## Test Utilities test_that("smooth_terms() methods work", { st <- smooth_terms(m_gam) expect_type(st, "list") expect_length(st, 4L) expect_identical(st, as.list(paste0("x", 0:3))) st <- smooth_terms(m_gamm) expect_type(st, "list") expect_length(st, 4L) expect_identical(st, as.list(paste0("x", 0:3))) st <- smooth_terms(m_gam[["smooth"]][[1]]) expect_type(st, "character") expect_length(st, 1L) expect_identical(st, "x0") }) test_that("smooth_dim() methods work", { d <- smooth_dim(m_gam) expect_type(d, "integer") expect_length(d, 4L) expect_identical(d, rep(1L, 4L)) d <- smooth_dim(m_gamm) expect_type(d, "integer") expect_length(d, 4L) expect_identical(d, rep(1L, 4L)) d <- smooth_dim(m_gam[["smooth"]][[1]]) expect_type(d, "integer") expect_length(d, 1L) expect_identical(d, rep(1L, 1L)) }) test_that("select_terms() works", { st <- select_terms(m_gam) expect_type(st, "character") expect_length(st, 4L) expect_identical(st, paste0("x", 0:3)) st <- select_terms(m_gam, "x1") expect_type(st, "character") expect_length(st, 1L) expect_identical(st, "x1") st <- select_terms(m_gam, c("x1", "x2")) expect_type(st, "character") expect_length(st, 2L) expect_identical(st, c("x1", "x2")) expect_message(select_terms(m_gam, "x4"), "x4 not found in `object`") expect_message(select_terms( m_gam, c("x1", "x4") ), "x4 not found in `object`") }) test_that("select_smooth() works", { expect_error(select_smooth(m_gam), "'smooth' must be supplied") expect_message( select_smooth(m_gam, smooth = c("s(x1)", "s(x2)")), "Multiple smooths supplied. Using only first" ) sm <- select_smooth(m_gam, smooth = "s(x1)") expect_identical(sm, "s(x1)") }) data(columb) ## data frame data(columb.polys) ## district shapes list xt <- list(polys = columb.polys) ## neighbourhood structure info for MRF ## First a full rank MRF... mrf_mod <- gam(crime ~ s(district, bs = "mrf", xt = xt), data = columb, method = "REML" ) test_that("is_mrf_smooth returns true for an MRF smooth", { expect_true(is_mrf_smooth(get_smooth(mrf_mod, "s(district)"))) }) test_that("is_mrf_smooth returns false for an none MRF smooth", { expect_false(is_mrf_smooth(get_smooth(m_gam, "s(x0)"))) }) test_that("is_mgcv_smooth returns false for objects that aren't smooths", { expect_false(is_mgcv_smooth(1:10)) }) test_that("check_is_mgcv_smooth throws error for objects that aren't smooths", { expect_error(check_is_mgcv_smooth(1:10), "'smooth' is not an 'mgcv.smooth'", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("is.gam returns TRUE for a GAM", { expect_true(is.gam(mrf_mod)) expect_true(is.gam(m_gam)) }) test_that("is.gam returns FALSE for a none GAM", { expect_false(is.gam(1:10)) expect_false(is.gam(data.frame(x = 1:10))) expect_false(is.gam(m_gamm)) }) test_that("is.gamm returns TRUE for a GAMM", { expect_true(is.gamm(m_gamm)) }) test_that("is.gam returns FALSE for a none GAMM", { expect_false(is.gamm(1:10)) expect_false(is.gamm(data.frame(x = 1:10))) expect_false(is.gamm(m_gam)) expect_false(is.gamm(mrf_mod)) }) test_that("get_vcov with frequentist TRUE works", { V <- get_vcov(m_gam, frequentist = TRUE) expect_type(V, "double") expect_equal(V, m_gam[["Ve"]]) }) test_that("get_vcov with unconditional = TRUE throws warning if not available", { expect_warning( V <- get_vcov(m_gamgcv, unconditional = TRUE), "Covariance corrected for smoothness uncertainty not available." ) expect_type(V, "double") expect_equal(V, m_gamgcv[["Vp"]]) }) test_that("get_vcov with unconditional = TRUE returns Vp", { V <- get_vcov(m_gam, unconditional = TRUE) expect_type(V, "double") expect_equal(V, m_gam[["Vc"]]) }) test_that("get_vcov with term specified works", { V <- get_vcov(m_gam, term = "s(x1)") expect_type(V, "double") smooth <- m_gam[["smooth"]][[2L]] ind <- smooth$first.para:smooth$last.para expect_equal(V, m_gam[["Vp"]][ind, ind, drop = FALSE]) V <- get_vcov(m_gam, frequentist = TRUE, term = "s(x1)") expect_equal(V, m_gam[["Ve"]][ind, ind, drop = FALSE]) V <- get_vcov(m_gam, unconditional = TRUE, term = "s(x1)") expect_equal(V, m_gam[["Vc"]][ind, ind, drop = FALSE]) expect_message( get_vcov(m_gam, term = c("s(x1)", "s(x2)")), "Supplied more than 1 'term'; using only the first" ) }) test_that("get_smooth works for a GAM", { sm <- get_smooth(m_gam, "s(x1)") expect_s3_class(sm, "mgcv.smooth") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm)) }) test_that("get_smooth works for a GAMM", { sm <- get_smooth(m_gamm, "s(x1)") expect_s3_class(sm, "mgcv.smooth") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm)) }) test_that("get_smooths_by_id works for a GAM", { sm <- get_smooths_by_id(m_gam, 2L) expect_type(sm, "list") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm[[1L]])) expect_equal(sm[[1L]], get_smooth(m_gam, "s(x1)")) }) test_that("get_smooths_by_id works for a GAMM", { sm <- get_smooths_by_id(m_gamm, 2L) expect_type(sm, "list") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm[[1L]])) expect_equal(sm[[1L]], get_smooth(m_gamm, "s(x1)")) }) test_that("get_smooths_by_id works for gamm4", { sm <- get_smooths_by_id(m_gamm4, 2L) expect_type(sm, "list") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm[[1L]])) expect_equal(sm[[1L]], get_smooth(m_gamm4, "s(x1)")) }) test_that("get_smooths_by_id works for scam", { sm <- get_smooths_by_id(m_scam, 1L) expect_type(sm, "list") expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm[[1L]])) expect_equal(sm[[1L]], get_smooth(m_scam, "s(x1)")) }) test_that("seq_min_max works as intended", { x <- rnorm(10) n <- 50L s1 <- seq_min_max(x, n = n) s2 <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = n) expect_equal(s1, s2) expect_identical(length(s1), length(s2)) expect_identical(length(s1), n) }) test_that("factor_var_names works", { expect_silent(result <- factor_var_names(su_eg4)) expect_identical("fac", result) expect_null(factor_var_names(su_eg1[, 1:2])) }) test_that("data_class works for a data frame", { expect_silent(result <- data_class(su_eg4)) expect_named(result, names(su_eg4)) actual <- c(rep("numeric", 4L), "factor", rep("numeric", 4L)) names(actual) <- names(su_eg4) expect_identical(actual, result) }) test_that("n_smooths works for gam models", { expect_silent(result <- n_smooths(m_gam)) expect_identical(result, 4L) }) test_that("n_smooths works for gamm models", { expect_silent(result <- n_smooths(m_gamm)) expect_identical(result, 4L) }) test_that("n_smooths works for bam models", { expect_silent(result <- n_smooths(m_bam)) expect_identical(result, 4L) }) test_that("n_smooths, works for objects with a smooth component", { expect_silent(result <- n_smooths(list(smooth = 1:10))) expect_identical(result, 10L) }) test_that("n_smooths, fails for objects with no smooth component", { expect_error(result <- n_smooths(su_eg1), "Don't know how to identify smooths for ", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("which_smooths throws error if no smooths match the supplied term", { err_msg <- "None of the terms matched a smooth." expect_error(which_smooths(m_gam, "foo"), err_msg, fixed = TRUE) expect_error(which_smooths(m_gamm, "foo"), err_msg, fixed = TRUE) expect_error(which_smooths(m_bam, "foo"), err_msg, fixed = TRUE) expect_identical(2L, which_smooths(m_gam, "s(x1)")) expect_identical(2L, which_smooths(m_gamm, "s(x1)")) expect_identical(2L, which_smooths(m_bam, "s(x1)")) expect_identical(2L, which_smooth(m_gamm, "s(x1)")) }) test_that("which_smooths throws error for objects It can't handle", { expect_error(which_smooths(su_eg1, terms = "foo"), "Don't know how to identify smooths for ", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(which_smooths(su_eg1), "Don't know how to identify smooths for ", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("fix_offset can replace and offset only if there is one", { ## df <- gamSim(1, n = 100, dist = "normal", verbose = FALSE) m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + offset(x2), data = su_eg1, method = "REML") off_val <- 1L expect_silent(fixed <- fix_offset(m, model.frame(m), offset_val = off_val )) expect_identical(c("y", "x2", "x0", "x1"), names(fixed)) expect_true(all(fixed[["x2"]] == off_val)) # originally had this model # m <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1), data = df, method = "REML") expect_identical( model.frame(m_gam), fix_offset(m_gam, model.frame(m_gam), offset_val = off_val ) ) }) ## test coverage_ functions test_that("coverage_normal works for given level", { expect_silent(coverage_normal(0.95)) }) test_that("coverage_normal fails level outside valid range", { expect_error(coverage_normal(2), "Invalid 'level': must be 0 < level < 1") }) test_that("coverage_t works for given level", { expect_silent(coverage_t(0.95, df = 5)) }) test_that("coverage_t fails level outside valid range", { expect_error(coverage_t(2), "Invalid 'level': must be 0 < level < 1") }) test_that("parametric_terms works for a gaulss GAM", { data(mcycle, package = "MASS") m1 <- gam(list(accel ~ s(times), ~ s(times)), data = mcycle, method = "REML", family = gaulss() ) expect_equal(parametric_terms(m1), character(0)) }) test_that("parametric_terms works for a gaussian GAM", { data(mcycle, package = "MASS") m1 <- gam(accel ~ s(times), data = mcycle, method = "REML", family = gaussian() ) expect_equal(parametric_terms(m1), character(0)) }) test_that("parametric_terms works for a gaussian GAM", { expect_error(parametric_terms(character(0)), "Don't know how to identify parametric terms from ", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("load_mgcv returns invisibly", { out <- expect_invisible(load_mgcv()) expect_true(out) }) test_that("is_gamm4 returns true for a gamm4 model", { expect_true(is_gamm4(m_gamm4)) }) test_that("is_gamm4 returns false for something that isn't a gamm4 model object", { expect_false(is_gamm4(m_gam)) expect_false(is_gamm4(m_gamgcv)) expect_false(is_gamm4(m_bam)) expect_false(is_gamm4(m_gamm)) expect_false(is_gamm4(list(gam = 1:3, mer = 1:4))) }) test_that("term_names works with a gam", { expect_silent(tn <- term_names(m_gam)) }) test_that("term_names works with a mgcv smooth", { expect_silent(tn <- term_names(get_smooth(m_gam, term = "s(x0)"))) expect_identical(tn, "x0") expect_silent(tn <- term_names(get_smooth(su_m_factor_by, term = "s(x2):fac2" ))) expect_identical(tn, c("x2", "fac")) }) test_that("term_names fails if not a gam", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(tn <- gratia:::term_names.gam(m_glm), "`object` does not contain `pred.formula`; is this is fitted GAM?", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("term_names works with a gamm", { expect_silent(tn <- term_names(m_gamm)) }) test_that("is_factor_term works", { expect_false(ft <- is_factor_term(m_para_sm, term = "x0")) expect_true(ft <- is_factor_term(m_para_sm, term = "ff")) expect_null(ft <- is_factor_term(m_gam, term = "s(x0)")) }) test_that("is_factor_term works for a bam", { expect_null(ft <- is_factor_term(m_bam, term = "s(x0)")) }) test_that("is_factor_term works for a gamm", { expect_null(ft <- is_factor_term(m_gamm, term = "s(x0)")) }) test_that("is_factor_term works for a gamm4", { expect_null(ft <- is_factor_term(m_gamm4, term = "s(x0)")) }) test_that("term_variables works for a gam", { expect_identical( term_variables(m_para_sm, term = "fac:ff"), c("fac", "ff") ) }) test_that("term_variables works for a terms", { expect_identical( term_variables(terms(m_para_sm), term = "fac:ff"), c("fac", "ff") ) }) test_that("transform_fun works for parametric_effects", { skip_if_not_installed("withr") withr::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "quiet") expect_message( pe <- parametric_effects(m_para_sm, data = df_2_fac, envir = teardown_env() ), "Interaction terms are not currently supported." ) expect_silent(pe <- transform_fun(pe, fun = abs)) expect_true(all(!pe$.partial < 0L)) }) test_that("transform_fun works for smooth_estimates", { expect_silent(sm <- smooth_estimates(m_gam, select = "s(x1)")) expect_silent(sm <- transform_fun(sm, fun = exp)) }) test_that("transform_fun works for tbl", { expect_silent(tbl <- transform_fun(su_eg1, fun = abs, column = "y")) }) test_that("transform_fun works for smooth_estimates with constant", { expect_silent(sm <- smooth_estimates(m_gam, select = "s(x1)")) expect_silent(sm <- transform_fun(sm, fun = exp, constant = coef(m_gam)[1])) }) test_that("transform_fun works for smooth_samples with constant", { expect_silent(sm <- smooth_samples(m_gam, select = "s(x1)", n = 5)) expect_silent(sm <- transform_fun(sm, fun = exp, constant = coef(m_gam)[1])) }) test_that("transform_fun works for tbl with constant", { expect_silent(tbl <- transform_fun(su_eg1, fun = abs, column = "y", constant = 5)) }) test_that("involves_ranef_smooth works", { sm <- smooths(su_m_trivar_t2) expect_false(involves_ranef_smooth(get_smooth(su_m_trivar_t2, sm[1]))) }) test_that("null_deviance works for a gam", { expect_silent(nd <- null_deviance(m_bam)) expect_identical(null_deviance(m_gam), m_gam$null.deviance) }) test_that("null_deviance works for a gam", { expect_silent(nd <- null_deviance(m_bam)) expect_identical(null_deviance(m_gam), m_bam$null.deviance) }) test_that("null_deviance fails for an object without a null deviance", { expect_error(null_deviance(m_lm), "The null deviance is not available for ") }) ## smooth_label test_that("smooth_label extracts the smooth label from a GAM", { expect_silent(lab <- smooth_label(m_gam$smooth[[1]])) expect_identical(lab, "s(x0)") labs <- vapply(m_gam$smooth, FUN = smooth_label, FUN.VALUE = character(1L)) expect_identical(labs, c("s(x0)", "s(x1)", "s(x2)", "s(x3)")) }) test_that("smooth_label works for a gam object", { expect_identical(smooth_label(m_gam, id = 1), "s(x0)") expect_identical( smooth_label(m_gam), c("s(x0)", "s(x1)", "s(x2)", "s(x3)") ) }) test_that("norm_minus_one_to_one works", { expect_silent(x <- norm_minus_one_to_one(0:10)) expect_equal(seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), x) expect_equal(min(x), -1.0) expect_equal(max(x), 1.0) expect_identical(length(x), length(0:10)) expect_identical(range(x), c(-1, 1)) expect_silent(x <- norm_minus_one_to_one(-10:10)) expect_equal(seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1), x) expect_equal(min(x), -1.0) expect_equal(max(x), 1.0) expect_identical(length(x), length(-10:10)) expect_identical(range(x), c(-1, 1)) }) test_that("norm_minus_one_to_one works with NA", { expect_silent(x <- norm_minus_one_to_one(c(0:10, NA))) expect_equal(c(seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2), NA), x) expect_equal(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), -1.0) expect_equal(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), 1.0) expect_identical(length(x), length(c(0:10, NA))) expect_identical(range(x, na.rm = TRUE), c(-1, 1)) }) test_that("model_constant returns the intercept estimate", { expect_silent(b <- model_constant(m_gam)) expect_type(b, "double") ref <- unname(coef(m_gam)[1L]) attr(ref, "par_names") <- "location" expect_identical(b, ref) expect_named(b, expected = NULL) }) test_that("is bam identifies a BAM vs GAM or GAMMs", { expect_true(is.bam(m_bam)) expect_false(is.bam(m_gam)) expect_false(is.bam(m_gamm)) expect_false(is.bam(m_gamm4)) }) test_that("get smooths by id works for gamm4", { expect_silent(sm <- get_smooths_by_id(m_gamm4, 1)) expect_true(is_mgcv_smooth(sm[[1]])) expect_identical(sm[[1]], m_gamm4$gam$smooth[[1]]) expect_error(get_smooths_by_id(list(a = 10), 1), "Not a gamm4 model fit.") }) test_that("by smooth failure throws the right error", { msg <- "Hmm, something went wrong identifying the requested smooth. Found:\n s(x0), s(x1), s(x2), s(x3) \nNot all of these are 'by' variable smooths. Contact Maintainer." expect_identical(by_smooth_failure(m_gam$smooth), msg) }) test_that("rep first factor value works", { expect_silent(f <- factor(letters[1:3])) expect_identical(rep_first_factor_value(factor(letters[1:3]), 2), factor(rep("a", 2), levels = letters[1:3])) }) test_that("check user select smooths fails with error is some missing", { expect_error(check_user_select_smooths(smooths(m_gam), select = c("s(x1)", "s(x4)")), "Some smooths in 'select' were not found in model :\\n\\ts\\(x4\\)") }) test_that("check user select smooths fails with error if invalid select", { expect_error(check_user_select_smooths(smooths(m_gam), select = list(1:10)), "'select' is not numeric, character, or logical.") }) test_that("is factor term errors if term missing", { expect_error(is_factor_term(terms(m_gam)), "Argument 'term' must be provided.") }) test_that("is factor term errors if generic list", { expect_error(is_factor_term(list(1:10), "x0"), "Don't know how to handle generic list objects.") }) test_that("is factor term is FALSE with list of terms none factor", { expect_false(is_factor_term(list(terms(m_gam), terms(m_bam)), "x0")) }) test_that("term variables returns variables for term in a bam", { expect_identical(term_variables(m_bam, "x0"), "x0") }) test_that("is isotropic smooth works", { expect_true(is_isotropic_smooth(get_smooths_by_id(su_m_bivar)[[1]])) expect_true(is_isotropic_smooth(get_smooths_by_id(su_m_bivar_ds)[[1]])) expect_false(is_isotropic_smooth(get_smooths_by_id(m_gam)[[1]])) }) test_that("model vars works for various GAMs", { expect_silent(mvars <- model_vars(m_gam)) expect_identical(mvars, paste0("x", 0:3)) expect_silent(mvars <- model_vars(m_bam)) expect_identical(mvars, paste0("x", 0:3)) expect_silent(mvars <- model_vars(m_gamm)) expect_identical(mvars, paste0("x", 0:3)) expect_silent(mvars <- model_vars(m_gamm4)) expect_identical(mvars, paste0("x", 0:3)) }) test_that("dispersion works for a GAM", { expect_identical(dispersion(m_gam), m_gam$sig2) }) test_that("dispersion works for a GLM", { expect_identical(dispersion(m_glm), summary(m_glm)$dispersion) }) test_that("n_eta work", { expect_identical(n_eta(m_gam), 1L) expect_identical(n_eta(m_accel), 2L) }) test_that("model_constant works for a GAMLSS", { expect_length(model_constant(m_accel), 2L) expect_length(model_constant(m_gam), 1L) })