R Under development (unstable) (2024-03-26 r86209 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > all.pkgs <- c("testthat", "data.table", "magrittr", "withr") > > > if (all(vapply(all.pkgs, requireNamespace, logical(1L), quietly = TRUE))) { + + library(testthat) + library(grattan) + library(hutils) + library(data.table) + library(magrittr) + setDTthreads(1L) + if (identical(Sys.getenv("CIRCLECI"), "true")) { + test_check("grattan", + reporter = JunitReporter$new(file = "junit_result.xml")) + } else { + test_check("grattan", reporter = LocationReporter) + } + } Attaching package: 'data.table' The following object is masked from 'package:hutils': %notin% Attaching package: 'magrittr' The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat': equals, is_less_than, not Start test: decode_age_range works 'test-decode_age_range.R:2:3' [success] End test: decode_age_range works Start test: income_tax2 works 'test-income_tax2.R:2:3' [success] 'test-income_tax2.R:3:3' [success] 'test-income_tax2.R:5:3' [success] End test: income_tax2 works Start test: dots ATO 'test-income_tax2.R:10:3' [skip] End test: dots ATO Start test: marginal_rate works 'test-marginal_rate.R:2:3' [skip] End test: marginal_rate works Start test: Data is up-to-date as documented 'test_0sysdata.R:5:3' [skip] End test: Data is up-to-date as documented Start test: pkgdown up-to-date 'test_0sysdata.R:42:3' [skip] End test: pkgdown up-to-date Start test: CG population inflator 'test_CG_inflators.R:4:3' [success] 'test_CG_inflators.R:5:3' [success] 'test_CG_inflators.R:6:3' [success] End test: CG population inflator Start test: LITO 'test_LITO.R:4:3' [success] 'test_LITO.R:5:3' [success] 'test_LITO.R:6:3' [success] End test: LITO Start test: LMITO 'test_LITO.R:11:3' [success] 'test_LITO.R:14:3' [success] End test: LMITO Start test: Offset basics 'test_Offset.R:6:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:7:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:8:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:9:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:12:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:18:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:30:3' [success] End test: Offset basics Start test: Offset internals 'test_Offset.R:36:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:38:3' [success] End test: Offset internals Start test: set_offsets (with yr) 'test_Offset.R:44:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:45:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:46:3' [success] End test: set_offsets (with yr) Start test: multi-offsets 'test_Offset.R:57:3' [success] 'test_Offset.R:58:3' [success] End test: multi-offsets Start test: Validation of System 'test_System.R:5:3' [success] 'test_System.R:10:3' [success] 'test_System.R:11:3' [success] 'test_System.R:15:3' [success] 'test_System.R:19:3' [success] 'test_System.R:23:3' [success] 'test_System.R:27:3' [success] 'test_System.R:31:3' [success] End test: Validation of System Start test: Misc functions 'test_System.R:36:3' [success] 'test_System.R:37:3' [success] End test: Misc functions Start test: age_grouper delivers appropriate results 'test_age_grouper.R:4:3' [success] 'test_age_grouper.R:5:3' [success] 'test_age_grouper.R:7:3' [success] 'test_age_grouper.R:10:3' [success] End test: age_grouper delivers appropriate results Start test: Long age_grouper 'test_age_grouper.R:16:3' [success] 'test_age_grouper.R:19:3' [success] End test: Long age_grouper Start test: Alternate usage: years of birth 'test_age_grouper.R:23:3' [success] End test: Alternate usage: years of birth Start test: Long age grouper with NAs 'test_age_grouper.R:33:3' [success] 'test_age_grouper.R:36:3' [success] End test: Long age grouper with NAs Start test: Error handling 'test_age_pension_age.R:4:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:6:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:7:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:10:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:12:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Women before 1995 'test_age_pension_age.R:23:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:26:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:29:3' [success] End test: Women before 1995 Start test: 65 'test_age_pension_age.R:35:3' [success] End test: 65 Start test: Future dates 'test_age_pension_age.R:44:3' [success] 'test_age_pension_age.R:46:3' [success] End test: Future dates Start test: aus pop fy age works 'test_aus_pop_fy_age.R:7:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_fy_age.R:8:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_fy_age.R:10:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_fy_age.R:12:3' [success] End test: aus pop fy age works Start test: Returns correct values 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:5:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:6:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:7:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:11:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:33:3' [success] End test: Returns correct values Start test: Multiple unordered 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:53:3' [success] End test: Multiple unordered Start test: Rolls work as expected 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:61:3' [success] End test: Rolls work as expected Start test: Error handling 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:68:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:69:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:70:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:71:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:73:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:74:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:75:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:76:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:77:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:79:3' [success] 'test_aus_pop_qtr.R:82:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Error handling 'test_awote.R:4:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:5:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:6:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:7:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:8:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Message 'test_awote.R:12:3' [success] End test: Message Start test: AWOTE fy 'test_awote.R:18:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:21:3' [success] End test: AWOTE fy Start test: AWOTE unsorted, issue #204 'test_awote.R:28:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:32:3' [success] 'test_awote.R:58:5' [success] 'test_awote.R:59:5' [success] End test: AWOTE unsorted, issue #204 Start test: Error handling 'test_bto.R:4:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: BTO returns known results 'test_bto.R:8:3' [success] 'test_bto.R:11:3' [success] 'test_bto.R:15:3' [success] End test: BTO returns known results Start test: check_TF 'test_check_TF.R:4:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:5:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:7:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:10:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:13:3' [success] End test: check_TF Start test: check_num1 'test_check_TF.R:18:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:19:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:22:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:26:3' [success] 'test_check_TF.R:30:3' [success] End test: check_num1 Start test: Error handling 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:9:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:16:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:19:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:23:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:26:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: data.frame 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:39:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:40:3' [success] End test: data.frame Start test: Expected output 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:50:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:58:3' [success] 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:60:3' [success] End test: Expected output Start test: ids that's not 'id' 'test_compare_avg_tax_rates.R:78:3' [success] End test: ids that's not 'id' Start test: Error handling 'test_financialfunctions.R:4:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Matches Excel 'test_financialfunctions.R:8:3' [success] 'test_financialfunctions.R:9:3' [success] 'test_financialfunctions.R:10:3' [success] 'test_financialfunctions.R:11:3' [success] 'test_financialfunctions.R:12:3' [success] End test: Matches Excel Start test: Error handling 'test_generic_inflator.R:4:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: generic inflator doesn't fail! 'test_generic_inflator.R:12:3' [success] 'test_generic_inflator.R:13:3' [success] End test: generic inflator doesn't fail! Start test: generic inflator gives higher/lower for upper/lower 'test_generic_inflator.R:17:3' [success] 'test_generic_inflator.R:19:3' [success] 'test_generic_inflator.R:24:3' [success] End test: generic inflator gives higher/lower for upper/lower Start test: GNI returns known results 'test_gni.R:4:3' [success] 'test_gni.R:8:3' [success] End test: GNI returns known results Start test: Error handling 'test_gni.R:15:3' [skip] End test: Error handling Start test: GDP returns known results 'test_gni.R:22:3' [success] 'test_gni.R:26:3' [success] End test: GDP returns known results Start test: Error handling 'test_gni.R:34:3' [skip] End test: Error handling Start test: income_tax collections in 2003-04 match final budget outcome by 1% 'test_incomeTaxCollections.R:4:3' [skip] End test: income_tax collections in 2003-04 match final budget outcome by 1% Start test: income_tax collections in 2006-07 match final budget outcome by 1% 'test_incomeTaxCollections.R:18:3' [skip] End test: income_tax collections in 2006-07 match final budget outcome by 1% Start test: Projections match collections 'test_incomeTaxCollections.R:34:3' [skip] End test: Projections match collections Start test: No test 'test_incometax_dotsATO.R:4:3' [success] End test: No test Start test: sfa 'test_incometax_dotsATO_sfa.R:7:3' [success] 'test_incometax_dotsATO_sfa.R:8:3' [skip] End test: sfa Start test: income tax checks 'test_incometax_single.R:5:3' [skip] End test: income tax checks Start test: income_tax returns known results 'test_incometax_single.R:36:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:37:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:38:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:40:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:41:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:42:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:43:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:45:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:46:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:48:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:68:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:76:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:77:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:78:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:79:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:80:3' [success] End test: income_tax returns known results Start test: income_tax is not NA for any years) 'test_incometax_single.R:94:3' [success] End test: income_tax is not NA for any years) Start test: income_tax is not NA for 2003-04 'test_incometax_single.R:98:3' [success] End test: income_tax is not NA for 2003-04 Start test: income_tax always returns the length of its arguments 'test_incometax_single.R:103:3' [success] End test: income_tax always returns the length of its arguments Start test: Budget Speech 2003-04 'test_incometax_single.R:117:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:118:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:119:3' [success] End test: Budget Speech 2003-04 Start test: Previous years (intel compiler trigger) 'test_incometax_single.R:123:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:124:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:125:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:126:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:127:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:128:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:129:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:130:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:131:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:132:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:133:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:134:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:135:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:136:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:137:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:138:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:139:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:140:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:141:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:142:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:143:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:144:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:145:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:146:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:147:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:148:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:149:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:150:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:151:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:152:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:153:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:154:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:155:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:156:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:157:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:158:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:159:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:160:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:161:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:162:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:163:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:164:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:165:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:166:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:167:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:168:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:169:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:170:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:172:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:173:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:174:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:175:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:176:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:177:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:178:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:179:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:180:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:181:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:182:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:183:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:184:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:185:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:186:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:187:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:188:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:189:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:190:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:191:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:192:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:193:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:194:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:195:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:196:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:197:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:198:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:199:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:200:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:201:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:202:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:203:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:204:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:205:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:206:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:207:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:208:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:209:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:210:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:211:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:212:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:213:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:214:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:215:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:216:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:217:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:218:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:223:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:224:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:229:3' [success] End test: Previous years (intel compiler trigger) Start test: Previous years 'test_incometax_single.R:238:3' [success] 'test_incometax_single.R:247:3' [success] End test: Previous years Start test: Error handling 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:4:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:9:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2003-04 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:27:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2003-04 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2004-05 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:45:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2004-05 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2005-06 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:63:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2005-06 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2006-07 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:81:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2006-07 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2007-08 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:99:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2007-08 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2008-09 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:117:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2008-09 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2009-10 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:135:3' [skip] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2009-10 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2010-11 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:159:5' [success] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2010-11 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2011-12 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:179:5' [success] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2011-12 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2012-13 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:193:5' [success] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2012-13 Start test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2013-14 'test_inverse_average_rate.R:213:5' [success] End test: Average tax rates correctly inverted for 2013-14 Start test: Inverse single income matches. 'test_inverse_income.R:4:3' [skip] End test: Inverse single income matches. Start test: Infinities 'test_inverse_income.R:24:3' [success] 'test_inverse_income.R:25:3' [success] End test: Infinities Start test: Inverse income on zero 'test_inverse_income.R:29:3' [success] 'test_inverse_income.R:30:3' [success] 'test_inverse_income.R:31:3' [success] 'test_inverse_income.R:32:3' [success] 'test_inverse_income.R:33:3' [success] End test: Inverse income on zero Start test: Inverse long income matches. 'test_inverse_income.R:37:3' [skip] End test: Inverse long income matches. Start test: Previously failed long income matches. 'test_inverse_income.R:52:3' [skip] End test: Previously failed long income matches. Start test: Inverse income long on zero 'test_inverse_income.R:60:3' [skip] End test: Inverse income long on zero Start test: Other arguments passed to income_tax 'test_inverse_income.R:68:3' [success] End test: Other arguments passed to income_tax Start test: is.fy() returns TRUE on FYs 'test_isfy.R:10:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:11:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:12:3' [success] End test: is.fy() returns TRUE on FYs Start test: is.fy() returns FALSE on non-FYs 'test_isfy.R:16:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:17:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:18:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:19:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:20:3' [success] End test: is.fy() returns FALSE on non-FYs Start test: Other fy utils 'test_isfy.R:24:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:26:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:27:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:29:3' [success] End test: Other fy utils Start test: all_fy 'test_isfy.R:33:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:34:3' [success] End test: all_fy Start test: is_fy2 'test_isfy.R:39:3' [success] End test: is_fy2 Start test: fy.year and yr2fy are identical 'test_isfy.R:44:3' [success] End test: fy.year and yr2fy are identical Start test: grattan.assume1901_2100 options 'test_isfy.R:49:3' [skip] End test: grattan.assume1901_2100 options Start test: range_fy 'test_isfy.R:59:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:60:3' [success] End test: range_fy Start test: NA handling 'test_isfy.R:66:3' [success] 'test_isfy.R:68:3' [success] End test: NA handling Start test: qtr2fy error 'test_isfy.R:73:3' [success] End test: qtr2fy error Start test: medicare_levy error handling / deprecated 'test_medicare_levy.R:4:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:5:3' [success] End test: medicare_levy error handling / deprecated Start test: medicare_levy monotonic 'test_medicare_levy.R:10:3' [success] End test: medicare_levy monotonic Start test: medicare_levy returns known values 'test_medicare_levy.R:22:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:23:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:26:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:27:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:28:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:29:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:31:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:32:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:35:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:42:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:43:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:44:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:45:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:47:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:48:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:49:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:50:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:51:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:53:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:54:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:55:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:56:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:57:3' [success] End test: medicare_levy returns known values Start test: Medicare family income 2015-16 'test_medicare_levy.R:61:3' [skip] End test: Medicare family income 2015-16 Start test: Medicare with dependants 'test_medicare_levy.R:71:3' [skip] End test: Medicare with dependants Start test: Agrees with Master tax guide 'test_medicare_levy.R:85:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:86:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:87:3' [success] End test: Agrees with Master tax guide Start test: Medicare error handling 'test_medicare_levy.R:91:3' [success] 'test_medicare_levy.R:92:3' [success] End test: Medicare error handling Start test: CJ model 'test_modelCJ.R:2:3' [skip] End test: CJ model Start test: Error handling 'test_model_income_tax.R:4:3' [skip] End test: Error handling Start test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: la deluge 'test_model_income_tax.R:37:3' [skip] End test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: la deluge Start test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: medicare levy 'test_model_income_tax.R:58:3' [skip] End test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: medicare levy Start test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: LITO 'test_model_income_tax.R:78:3' [skip] End test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: LITO Start test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: SBTO doesn't interfere with SBTO 'test_model_income_tax.R:98:3' [skip] End test: La plus ca meme la plus ca meme: SBTO doesn't interfere with SBTO Start test: Increase in a rate results in more tax 'test_model_income_tax.R:115:3' [skip] End test: Increase in a rate results in more tax Start test: Medicare warnings 'test_model_income_tax.R:138:3' [skip] End test: Medicare warnings Start test: Medicare options 'test_model_income_tax.R:245:3' [skip] End test: Medicare options Start test: Medicare families 'test_model_income_tax.R:324:3' [skip] End test: Medicare families Start test: SAPTO modelled 'test_model_income_tax.R:360:3' [skip] End test: SAPTO modelled Start test: LITO 'test_model_income_tax.R:436:3' [skip] End test: LITO Start test: Elasticity of taxable income 'test_model_income_tax.R:458:3' [skip] End test: Elasticity of taxable income Start test: Elasticity 0 vs 1 'test_model_income_tax.R:542:3' [skip] End test: Elasticity 0 vs 1 Start test: Lamington 'test_model_income_tax.R:581:3' [skip] End test: Lamington Start test: Clear columns 'test_model_income_tax.R:623:3' [skip] End test: Clear columns Start test: sample_file.int 'test_model_income_tax.R:632:3' [skip] End test: sample_file.int Start test: Keyed data.table 'test_model_income_tax.R:643:3' [skip] End test: Keyed data.table Start test: Budget2018 'test_model_income_tax.R:654:3' [skip] End test: Budget2018 Start test: CGT discount 'test_model_income_tax.R:688:3' [skip] End test: CGT discount Start test: CGT (errors) 'test_model_income_tax.R:761:3' [skip] End test: CGT (errors) Start test: SAPTO parameters should not go out of range (causing NAs) 'test_model_income_tax.R:774:3' [skip] End test: SAPTO parameters should not go out of range (causing NAs) Start test: Issue #176 'test_model_income_tax.R:786:3' [skip] End test: Issue #176 Start test: SAPTO modelling done for Age of entitlement report 'test_model_income_tax.R:794:3' [skip] End test: SAPTO modelling done for Age of entitlement report Start test: Error handling 'test_mutate_ntile.R:7:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:10:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:13:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:18:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:21:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:25:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:29:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:33:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:37:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:42:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:45:3' [success] 'test_mutate_ntile.R:49:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: next_fy plus and minus 'test_next_fy.R:10:3' [success] 'test_next_fy.R:11:3' [success] 'test_next_fy.R:13:3' [success] 'test_next_fy.R:14:3' [success] End test: next_fy plus and minus Start test: prev_fy 'test_next_fy.R:18:3' [success] 'test_next_fy.R:19:3' [success] End test: prev_fy Start test: Error handling 'test_progressivity.R:4:3' [success] 'test_progressivity.R:5:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Simple examples 'test_progressivity.R:11:3' [success] 'test_progressivity.R:12:3' [success] 'test_progressivity.R:13:3' [success] End test: Simple examples Start test: project using australian population 'test_project_aus_pop.R:17:3' [skip] End test: project using australian population Start test: do_rN 'test_rN.R:2:3' [success] 'test_rN.R:3:3' [success] 'test_rN.R:4:3' [success] 'test_rN.R:6:3' [success] 'test_rN.R:7:3' [success] End test: do_rN Start test: Value of revenue_foregone 'test_revenue_foregone.R:9:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:10:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:12:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:13:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:16:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:17:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:20:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:21:3' [success] 'test_revenue_foregone.R:24:3' [success] End test: Value of revenue_foregone Start test: latex output produces LaTeX escaped $ 'test_revenue_foregone.R:41:7' [success] End test: latex output produces LaTeX escaped $ Start test: sapto 'test_sapto.R:2:3' [success] 'test_sapto.R:3:3' [success] 'test_sapto.R:5:3' [success] End test: sapto Start test: valid sapto 'test_sapto.R:9:3' [success] 'test_sapto.R:10:3' [success] End test: valid sapto Start test: Example in explanatory memo 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:4:3' [success] End test: Example in explanatory memo Start test: Always zero for fy_year 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:15:3' [success] 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:21:3' [success] 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:27:3' [success] End test: Always zero for fy_year Start test: Error handling 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:36:3' [success] 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:42:3' [success] 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:49:3' [success] 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:56:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Warnings with dotsATO 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:67:3' [skip] End test: Warnings with dotsATO Start test: Results with .dots.ATO 'test_small_business_tax_offset.R:96:3' [skip] End test: Results with .dots.ATO Start test: pension 'test_standardize_payment_names.R:4:3' [success] 'test_standardize_payment_names.R:6:3' [success] End test: pension Start test: stop_via 'test_stop.R:4:3' [success] 'test_stop.R:5:3' [success] 'test_stop.R:6:3' [success] End test: stop_via Start test: Error handling 'test_super_vars.R:4:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 25k 'test_super_vars.R:10:3' [skip] End test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 25k Start test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 20k 'test_super_vars.R:17:3' [skip] End test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 20k Start test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 30k 'test_super_vars.R:23:3' [skip] End test: Div293 tax is bounded by cap @ 30k Start test: Div293 tax is bounded by an arbitrary cap 'test_super_vars.R:32:3' [skip] End test: Div293 tax is bounded by an arbitrary cap Start test: Surchargeable income and low tax contributions less than 300,000 implies no Div293 tax 'test_super_vars.R:52:3' [skip] End test: Surchargeable income and low tax contributions less than 300,000 implies no Div293 tax Start test: Counts for Div 293 at 250e3 not at odds with PBO 'test_super_vars.R:80:3' [skip] End test: Counts for Div 293 at 250e3 not at odds with PBO Start test: Imputed, reweighted sample file agrees with aggregates by no less than 1% 'test_super_vars.R:130:3' [skip] End test: Imputed, reweighted sample file agrees with aggregates by no less than 1% Start test: Error handling 'test_super_vars.R:170:3' [skip] End test: Error handling Start test: Corner cases 'test_super_vars.R:210:3' [skip] End test: Corner cases Start test: Warning with no WEIGHT. 'test_super_vars.R:240:3' [skip] End test: Warning with no WEIGHT. Start test: Marginals Rate 'test_super_vars.R:246:3' [skip] End test: Marginals Rate Start test: income_tax on individual sample file reflect historical collections 'test_total_receipts.R:15:3' [skip] End test: income_tax on individual sample file reflect historical collections Start test: unselect_ 'test_utils.R:5:3' [success] End test: unselect_ Start test: as.numeric_unless_warning 'test_utils.R:11:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:12:3' [success] End test: as.numeric_unless_warning Start test: anyIntersection 'test_utils.R:16:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:17:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:18:3' [success] End test: anyIntersection Start test: last_over_first 'test_utils.R:22:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:23:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:24:3' [success] End test: last_over_first Start test: coalesce 'test_utils.R:28:3' [success] End test: coalesce Start test: other utils 'test_utils.R:32:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:33:3' [success] End test: other utils Start test: prohibit_length0_vectors 'test_utils.R:37:3' [success] End test: prohibit_length0_vectors Start test: prohibit_vector_recyling 'test_utils.R:41:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:42:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:43:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:44:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:45:3' [success] End test: prohibit_vector_recyling Start test: qtrs_ahead 'test_utils.R:49:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:50:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:51:3' [success] End test: qtrs_ahead Start test: fast selector 'test_utils.R:57:3' [success] End test: fast selector Start test: koffset 'test_utils.R:62:3' [success] End test: koffset Start test: Switch 'test_utils.R:67:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:69:3' [success] End test: Switch Start test: getOption 'test_utils.R:74:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:75:3' [success] End test: getOption Start test: age2age_range 'test_utils.R:80:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:81:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:82:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:83:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:84:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:85:3' [success] End test: age2age_range Start test: hasntName 'test_utils.R:89:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:90:3' [success] End test: hasntName Start test: seq_qtr 'test_utils.R:95:3' [success] 'test_utils.R:98:3' [success] End test: seq_qtr Start test: Error handling 'test_validate_fys.R:10:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:14:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:19:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:22:3' [success] End test: Error handling Start test: min or max years 'test_validate_fys.R:29:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:30:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:31:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:32:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:33:3' [success] End test: min or max years Start test: validation of other types 'test_validate_fys.R:38:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:39:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:42:3' [success] End test: validation of other types Start test: Validation memoization 'test_validate_fys.R:49:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:51:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:53:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:56:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:59:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:61:3' [success] 'test_validate_fys.R:64:3' [success] End test: Validation memoization Start test: Errors 'test_validate_per.R:4:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:6:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:8:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:10:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:13:3' [success] End test: Errors Start test: Values 'test_validate_per.R:18:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:20:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:22:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:24:3' [success] 'test_validate_per.R:26:3' [success] End test: Values Start test: errors 'test_verify_date.R:4:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:7:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:10:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:13:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:15:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:18:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:20:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:23:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:26:3' [success] End test: errors Start test: values 'test_verify_date.R:33:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:34:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:38:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:42:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:44:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:48:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:52:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:56:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:60:3' [success] 'test_verify_date.R:64:3' [success] End test: values Start test: sprintf error 'test_verify_date.R:69:3' [success] End test: sprintf error Start test: Performance regression: cpi_inflator 'test_zbenchmark.R:4:3' [skip] End test: Performance regression: cpi_inflator Start test: Performance regression: wage_inflator 'test_zbenchmark.R:27:3' [skip] End test: Performance regression: wage_inflator > > proc.time() user system elapsed 19.65 1.70 21.46