# Test penalty() # Uses this model, now in setup.R # dat <- data_sim("eg4", n = 400, seed = 42) # su_m_su_eg4 <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2, by = fac), # data = dat, method = "REML") # reference names pen_nms <- c(".smooth", ".type", ".penalty", ".row", ".col", ".value") test_that("penalty() works with a simple GAM", { expect_silent(p <- penalty(su_m_su_eg4)) expect_s3_class(p, "penalty_df") expect_named(p, pen_nms) }) test_that("penalty() works with constraints and diagonalize", { expect_silent(p <- penalty(s(x, bs = "bs"), data = data_sim("gwf2", seed = 2), constraints = TRUE, diagonalize = TRUE)) expect_s3_class(p, "penalty_df") expect_named(p, pen_nms) }) test_that("penalty() resclaing works with a simple GAM", { expect_silent(p <- penalty(su_m_su_eg4, rescale = TRUE)) expect_s3_class(p, "penalty_df") expect_named(p, pen_nms) }) test_that("penalty() works with a factor by smooth", { expect_silent(p <- penalty(su_m_su_eg4, select = "s(x2):fac2")) expect_s3_class(p, "penalty_df") expect_named(p, pen_nms) }) test_that("penalty() rescaling works with a factor by smooth", { expect_silent(p <- penalty(su_m_su_eg4, select = "s(x2):fac2", rescale = TRUE )) expect_s3_class(p, "penalty_df") expect_named(p, pen_nms) }) test_that("smooth arg of penalty() is properly deprecated", { expect_warning(p <- penalty(su_m_su_eg4, smooth = "s(x2)", partial_match = TRUE), "deprecated") }) ## draw.penalty test_that("draw.penalty_df works", { skip_on_cran() # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_silent(pen <- penalty(su_m_univar_4)) plt1 <- draw(pen) plt2 <- draw(penalty(su_m_univar_4, "s(x1)")) # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_doppelganger("draw penalty_df with multiple smooths", plt1) expect_doppelganger("draw penalty_df with single smooths", plt2) }) test_that("draw.penalty_df gets labels on plot in correct order issue 95", { skip_on_cran() # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_silent(pen <- penalty(su_m_penalty)) plt <- draw(pen) # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_doppelganger("draw penalty_df issue 95 label order", plt) }) test_that("draw.penalty_df accepts user-specified continuous_fill", { skip_on_cran() # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_silent(pen <- penalty(su_m_univar_4)) plt1 <- draw(pen, continuous_fill = scale_fill_distiller( palette = "Spectral", type = "div" ) ) plt2 <- draw(penalty(su_m_univar_4, "s(x1)"), continuous_fill = scale_fill_distiller( palette = "Spectral", type = "div" ) ) # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_doppelganger( "draw penalty multiple smooths user continuous fill", plt1 ) expect_doppelganger( "draw penalty single smooths user continuous fill", plt2 ) }) test_that("draw.penalty_df works with normalization", { skip_on_cran() # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_silent(pen <- penalty(su_m_univar_4)) plt1 <- draw(pen, normalize = TRUE) plt2 <- draw(penalty(su_m_univar_4, "s(x1)"), normalize = TRUE) # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_doppelganger( "draw penalty_df with multiple smooths normalized", plt1 ) expect_doppelganger( "draw penalty_df with single smooths normalized", plt2 ) }) test_that("draw.penalty_df gets labels on plot in correct order as matrix", { skip_on_cran() expect_silent(pen <- penalty(su_m_penalty)) plt1 <- draw(pen, as_matrix = TRUE) plt2 <- draw(pen, as_matrix = FALSE) # skip_on_ci() # testing without as moved to mac os x expect_doppelganger("draw penalty_df as matrix true", plt1) expect_doppelganger("draw penalty_df as matrix false", plt2) })