context("readDeclarations test") example <- c( "*** SOF ./core/declarations.gms", "", "*AB* declaration of parameters, variables and equations", "", "***-------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "*** PARAMETERS", "***-------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "parameters", "pm_taxCO2eq(ttot,all_regi) \"CO2 tax path in T$/GtC = kgC. To get tCO2, multiply with 272\"", " pm_gdp_gdx(tall,all_regi) \"GDP path from gdx, updated /iteratively\"", "p_inv_gdx(tall,all_regi) \"macro-investments path from gdx, updated iteratively\"", "", "pm_eta_conv(tall,all_regi,all_te) \"Time-dependent, until 2050 to. Unit: efficiency (0..1, except for tnrs)\"", "", "pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2(all_regi,all_enty) \"PE demand. Unit: EJ, except for Uranium, where it is MT U3O8\"", "pm_budgetCO2eq(all_regi) \"budget for regional energy-emissions in period 1\"", ";", "", "*** EOF ./core/declarations.gms") expectedResult <- structure(c( "pm_taxCO2eq", "pm_gdp_gdx", "p_inv_gdx", "pm_eta_conv", "pm_EN_demand_from_initialcap2", "pm_budgetCO2eq", "ttot,all_regi", "tall,all_regi", "tall,all_regi", "tall,all_regi,all_te", "all_regi,all_enty", "all_regi", "CO2 tax path in T$/GtC = kgC. To get tCO2, multiply with 272", "GDP path from gdx, updated /iteratively", "macro-investments path from gdx, updated iteratively", "Time-dependent, until 2050 to. Unit: efficiency (0..1, except for tnrs)", "PE demand. Unit: EJ, except for Uranium, where it is MT U3O8", "budget for regional energy-emissions in period 1", "parameter", "parameter", "parameter", "parameter", "parameter", "parameter" ), .Dim = c(6L, 4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("names", "sets", "description", "type"))) test_that("all parameters in example are properly detected", { expect_identical(readDeclarations(example), expectedResult) })