context("Tax receipts") test_that("income_tax on individual sample file reflect historical collections", { # testthat::skip_on_travis() # True value of personal income tax receipts was $159.021 billion # 5506.0 - Taxation Revenue, Australia, 2013-14 actual_collections <- 159.021 * 10^9 prop_c <- function(actual, predicted){ abs(predicted - actual) / actual } # basic taxable income to tax test1 <- .sample_file_("1213") %>% copy %>% .[, tax0 := income_tax(Taxable_Income, "2012-13")] %>% .[, tax1 := income_tax(Taxable_Income, "2012-13", age = 42)] expect_lte(prop_c(sum(test1$tax0) * 50, actual_collections), 0.02) expect_lte(prop_c(sum(test1$tax1) * 50, actual_collections), 0.02) # sum(test1$tax0) * 50 / 1e9 # # [1] 159.24 # sum(test1$tax1) * 50 / 1e9 # # [1] 159.24 age_decoder <- read.table(text="Age ranges Age ranges - description 0 70 to 75 1 65 to 69 2 60 to 64 3 55 to 59 4 50 to 54 5 45 to 49 6 40 to 44 7 35 to 39 8 30 to 34 9 25 to 29 10 20 to 24 11 16 to 20", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") %>% %>% setnames(old = names(.), new = c("age_range", "age")) %>% .[, age := sub("\\sto.*$", "", age)] %>% setkey(age_range) setkey(.sample_file_("1213"), age_range) tax.collection <- .sample_file_("1213")[age_decoder] %$% { sum(income_tax(income = Taxable_Income, fy.year = "2012-13", age = as.integer(age))) * 50 } expect_lte(abs(tax.collection - actual_collections)/actual_collections, expected = 0.01) })