context("Age pension age") test_that("Error handling", { expect_error(age_pension_age(sex = NULL), "must be a character vector.") expect_message(age_pension_age(), "`when` not set") expect_error(age_pension_age(when = c("2015-16", "2015-16"), sex = c("m", "f", "m")), "`sex` must be length-one or have the same length as `when`.") expect_error(age_pension_age(sex = c("male", "baz")), "position 2.*male.*female") expect_error(age_pension_age(when = c("14/14/2015")), "during coercion") }) test_that("Women before 1995", { # library(data.table) women_before_52 <- data.table(sex = "female", date = c("1995-07-01", "2003-07-01", "2000-07-01", "2000-06-30", "1990-01-01")) res <- women_before_52[, age_pension_age(when = date, sex = sex)] expect_equal(res, c(60.5, 62.5, 61.5, 61.5, 60)) res2 <- women_before_52[, age_pension_age(when = as.Date(date), sex = sex)] expect_identical(res, res2) res3 <- women_before_52[, age_pension_age(when = date2fy(as.Date(date)), sex = sex)] expect_identical(res, res3) }) test_that("65", { expect_equal(age_pension_age(when = c("2014-15", "2015-16"), sex = c("male", "female")), c(65, 65)) }) test_that("Future dates", { res <- age_pension_age(when = c("2016-17", "2018-19", "2021-22", "2022-23", "2030-31"), sex = c("m", "f", "m", "f", "m")) expect_equal(res, c(65, 65.5, 66.5, 66.5, 67)) res <- age_pension_age(when = c("2016-17", "2018-19", "2021-22", "2022-23", "2030-31")) expect_equal(res, c(65, 65.5, 66.5, 66.5, 67)) })