context("GNI") test_that("GNI returns known results", { expect_equal(gni_qtr("1989-12-02", roll = "nearest"), 97145 * 1e6, tol = 0.5e9, scale = 1) expect_equal(gni_fy("1989-90"), 391176000000, tol = 2e9, scale = 1) }) test_that("Error handling", { skip("All fys have full quarters in this release.") expect_warning(gni_fy("2018-19")) }) context("GDP") test_that("GDP returns known results", { expect_equal(gdp_qtr("1989-12-02", roll = "nearest"), 100576000000, tol = 0.25e9, scale = 1) expect_equal(gdp_fy("1989-90"), 404889000000, tol = 0.5e9, scale = 1) }) test_that("Error handling", { library(data.table) skip("All fys have full quarters in this release.") expect_warning(gdp_fy("2018-19")) })