context("gpb.importance") # Avoid that long tests get executed on CRAN if(Sys.getenv("GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS") == "GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS"){ test_that("gpb.importance() should reject bad inputs", { bad_inputs <- list( .Machine$integer.max , Inf , -Inf , NA , NA_real_ , -10L:10L , list(c("a", "b", "c")) , data.frame( x = rnorm(20L) , y = sample( x = c(1L, 2L) , size = 20L , replace = TRUE ) ) , data.table::data.table( x = rnorm(20L) , y = sample( x = c(1L, 2L) , size = 20L , replace = TRUE ) ) , gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(rnorm(100L), ncol = 2L) , label = matrix(sample(c(0L, 1L), 50L, replace = TRUE)) ) , "gpboost.model" ) for (input in bad_inputs) { expect_error({ gpb.importance(input) }, regexp = "'model' has to be an object of class gpb\\.Booster") } }) }