am_i_in_covrmode <- function() { Sys.getenv("R_COVR") != "" } am_i_in_testfile <- function() { Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT_PKG") == "" } am_i_in_devtools_test <- function() { Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT_IS_CHECKING") == "" } where_am_i_testing_from <- function() { # covr::package_coverage => # package is installed in a temp lib # and launched via library() if (am_i_in_covrmode()) { return("covr::package_coverage") } # testthat::test_file => # current package is pkgload::load_all() # and the libPath is the same as the current # session if (am_i_in_testfile()) { return("testthat::test_file") } # devtools::test => # current package is pkgload::load_all() # and the libPath is the same as the current # session but you have access to the package # name via Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT_PKG") if (am_i_in_devtools_test()) { return("devtools::test") } # rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck or devtools::check() # current package is installed in a temp lib # and is library() return("rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck") } perform_inside_a_new_golem <- function(fun) { im_testing_from <- where_am_i_testing_from() a_callr_session <- callr::r_session$new() if (im_testing_from %in% c( "covr::package_coverage", "rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck" )) { load_function <- function() { library(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT_PKG"), character.only = TRUE) } } else { load_function <- pkgload::load_all } res <- a_callr_session$run( function(f) { f() }, args = list( f = load_function ) ) pkg_path <- a_callr_session$run(function() { ## fake package pkg_reload <- file.path( tempdir(), paste0( sample(letters, 10, TRUE), collapse = "" ) ) if (!dir.exists(pkg_reload)) { create_golem( pkg_reload, open = FALSE ) } setwd(pkg_reload) return(pkg_reload) }) res <- a_callr_session$run(fun) a_callr_session$finalize() return(res) } ### Funs remove_file <- function(path) { if (file.exists(path)) unlink(path, force = TRUE) } expect_exists <- function(fls) { act <- list( val = fls, lab = fls ) act$val <- file.exists(fls) expect( isTRUE(act$val), sprintf("File %s doesn't exist.", fls) ) invisible(act$val) } create_dummy_golem <- function() { # we're using this fun to do a # minimal reprex of a golem # without having to go through the # create_golem() function path_to_golem <- file.path( tempdir(), "dummygolem" ) if (dir.exists(path_to_golem)) { unlink(path_to_golem, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) } dir.create( path_to_golem, recursive = TRUE ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/DESCRIPTION" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "DESCRIPTION" ) ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "R" ), recursive = TRUE ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "tests/testthat" ), recursive = TRUE ) file.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "tests/testthat.R" ) ) write( "# This file is part of the standard setup for testthat. # It is recommended that you do not modify it. # # Where should you do additional test configuration? # Learn more about the roles of various files in: # * # * library(testthat) library(shinyexample) test_check(\"shinyexample\")", file.path( path_to_golem, "tests/testthat.R" ) ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "dev" ), recursive = TRUE ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/dev/01_start.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "dev/01_start.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/dev/02_dev.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "dev/02_dev.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/dev/03_deploy.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "dev/03_deploy.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/dev/run_dev.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "dev/run_dev.R" ) ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "inst/app/www/" ), recursive = TRUE ) file.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "inst/app/www/favicon.ico" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/inst/golem-config.yml" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "inst/golem-config.yml" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/R/app_config.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "R/app_config.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/R/app_ui.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "R/app_ui.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/R/app_server.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "R/app_server.R" ) ) file.copy( golem_sys( "shinyexample/R/run_app.R" ), file.path( path_to_golem, "R/run_app.R" ) ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "man" ), recursive = TRUE ) dir.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "vignettes" ) ) file.create( file.path( path_to_golem, "vignettes/shinyexample.Rmd" ) ) write( "library(shinyexample)", file.path( path_to_golem, "vignettes/shinyexample.Rmd" ) ) return(path_to_golem) } run_quietly_in_a_dummy_golem <- function(expr) { on.exit( { unlink( dummy_golem, TRUE, TRUE ) }, add = TRUE ) dummy_golem <- create_dummy_golem() withr::with_options( c("usethis.quiet" = TRUE), { withr::with_dir( dummy_golem, expr ) } ) }