context("Booster") # Avoid that long tests get executed on CRAN if(Sys.getenv("GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS") == "GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS"){ test_that("Booster$finalize() should not fail", { X <- as.matrix(as.integer(iris[, "Species"]), ncol = 1L) y <- iris[["Sepal.Length"]] dtrain <- gpb.Dataset(X, label = y) bst <- gpb.train( data = dtrain , objective = "regression" , verbose = -1L , nrounds = 3L ) expect_true( expect_false($.__enclos_env__$private$handle)) bst$finalize() expect_true($.__enclos_env__$private$handle)) # calling finalize() a second time shouldn't cause any issues bst$finalize() expect_true($.__enclos_env__$private$handle)) }) context("gpb.get.eval.result") test_that("gpb.get.eval.result() should throw an informative error if booster is not an gpb.Booster", { bad_inputs <- list( matrix(1.0:10.0, 2L, 5L) , TRUE , c("a", "b") , NA , 10L , gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(1.0:10.0, 2L, 5L) , params = list() ) ) for (bad_input in bad_inputs) { expect_error({ gpb.get.eval.result( booster = bad_input , data_name = "test" , eval_name = "l2" ) }, regexp = "Can only use", fixed = TRUE) } }) test_that("gpb.get.eval.result() should throw an informative error for incorrect data_name", { data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label ) model <- gpb.train( params = list( objective = "regression" , metric = "l2" ) , data = dtrain , nrounds = 5L , valids = list( "test" = gpb.Dataset.create.valid( dtrain , agaricus.test$data , label = agaricus.test$label ) ) , min_data = 1L , learning_rate = 1.0 , verbose = 0 ) expect_error({ eval_results <- gpb.get.eval.result( booster = model , data_name = "testing" , eval_name = "l2" ) }, regexp = "Only the following datasets exist in record evals: [test]", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("gpb.get.eval.result() should throw an informative error for incorrect eval_name", { data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label ) model <- gpb.train( params = list( objective = "regression" , metric = "l2" ) , data = dtrain , nrounds = 5L , valids = list( "test" = gpb.Dataset.create.valid( dtrain , agaricus.test$data , label = agaricus.test$label ) ) , min_data = 1L , learning_rate = 1.0 , verbose = 0 ) expect_error({ eval_results <- gpb.get.eval.result( booster = model , data_name = "test" , eval_name = "l1" ) }, regexp = "Only the following eval_names exist for dataset.*\\: \\[l2\\]", fixed = FALSE) }) context("gpb.load()") test_that("gpb.load() gives the expected error messages given different incorrect inputs", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = 2L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) # you have to give model_str or filename expect_error({ gpb.load() }, regexp = "either filename or model_str must be given") expect_error({ gpb.load(filename = NULL, model_str = NULL) }, regexp = "either filename or model_str must be given") # if given, filename should be a string that points to an existing file model_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".model") expect_error({ gpb.load(filename = list(model_file)) }, regexp = "filename should be character") file_to_check <- paste0("a.model") while (file.exists(file_to_check)) { file_to_check <- paste0("a", file_to_check) } expect_error({ gpb.load(filename = file_to_check) }, regexp = "passed to filename does not exist") # if given, model_str should be a string expect_error({ gpb.load(model_str = c(4.0, 5.0, 6.0)) }, regexp = "model_str should be character") }) test_that("Loading a Booster from a text file works", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = 2L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( pred <- predict(bst, test$data) model_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".model"), model_file) # finalize the booster and destroy it so you know we aren't cheating bst$finalize() expect_null(bst$.__enclos_env__$private$handle) rm(bst) bst2 <- gpb.load( filename = model_file ) pred2 <- predict(bst2, test$data) expect_identical(pred, pred2) }) test_that("boosters with linear models at leaves can be written to text file and re-loaded successfully", { X <- matrix(rnorm(100L), ncol = 1L) labels <- 2L * X + runif(nrow(X), 0L, 0.1) dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( data = X , label = labels ) params <- list( objective = "regression" , verbose = -1L , metric = "mse" , seed = 0L , num_leaves = 2L ) bst <- gpb.train( data = dtrain , nrounds = 10L , params = params , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( # save predictions, then write the model to a file and destroy it in R preds <- predict(bst, X) model_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".model"), model_file) bst$finalize() expect_null(bst$.__enclos_env__$private$handle) rm(bst) # load the booster and make predictions...should be the same bst2 <- gpb.load( filename = model_file ) preds2 <- predict(bst2, X) expect_identical(preds, preds2) }) test_that("Loading a Booster from a string works", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = 2L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( pred <- predict(bst, test$data) model_string <- bst$save_model_to_string() # finalize the booster and destroy it so you know we aren't cheating bst$finalize() expect_null(bst$.__enclos_env__$private$handle) rm(bst) bst2 <- gpb.load( model_str = model_string ) pred2 <- predict(bst2, test$data) expect_identical(pred, pred2) }) test_that("If a string and a file are both passed to gpb.load() the file is used model_str is totally ignored", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = 2L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( pred <- predict(bst, test$data) model_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".model"), model_file) # finalize the booster and destroy it so you know we aren't cheating bst$finalize() expect_null(bst$.__enclos_env__$private$handle) rm(bst) bst2 <- gpb.load( filename = model_file , model_str = 4.0 ) pred2 <- predict(bst2, test$data) expect_identical(pred, pred2) }) context("Booster") test_that("Creating a Booster from a Dataset should work", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label ) bst <- gpboost:::Booster$new( params = list( objective = "binary" ), train_set = dtrain , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), 0L) expect_true($best_score)) expect_true(all(bst$predict(agaricus.train$data) == 0.5)) }) test_that("Creating a Booster from a Dataset with an existing predictor should work", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") nrounds <- 2L bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data) , label = agaricus.train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = nrounds , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") dtest <- gpboost:::Dataset$new( data = agaricus.test$data , label = agaricus.test$label , predictor = bst$to_predictor() ) capture.output( bst_from_ds <- gpboost:::Booster$new( train_set = dtest ) , file='NUL') expect_true( expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), nrounds) expect_equal(bst$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]], 0.1115352) expect_equal(bst_from_ds$current_iter(), nrounds) dumped_model <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(bst$dump_model()) expect_identical(bst_from_ds$eval_train(), list()) expect_equal(bst_from_ds$current_iter(), nrounds) }) test_that("Booster$rollback_one_iter() should work as expected", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") data(agaricus.test, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train test <- agaricus.test nrounds <- 5L bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = nrounds , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), nrounds) expect_true( logloss <- bst$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]] expect_equal(logloss, 0.01991487) x <- bst$rollback_one_iter() # rollback_one_iter() should return a booster and modify the original # booster in place expect_true( expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), nrounds - 1L) # score should now come from the model as of 4 iterations logloss <- bst$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]] expect_equal(logloss, 0.03150228) }) test_that("Booster$update() passing a train_set works as expected", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") nrounds <- 2L # train with 2 rounds and then update bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data) , label = agaricus.train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = nrounds , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), nrounds) capture.output( bst$update( train_set = gpboost:::Dataset$new( data = agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label ) ) , file='NUL') expect_true( expect_equal(bst$current_iter(), nrounds + 1L) # train with 3 rounds directly bst2 <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data) , label = agaricus.train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = nrounds + 1L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( expect_equal(bst2$current_iter(), nrounds + 1L) # model with 2 rounds + 1 update should be identical to 3 rounds expect_equal(bst2$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]], 0.04806585) expect_equal(bst$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]], bst2$eval_train()[[1L]][["value"]]) }) test_that("Booster$update() throws an informative error if you provide a non-Dataset to update()", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") nrounds <- 2L # train with 2 rounds and then update bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(agaricus.train$data) , label = agaricus.train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = nrounds , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_error({ bst$update( train_set = data.frame(x = rnorm(10L)) ) }, regexp = "gpb.Booster.update: Only can use gpb.Dataset", fixed = TRUE) }) test_that("Booster should store parameters and Booster$reset_parameter() should update them", { data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label ) # testing that this works for some cases that could break it: # - multiple metrics # - using "metric", "boosting", "num_class" in params params <- list( objective = "multiclass" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.8 , metric = c("multi_logloss", "multi_error") , boosting = "gbdt" , num_class = 5L ) capture.output( bst <- gpboost:::Booster$new( params = params , train_set = dtrain ) , file='NUL') expect_identical(bst$params, params) params[["bagging_fraction"]] <- 0.9 ret_bst <- bst$reset_parameter(params = params) expect_identical(ret_bst$params, params) expect_identical(bst$params, params) }) test_that("Booster$params should include dataset params, before and after Booster$reset_parameter()", { data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label , params = list( max_bin = 17L ) ) params <- list( objective = "binary" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.8 ) capture.output( bst <- gpboost:::Booster$new( params = params , train_set = dtrain ) , file='NUL') expect_identical( bst$params , list( objective = "binary" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.8 , max_bin = 17L ) ) params[["bagging_fraction"]] <- 0.9 capture.output( ret_bst <- bst$reset_parameter(params = params) , file='NUL') expected_params <- list( objective = "binary" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.9 , max_bin = 17L ) expect_identical(ret_bst$params, expected_params) expect_identical(bst$params, expected_params) }) context("save_model") if(Sys.getenv("GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS") == "GPBOOST_ALL_TESTS"){ test_that("Saving a model with different feature importance types works", { set.seed(708L) data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") train <- agaricus.train bst <- gpboost( data = as.matrix(train$data) , label = train$label , num_leaves = 4L , learning_rate = 1.0 , nrounds = 2L , objective = "binary" , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( .feat_importance_from_string <- function(model_string) { file_lines <- strsplit(model_string, "\n")[[1L]] start_indx <- which(grepl("^feature_importances\\:$", file_lines)) + 1L blank_line_indices <- which(file_lines == "") end_indx <- blank_line_indices[blank_line_indices > start_indx][1L] - 1L importances <- file_lines[start_indx: end_indx] return(importances) } GAIN_IMPORTANCE <- 1L model_string <- bst$save_model_to_string(feature_importance_type = GAIN_IMPORTANCE) expect_equal( .feat_importance_from_string(model_string) , c( "odor=none=4010" , "stalk-root=club=1163" , "stalk-root=rooted=573" , "stalk-surface-above-ring=silky=450" , "spore-print-color=green=397" , "gill-color=buff=281" ) ) SPLIT_IMPORTANCE <- 0L model_string <- bst$save_model_to_string(feature_importance_type = SPLIT_IMPORTANCE) expect_equal( .feat_importance_from_string(model_string) , c( "odor=none=1" , "gill-color=buff=1" , "stalk-root=club=1" , "stalk-root=rooted=1" , "stalk-surface-above-ring=silky=1" , "spore-print-color=green=1" ) ) }) } # test_that("Saving a model with unknown importance type fails", { # testthat::skip("Skipping this test because it causes issues for valgrind") # set.seed(708L) # data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") # train <- agaricus.train # bst <- gpboost( # data = as.matrix(train$data) # , label = train$label # , num_leaves = 4L # , learning_rate = 1.0 # , nrounds = 2L # , objective = "binary" # ) # expect_true( # # UNSUPPORTED_IMPORTANCE <- 2L # expect_error({ # model_string <- bst$save_model_to_string(feature_importance_type = UNSUPPORTED_IMPORTANCE) # }, "Unknown importance type") # }) .params_from_model_string <- function(model_str) { file_lines <- strsplit(model_str, "\n")[[1L]] start_indx <- which(grepl("^parameters\\:$", file_lines)) + 1L blank_line_indices <- which(file_lines == "") end_indx <- blank_line_indices[blank_line_indices > start_indx][1L] - 1L params <- file_lines[start_indx: end_indx] return(params) } test_that("all parameters are stored correctly with save_model_to_string()", { dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(rnorm(500L), nrow = 100L) , label = rnorm(100L) ) nrounds <- 4L bst <- gpb.train( params = list( objective = "regression" , metric = "l2" ) , data = dtrain , nrounds = nrounds , verbose = 0L ) model_str <- bst$save_model_to_string() params_in_file <- .params_from_model_string(model_str = model_str) # parameters should match what was passed from the R package expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[metric\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == "[metric: l2]"), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[num_iterations\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == "[num_iterations: 4]"), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[objective\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == "[objective: regression]"), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[verbosity\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == "[verbosity: 0]"), 1L) # early stopping should be off by default expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[early_stopping_round\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == "[early_stopping_round: 0]"), 1L) }) test_that("early_stopping, num_iterations are stored correctly in model string even with aliases", { dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(rnorm(500L), nrow = 100L) , label = rnorm(100L) ) dvalid <- gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(rnorm(500L), nrow = 100L) , label = rnorm(100L) ) # num_iterations values (all different) num_iterations <- 4L num_boost_round <- 2L n_iter <- 3L nrounds_kwarg <- 6L # early_stopping_round values (all different) early_stopping_round <- 2L early_stopping_round_kwarg <- 3L n_iter_no_change <- 4L params <- list( objective = "regression" , metric = "l2" , num_boost_round = num_boost_round , num_iterations = num_iterations , n_iter = n_iter , early_stopping_round = early_stopping_round , n_iter_no_change = n_iter_no_change ) bst <- gpb.train( params = params , data = dtrain , nrounds = nrounds_kwarg , early_stopping_rounds = early_stopping_round_kwarg , valids = list( "random_valid" = dvalid ) , verbose = 0L ) model_str <- bst$save_model_to_string() params_in_file <- .params_from_model_string(model_str = model_str) # parameters should match what was passed from the R package, and the "main" (non-alias) # params values in `params` should be preferred to keyword argumentts or aliases expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[num_iterations\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == sprintf("[num_iterations: %s]", num_iterations)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[early_stopping_round\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == sprintf("[early_stopping_round: %s]", early_stopping_round)), 1L) # none of the aliases shouold have been written to the model file expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[num_boost_round\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[n_iter\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[n_iter_no_change\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) }) # this is almost identical to the test above it, but for A lot of code # is duplicated between gpb.train() and, and this will catch cases where # one is updated and the other isn't test_that(" correctly handles passing through params to the model file", { dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( data = matrix(rnorm(500L), nrow = 100L) , label = rnorm(100L) ) # num_iterations values (all different) num_iterations <- 4L num_boost_round <- 2L n_iter <- 3L nrounds_kwarg <- 6L # early_stopping_round values (all different) early_stopping_round <- 2L early_stopping_round_kwarg <- 3L n_iter_no_change <- 4L params <- list( objective = "regression" , metric = "l2" , num_boost_round = num_boost_round , num_iterations = num_iterations , n_iter = n_iter , early_stopping_round = early_stopping_round , n_iter_no_change = n_iter_no_change ) cv_bst <- params = params , data = dtrain , nrounds = nrounds_kwarg , early_stopping_rounds = early_stopping_round_kwarg , nfold = 3L , verbose = 0L ) for (bst in cv_bst$boosters) { model_str <- bst[["booster"]]$save_model_to_string() params_in_file <- .params_from_model_string(model_str = model_str) # parameters should match what was passed from the R package, and the "main" (non-alias) # params values in `params` should be preferred to keyword argumentts or aliases expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[num_iterations\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == sprintf("[num_iterations: %s]", num_iterations)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[early_stopping_round\\:", x = params_in_file)), 1L) expect_equal(sum(params_in_file == sprintf("[early_stopping_round: %s]", early_stopping_round)), 1L) # none of the aliases shouold have been written to the model file expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[num_boost_round\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[n_iter\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) expect_equal(sum(grepl(pattern = "^\\[n_iter_no_change\\:", x = params_in_file)), 0L) } }) context("saveRDS.gpb.Booster() and readRDS.gpb.Booster()") test_that("params (including dataset params) should be stored in .rds file for Booster", { data(agaricus.train, package = "gpboost") dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( agaricus.train$data , label = agaricus.train$label , params = list( max_bin = 17L ) ) params <- list( objective = "binary" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.8 ) capture.output( bst <- gpboost:::Booster$new( params = params , train_set = dtrain ) , file='NUL') bst_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") saveRDS.gpb.Booster(bst, file = bst_file) bst_from_file <- readRDS.gpb.Booster(file = bst_file) expect_identical( bst_from_file$params , list( objective = "binary" , max_depth = 4L , bagging_fraction = 0.8 , max_bin = 17L ) ) }) test_that("boosters with linear models at leaves can be written to RDS and re-loaded successfully", { X <- matrix(rnorm(100L), ncol = 1L) labels <- 2L * X + runif(nrow(X), 0L, 0.1) dtrain <- gpb.Dataset( data = X , label = labels ) params <- list( objective = "regression" , verbose = -1L , metric = "mse" , seed = 0L , num_leaves = 2L ) bst <- gpb.train( data = dtrain , nrounds = 10L , params = params , verbose = 0 ) expect_true( # save predictions, then write the model to a file and destroy it in R preds <- predict(bst, X) model_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds") saveRDS.gpb.Booster(bst, file = model_file) bst$finalize() expect_null(bst$.__enclos_env__$private$handle) rm(bst) # load the booster and make predictions...should be the same bst2 <- readRDS.gpb.Booster(file = model_file) preds2 <- predict(bst2, X) expect_identical(preds, preds2) }) } else { Sys.sleep(30) }