if (check_tf_version()) { tensorflow::tf$compat$v1$reset_default_graph() } set.seed(2020 - 02 - 11) test_that("opt converges with TF optimisers", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- rnorm(5, 2, 0.1) z <- variable(dim = 5) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 0.1) m <- model(z) # loop through optimisers that might be expected to work optimisers <- list( gradient_descent, adadelta, adagrad, adagrad_da, momentum, adam, ftrl, proximal_gradient_descent, proximal_adagrad, rms_prop ) for (optmr in optimisers) { (o <- opt(m, optimiser = optmr(), max_iterations = 200 )) # should have converged in fewer than 200 iterations and be close to truth expect_equal(o$convergence, 0) expect_lte(o$iterations, 200) expect_true(all(abs(x - o$par$z) < 1e-2)) } }) test_that("opt converges with SciPy optimisers", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- rnorm(3, 2, 0.1) z <- variable(dim = 3) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 0.1) m <- model(z) # loop through optimisers that might be expected to work optimisers <- list( nelder_mead, powell, cg, bfgs, newton_cg, l_bfgs_b, tnc, cobyla, slsqp ) # check that the right ones warn about deprecation deprecated <- list( powell, cg, newton_cg, l_bfgs_b, tnc, cobyla, slsqp ) for (optmr in optimisers) { # see if it's a deprecated optimiser matches <- vapply(deprecated, identical, optmr, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)) msg <- ifelse(any(matches), "deprecated", NA) expect_snapshot( o <- opt(m, optimiser = optmr(), max_iterations = 500) ) # should have converged in fewer than 500 iterations and be close to truth # can't tell that from output of cobyla if (!identical(optmr, cobyla)) { expect_equal(o$convergence, 0) expect_lte(o$iterations, 500) } expect_true(all(abs(x - o$par$z) < 1e-2)) } }) test_that("opt accepts initial values", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- rnorm(5, 2, 0.1) z <- variable(dim = 5) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 0.1) m <- model(z) o <- opt(m, initial_values = initials(z = rnorm(5))) # should have converged expect_equal(o$convergence, 0) # should be fewer than 100 iterations expect_lte(o$iterations, 100) # should be close to the truth expect_true(all(abs(x - o$par$z) < 1e-3)) }) test_that("opt returns hessians", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) sd <- runif(5) x <- rnorm(5, 2, 0.1) z <- variable(dim = 5) distribution(x) <- normal(z, sd) m <- model(z) o <- opt(m, hessian = TRUE) hess <- o$hessian$z # should be a 5x5 numeric matrix expect_true(inherits(hess, "matrix")) expect_true(is.numeric(hess)) expect_true(identical(dim(hess), c(5L, 5L))) # the model density is IID normal, so we should be able to recover the SD approx_sd <- sqrt(diag(solve(hess))) expect_true(all(abs(approx_sd - sd) < 1e-9)) }) test_that("greta arrays passed into mcmc fail appropriately", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- normal(0, 1) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(x) ) }) test_that("bad mcmc proposals are rejected", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) skip_on_cran() # set up for numerical rejection of initial location x <- rnorm(10000, 1e6, 1) z <- normal(-1e6, 1e-6) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 1e6) m <- model(z, precision = "single") # # catch badness in the progress bar # with_mock( # `greta:::create_progress_bar` = mock_create_progress_bar, # out <- get_output(mcmc(m, n_samples = 10, warmup = 0, pb_update = 10)), # expect_match(out, "100% bad") # expect_snapshot( # draws <- mcmc(m, n_samples = 10, warmup = 0, pb_update = 10) # ) # ) out <- get_output( mcmc(m, n_samples = 10, warmup = 0, pb_update = 10) ) expect_match(out, "100% bad") expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, n_samples = 1, warmup = 0, verbose = FALSE, initial_values = initials(z = 1e20) ) ) # really bad proposals x <- rnorm(100000, 1e12, 1) z <- normal(-1e12, 1e-12) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 1e-12) m <- model(z, precision = "single") expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, n_samples = 1, warmup = 0, verbose = FALSE) ) # proposals that are fine, but rejected anyway z <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(z, precision = "single") expect_ok(mcmc(m, hmc( epsilon = 100, Lmin = 1, Lmax = 1 ), chains = 1, n_samples = 5, warmup = 0, verbose = FALSE )) }) test_that("mcmc works with verbosity and warmup", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) skip_on_cran() x <- rnorm(10) z <- normal(0, 1) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 1) m <- model(z) quietly(expect_ok(mcmc(m, n_samples = 50, warmup = 50, verbose = TRUE))) }) test_that("mcmc works with multiple chains", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- rnorm(10) z <- normal(0, 1) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 1) m <- model(z) # multiple chains, automatic initial values quietly(expect_ok(mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, chains = 2, verbose = FALSE))) # multiple chains, user-specified initial values inits <- list(initials(z = 1), initials(z = 2)) quietly(expect_ok(mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, chains = 2, initial_values = inits, verbose = FALSE ))) }) test_that("mcmc handles initial values nicely", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # preserve R version current_r_version <- paste0(R.version$major,".", R.version$minor) required_r_version <- "3.6.0" old_rng_r <- compareVersion(required_r_version, current_r_version) <= 0 if (old_rng_r) { suppressWarnings(expr = { RNGkind(sample.kind = "Rounding") set.seed(2020 - 02 - 11) }) } x <- rnorm(10) z <- normal(0, 1) distribution(x) <- normal(z, 1) m <- model(z) # too many sets of initial values inits <- replicate(3, initials(z = rnorm(1)), simplify = FALSE) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, initial_values = inits ) ) # initial values have the wrong length inits <- replicate(2, initials(z = rnorm(2)), simplify = FALSE) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE, chains = 2, initial_values = inits ) ) inits <- initials(z = rnorm(1)) quietly( expect_snapshot( mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, chains = 2, initial_values = inits, verbose = FALSE ) ) ) }) test_that("progress bar gives a range of messages", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) skip_on_cran() # 10/1010 should be <1% expect_snapshot(draws <- mock_mcmc(1010)) # 10/500 should be 2% expect_snapshot(draws <- mock_mcmc(500)) # 10/10 should be 100% expect_snapshot(draws <- mock_mcmc(10)) }) test_that("extra_samples works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # set up model a <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(a) draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE) more_draws <- extra_samples(draws, 20, verbose = FALSE) expect_true(inherits(more_draws, "greta_mcmc_list")) expect_true(coda::niter(more_draws) == 30) expect_true(coda::nchain(more_draws) == 4) }) test_that("trace_batch_size works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # set up model a <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(a) draws <- mcmc( m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE, trace_batch_size = 3 ) more_draws <- extra_samples(draws, 20, verbose = FALSE, trace_batch_size = 6) expect_true(inherits(more_draws, "greta_mcmc_list")) expect_true(coda::niter(more_draws) == 30) expect_true(coda::nchain(more_draws) == 4) }) test_that("stashed_samples works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # set up model a <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(a) draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE) # with a completed sample, this should be NULL ans <- stashed_samples() expect_null(ans) # mock up a stash stash <- greta:::greta_stash samplers_stash <- replicate(2, list( traced_free_state = list(as.matrix(rnorm(17))), traced_values = list(as.matrix(rnorm(17))), thin = 1, model = m ), simplify = FALSE) assign("samplers", samplers_stash, envir = stash) # should convert to a greta_mcmc_list ans <- stashed_samples() expect_s3_class(ans, "greta_mcmc_list") # model_info attribute should have raw draws and the model model_info <- attr(ans, "model_info") expect_true(inherits(model_info, "list")) expect_s3_class(model_info$raw_draws, "mcmc.list") expect_true(inherits(model_info$model, "greta_model")) }) test_that("samples has object names", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) a <- normal(0, 1) b <- normal(a, 1, dim = 3) m <- model(a, b) # mcmc should give the right names draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 2, n_samples = 10, verbose = FALSE) expect_snapshot(rownames(summary(draws)$statistics)) # so should calculate c <- b^2 c_draws <- calculate(c, values = draws) expect_snapshot(rownames(summary(c_draws)$statistics)) }) test_that("model errors nicely", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # model should give a nice error if passed something other than a greta array a <- 1 b <- normal(0, a) expect_snapshot_error( model(a, b) ) }) test_that("mcmc supports rwmh sampler with normal proposals", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) x <- normal(0, 1) m <- model(x) expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, sampler = rwmh("normal"), n_samples = 100, warmup = 100, verbose = FALSE )) }) test_that("mcmc supports rwmh sampler with uniform proposals", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) set.seed(5) x <- uniform(0, 1) m <- model(x) expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, sampler = rwmh("uniform"), n_samples = 100, warmup = 100, verbose = FALSE )) }) test_that("mcmc supports slice sampler with single precision models", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) set.seed(5) x <- uniform(0, 1) m <- model(x, precision = "single") expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, sampler = slice(), n_samples = 100, warmup = 100, verbose = FALSE )) }) test_that("mcmc doesn't support slice sampler with double precision models", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) set.seed(5) x <- uniform(0, 1) m <- model(x, precision = "double") expect_snapshot_error( draws <- mcmc(m, sampler = slice(), n_samples = 100, warmup = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) }) test_that("numerical issues are handled in mcmc", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # this should have a cholesky decomposition problem at some point alpha <- normal(0, 1) x <- matrix(rnorm(6), 3, 2) y <- t(rnorm(3)) z <- alpha * x sigma <- z %*% t(z) distribution(y) <- multivariate_normal(zeros(1, 3), sigma) m <- model(alpha) # running with bursts should error informatively expect_snapshot_error( draws <- mcmc(m, verbose = FALSE) ) # setting one_by_one = TRUE should handle those errors as bad samples expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 100, n_samples = 10, one_by_one = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )) }) # this is the test that says: 'Loaded Tensorflow version 1.14.0' test_that("mcmc works in parallel", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) m <- model(normal(0, 1)) op <- future::plan() # put the future plan back as we found it withr::defer(future::plan(op)) future::plan(future::multisession) # one chain expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, chains = 1, verbose = FALSE )) expect_true(inherits(draws, "greta_mcmc_list")) expect_true(coda::niter(draws) == 10) rm(draws) # multiple chains expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, warmup = 10, n_samples = 10, chains = 2, verbose = FALSE )) expect_true(inherits(draws, "greta_mcmc_list")) expect_true(coda::niter(draws) == 10) }) test_that("mcmc errors for invalid parallel plans", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) skip_on_ci() m <- model(normal(0, 1)) op <- future::plan() # silence future's warning about multicore support # put the future plan back as we found it withr::local_envvar("R_FUTURE_SUPPORTSMULTICORE_UNSTABLE" = "quiet") # reset warning setting withr::defer(future::plan(op)) future::plan(future::multicore) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, verbose = FALSE) ) cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(2L) future::plan(future::cluster, workers = cl) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, verbose = FALSE) ) }) test_that("parallel reporting works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) skip_on_cran() m <- model(normal(0, 1)) op <- future::plan() # put the future plan back as we found it withr::defer(future::plan(op)) future::plan(future::multisession) # should report each sampler's progress with a fraction out <- get_output(. <- mcmc(m, warmup = 50, n_samples = 50, chains = 2)) expect_match(out, "2 samplers in parallel") expect_match(out, "50/50") }) test_that("initials works", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) # errors on bad objects expect_snapshot_error( initials(a = FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_error( initials(FALSE) ) # prints nicely expect_snapshot( initials(a = 3) ) }) test_that("prep_initials errors informatively", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) a <- normal(0, 1) b <- uniform(0, 1) d <- lognormal(0, 1) e <- variable(upper = -1) f <- ones(1) z <- a * b * d * e * f m <- model(z) # bad objects: expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, initial_values = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, initial_values = list(FALSE), verbose = FALSE) ) # an unrelated greta array g <- normal(0, 1) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(g = 1), verbose = FALSE) ) # non-variable greta arrays expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(f = 1), verbose = FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(z = 1), verbose = FALSE) ) # out of bounds errors expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(b = -1), verbose = FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(d = -1), verbose = FALSE) ) expect_snapshot_error( mcmc(m, chains = 1, initial_values = initials(e = 2), verbose = FALSE) ) }) test_that("samplers print informatively", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) expect_snapshot( hmc() ) expect_snapshot( rwmh() ) expect_snapshot( slice() ) expect_snapshot( hmc(Lmin = 1) ) # # check print sees changed parameters # out <- capture_output(hmc(Lmin = 1), TRUE) # expect_match(out, "Lmin = 1") }) test_that("pb_update > thin to avoid bursts with no saved iterations", { skip_if_not(check_tf_version()) set.seed(5) x <- uniform(0, 1) m <- model(x) expect_ok(draws <- mcmc(m, n_samples = 100, warmup = 100, thin = 3, pb_update = 2, verbose = FALSE )) expect_identical(thin(draws), 3) })