# stochastic calculate works with greta_mcmc_list objects `nsim` must be set to sample s not in MCMC samples the greta arrays `y` have distributions and are not in the MCMC samples, so cannot be calculated from the samples alone. Set `nsim` if you want to sample them conditionally on the MCMC samples --- `nsim` was greater than the number of posterior samples in values, so posterior samples had to be drawn with replacement # calculate errors if the mcmc samples unrelated to target the target s do not appear to be connected to those in the object # stochastic calculate works with mcmc samples & new stochastics `nsim` must be set to sample s not in MCMC samples the target s are related to new variables that are not in the MCMC samples, so cannot be calculated from the samples alone. Set `nsim` if you want to sample them conditionally on the MCMC samples # calculate errors nicely if non-greta arrays are passed `calculate()` arguments must be s The following object passed to `calculate()` is not a : "x" Perhaps you forgot to explicitly name other arguments? --- `calculate()` arguments must be s The following object passed to `calculate()` is not a : "list(x = c(2, 1))" Perhaps you forgot to explicitly name other arguments? # calculate errors nicely if values for stochastics not passed Please provide values for the following 1 : `a` # calculate errors nicely if values have incorrect dimensions a provided value has different number of elements than the # calculate errors nicely with invalid batch sizes `trace_batch_size` must be a single numeric value greater than or equal to 1 --- `trace_batch_size` must be a single numeric value greater than or equal to 1 --- `trace_batch_size` must be a single numeric value greater than or equal to 1 # calculate errors if distribution-free variables are not fixed the target s are related to variables that do not have distributions so cannot be sampled # calculate errors if a distribution cannot be sampled from sampling is not yet implemented for "hypergeometric" distributions # calculate errors nicely if nsim is invalid nsim must be a positive integer However the value provided was: 0 --- nsim must be a positive integer However the value provided was: -1 --- nsim must be a positive integer However the value provided was: NA