They have class and length: `min`: integer, 3 `max`: numeric, 1 --- `min` and `max` must finite scalars Their values are: `min`: -Inf `max`: Inf --- `max` must be greater than `min` Their values are: `min`: 1 `max`: 1 # poisson() and binomial() error informatively in glm Wrong function name provided in another model It looks like you're using greta's `poisson()` function in the family argument of another model. Maybe you want to use `family = stats::poisson`,instead? --- Wrong function name provided in another model It looks like you're using greta's `binomial()` function in the family argument of another model. Maybe you want to use `family = stats::binomial`,instead? --- Wrong function name provided in another model It looks like you're using greta's `poisson()` function in the family argument of another model. Maybe you want to use `family = stats::poisson`,instead? --- Wrong function name provided in another model It looks like you're using greta's `poisson()` function in the family argument of another model. Maybe you want to use `family = stats::poisson`,instead? # wishart distribution errors informatively `Sigma` must be a square 2D greta array However, `Sigma` has dimensions "3x3x3" --- `Sigma` must be a square 2D greta array However, `Sigma` has dimensions "3x2" # lkj_correlation distribution errors informatively `eta` must be a positive scalar value, or a scalar --- `eta` must be a positive scalar value, or a scalar --- `eta` must be a scalar However `eta` had dimensions: 2, 1 --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: # multivariate_normal distribution errors informatively the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- Dimensions of parameters not compatible with multivariate distribution parameters of multivariate distributions cannot have more than two dimensions object `x` has dimensions: 3x3x3 --- Not 2D square greta array x expected a 2D square greta array, but object `x` had dimension: 3x2 --- distribution dimensions do not match implied dimensions The distribution dimension should be 3, but parameters implied dimensions: 3 vs 4 Multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: # multinomial distribution errors informatively the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: # categorical distribution errors informatively the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: # dirichlet distribution errors informatively the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: # dirichlet-multinomial distribution errors informatively the dimension of this distribution must be at least 2, but was 1 multivariate distributions treat each row as a separate realisation - perhaps you need to transpose something? --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- ! Could not evaluate cli `{}` expression: `n_realisations`. Caused by error in `eval(expr, envir = envir)`: ! object 'n_realisations' not found --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: --- `dimension` must be a positive scalar integer giving the dimension of the distribution `dim(target)` returns: