context("Small business tax offset") test_that("Example in explanatory memo", { expect_equal(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, fy_year = "2015-16"), 625) }) test_that("Always zero for fy_year", { expect_equal(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, fy_year = "2014-15"), 0) expect_equal(small_business_tax_offset(1:100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, fy_year = "2014-15"), double(100e3)) expect_equal(small_business_tax_offset(1:100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, fy_year = rep("2014-15", times = 100e3)), double(100e3)) }) test_that("Error handling", { expect_error(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3), regexp = "`fy_year` and `tax_discount` are both NULL") expect_error(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, tax_discount = "0.05"), regexp = "tax_discount. was class 'character'") expect_error(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, tax_discount = c(0.05, 0.08)), regexp = "Provide a single value or a value for every observation.") expect_warning(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, aggregated_turnover = 1e6, total_net_small_business_income = 50e3, fy_year = "2015-16", tax_discount = 0.05), regexp = "fy_year.*tax_discount") }) test_that("Warnings with dotsATO", { skip_on_cran() library(data.table) s1314 <- expect_warning(s1314[, small_business_tax_offset(Taxable_Income, 0.3 * Taxable_Income, .dots.ATO = .SD, fy_year = "2015-16", aggregated_turnover = 1)], regexp = "Both `.dots.ATO` and `aggregated_turnover` were provided.", fixed = TRUE) expect_warning(s1314[, small_business_tax_offset(Taxable_Income, 0.3 * Taxable_Income, .dots.ATO = .SD, fy_year = "2015-16", total_net_small_business_income = 1)], regexp = "Both `.dots.ATO` and `total_net_small_business_income` were provided.", fixed = TRUE) s1314[, Total_PP_BE_amt := NULL] expect_error(s1314[, small_business_tax_offset(Taxable_Income, 0.3 * Taxable_Income, fy_year = "2015-16", .dots.ATO = .SD)], regexp = "does not contain the necessary variables") }) test_that("Results with .dots.ATO", { skip_on_cran() library(data.table) s1314 <- sbto_s1314 <- s1314 %>% .[order(Taxable_Income)] %>% .[, sbto := small_business_tax_offset(Taxable_Income, income_tax(Taxable_Income, "2016-17", .dots.ATO = .SD), .dots.ATO = .SD, fy_year = "2016-17")] # SBTO cannot be negative expect_gte(min(sbto_s1314[["sbto"]]), 0) expect_equal(sbto_s1314[Ind == 106934L, sbto], 1000) expect_equal(sbto_s1314[Ind == 48540L, as.integer(sbto)], 16L) dt <- data.table(Taxable_Income = 100e3, Total_PP_BE_amt = 1e6, Total_PP_BI_amt = 0, Total_NPP_BE_amt = 0, Total_NPP_BI_amt = 0, Tot_net_small_business_inc = 50e3) expect_equal(small_business_tax_offset(100e3, basic_income_tax_liability = 25e3, .dots.ATO = dt, fy_year = "2015-16"), 625) })