context("Medicare levy") test_that("medicare_levy error handling / deprecated", { expect_error(medicare_levy(income = 123, fy.year = c("2015-16", "2015-17"))) expect_warning(medicare_levy(income = 123, fy.year = "2014-15", family_status = "couple"), regexp = "family_status") }) test_that("medicare_levy monotonic", { expect_lte(medicare_levy(income = 29000, fy.year = "2015-16", Spouse_income = 29000, sapto.eligible = TRUE), medicare_levy(income = 30000, fy.year = "2015-16", Spouse_income = 30000, sapto.eligible = TRUE)) } ) test_that("medicare_levy returns known values", { # expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 40e3, fy.year = "2013-14", sapto.eligible = TRUE , n_dependants = 1), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 40e3, fy.year = "2013-14", sapto.eligible = FALSE, n_dependants = 1), 247.7) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 23e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 166.50) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 23e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 23e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 750, n_dependants = 0), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 23e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 750, n_dependants = 0), 0) # 37000 expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 37e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 740) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 37e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 326.20) # Proximity of thresholds expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 33739, fy.year = "2015-16", Spouse_income = 30000, sapto.eligible = TRUE), 0.1) # 46000 expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 46e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 920) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 46e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 920) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 46e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 0), 920) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 46e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 2), 0) # 52000 expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 1040) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 0e3, n_dependants = 0), 1040) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 0), 1040) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 1), 1040) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 2), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(20e3, "2004-05", sato = TRUE, pto = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(20e3, "2004-05", sato = NULL, pto = FALSE), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(20e3, "2004-05", sato = TRUE), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(16e3, "2001-02"), 240) expect_equal(medicare_levy(16e3, "2001-02", sapto.eligible = TRUE), 0) }) test_that("Medicare family income 2015-16", { skip("Government calculator wrong at 2017-02-18") expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 37e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 750, n_dependants = 0), 159.90) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 46e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = FALSE, Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 1), 749.30) expect_equal(medicare_levy(income = 52e3, fy.year = "2015-16", sapto.eligible = TRUE , Spouse_income = 1e3, n_dependants = 1), 252.80) expect_equal(medicare_levy(17630, Spouse_income = 17630, fy.year = "2015-16"), 0) expect_equal(medicare_levy(18000, Spouse_income = 18000, fy.year = "2015-16"), 0) }) test_that("Medicare with dependants", { skip("Issue 50 unresolved") expect_equal(medicare_levy(26000, fy.year = '2014-15', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 1, family_status = 'family'), 510.40) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26000, fy.year = '2014-15', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 2, family_status = 'family'), 503.55) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26000, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 1, family_status = 'family'), 466.50) expect_equal(medicare_levy(24000, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 28000, n_dependants = 3, family_status = 'family'), 67.16) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26000, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 2, family_status = 'family'), 415.85) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26000, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 3, family_status = 'family'), 250.55) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26001, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26000, n_dependants = 3, family_status = 'family'), 250.69) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26001, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26001, n_dependants = 3, family_status = 'family'), 250.73) expect_equal(medicare_levy(26100, fy.year = '2015-16', Spouse_income = 26100, n_dependants = 3, family_status = 'family'), 268.55) }) test_that("Agrees with Master tax guide", { expect_equal(medicare_levy(44000, fy.year = "2014-15", Spouse_income = 0, n_dependants = 2), 226.30) expect_lte(abs(medicare_levy(29000, fy.year = "2014-15", Spouse_income = 27000, n_dependants = 4) - 403.25), 0.05) expect_lte(abs(medicare_levy(27000, fy.year = "2014-15", Spouse_income = 29000, n_dependants = 4) - 375.44), 0.05) }) test_that("Medicare error handling", { expect_error(medicare_levy(20e3, "2004-05", sato = TRUE, pto = TRUE)) expect_warning(medicare_levy(20e3, "2004-05", sato = FALSE, pto = TRUE), regexp = "pto") })