library(gmp) ## ##' @title Test a unary (if unary=TRUE) or *binary* function ##' @param FUN a function, such as add.bigq() ... ##' @param x a list of "numbers" ##' @param out string determining output class; if "str", use characters, otherwise double ##' @return ##' @author Antoine Lucas (& Martin Maechler) ##' @examples test(as.bigq, 0) test <- function(FUN, x, xlabs, out = "str", unary = FALSE) { if(missing(xlabs)) xlabs <- if(is.character(names(x))) names(x) else sapply(x, formatN) stopifnot(is.function(FUN), is.list(x), (n <- length(x)) >= 1, length(xlabs) == n) if(out == "str") { sortie <- as.character res <- "" error <- "error" } else { sortie <- as.double res <- 0 error <- NA } nr <- if(unary) 1 else n xlabs <- gsub(" ", "", xlabs) res <- matrix(res, nr, n, dimnames = list(if(!unary) abbreviate(xlabs, 11, named=FALSE), xlabs)) for(i in 1:nr){ classNameI = class(x[[i]]) for(j in 1:n) { classNameJ = class(x[[j]]) e <- if(unary) tryCatch(FUN(x[[j]]), error=identity) else tryCatch(FUN(x[[i]],x[[j]]), error=identity) if(inherits(e, "error")) e <- error else if(length(e) == 0) e <- numeric() ## we don't test standard R floating operations. if( (classNameI[1] == "numeric" || classNameI[1] == "integer") && ( classNameJ[1] == "numeric" || classNameJ[1] == "integer") && class(e)[1] == "numeric") e <- "-" ## ## now, for some functions also compute the corresponding numeric values if(length(e) > 0 && is.double(e[1]) && is.finite(e[1])) e <- format(signif(e[1], digits=14), digits=7) # signif(), not round() res[i,j] <- sortie(e)[1] } } res ## for printing, the user may prefer }## end{test} allfunctionid <- c("as.bigz","+","-","*", "divq.bigz","/","%%","^", "inv.bigz", "gcd.bigz", "gcdex", "lcm.bigz", "as.bigq", "chooseZ", "max","min","|","&","xor","c","cbind","rbind") unaryfunctionid <- c("log","log2","log10","c", "isprime","nextprime", "factorialZ", "sizeinbase","fibnum","fibnum2","lucnum","lucnum2", "factorize","abs","!") numericFunName <- function(gmpName) { if(gmpName != (r <- sub("[ZQ]$","", gmpName)) && r!="as" && existsFunction(r)) # e.g. chooseZ return(r) if(gmpName != (r <- sub("\\.big[zq]$","", gmpName)) && r!="as" && r!="sub" && existsFunction(r)) return(r) ttt <- c("add" = "+", "sub" = "-", "mul" = "*", "pow" = "^", "div" = "/", "divq" = "%/%", "mod" = "%%") if(! <- ttt[r])) t.r[[1L]] else ## return argument gmpName } options(width = 140, nwarnings = 10000) sapply(allfunctionid, numericFunName) sapply(unaryfunctionid, numericFunName) ex <- expression(23,as.bigz(23),as.bigq(23),c(3,23),as.bigz(c(3,23)),as.bigq(c(3,23)), "25", 2.3, -4, 4L, 0, as.bigz(34), as.bigq(32,7), as.bigz(31,45), NULL,NA, -3L)## TODO: as.bigz(3)^700 x <- lapply(ex, eval) ## Those "numbers" in x for which arithmetic should also work in double precision: ## not modulo-arithmetic, not larger than double.prec useN <- sapply(x, function(u) is.null(u[1]) ||[1]) || (is.finite(as.numeric(u[1])) && (!inherits(u[1], "bigz") || is.null(modulus(u[1]))))) names(x) <- vapply(ex, format, "") if(FALSE)## shorter & easier {but *not* the original calls from 'ex'} names(x) <- sapply(x, formatN) str(x) x. <- x[useN] nx <- lapply(x., as.numeric) gmp.NS <- asNamespace("gmp")# also get namespace *hidden* functions, i.e. methods: for(fid in allfunctionid) { cat ("------------------------------------------\n", fid," ", sep="") FUN <- get(fid, envir = gmp.NS, mode="function") rc <- test(FUN, x ) res <- test(FUN, x. , out = "numeric") if((nfid <- numericFunName(fid)) != fid || existsFunction(nfid, where=baseenv())) { FUN <- get(nfid, envir = gmp.NS, mode="function") if(nfid != fid) cat("-> num.fn.:", nfid) nres <- test(FUN, nx, out = "numeric") cat("\n-> all.equal(target = res, current = F()): ", all.equal(res, nres), "\n") } else cat("\n\n") print(; cat("\n") ## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (for now, to diminuish difference to last version ) } summary(warnings()) # ideally *not* platform dependent ##============================================================================== for(fid in unaryfunctionid) { cat ("------------------------------------------\n", fid, "\n\n", sep="") FUN <- get(fid, envir = gmp.NS, mode="function") print(, x, unary=TRUE))) } ##============================================================================== ###----------- matrix ----------------------------- x <- matrix(1:6,3) stopifnot(identical(as.bigz(x), matrix(as.bigz(as.vector(x)), 3)), dim(x) == 3:2, dim(x) == dim(ym <- as.bigz(x, 6:1)), dim(x) == dim(ymr <- as.bigz(x, 4:6)), dim(x) == dim(ymc <- as.bigz(x, 4)), dim(x) == dim(ymq <- as.bigq(x)), dim(x) == dim(y <- as.bigq(x, 6:1)) , apply(ym,1,max) == 1:3, apply(ym,2,min) == c(1,0)) x %*% t(x) ym %*% t(ym) ym %*% t(ymr) ymc %*% t(ymc) ymq %*% t(ymq) y %*% t(y) dd <- dim(D <- diag(1:4)) stopifnot(dd == dim(Dmq <- as.bigq(D)), dd == dim(Dz <- as.bigz(D)), dd == dim(Dm <- as.bigz(D,6:1)), dd == dim(Dmr <- as.bigz(D,7)), dd == dim(Dmc <- as.bigz(D,4)), TRUE) solve(D) solve(Dmq) solve(Dmr) tools::assertError(solve(Dmc))# Error: argument has no inverse tools::assertError(solve(Dm)) # Error: System is singular (D.D <- D %*% t(Dm))# now [>= Jan.2012] works too vq <- as.bigq(1:4, 4) r41 <- cbind(as.bigq((1:4)^2, 4)) stopifnot(identical(D.D, tcrossprod(D,Dm)), dim(r41) == c(4,1), identical(r41, Dz %*% vq), ## bigz %*% bigq - used to fail identical(r41, crossprod(Dz, vq))## ditto ) ## ## some specific tests factorize("33162879029270137") factorize(15959989) ## assignation x = as.bigz(1:8) x[3:2] = 9:10 x x = as.bigz(matrix(1:12,3)) x[3:2,] = 1:8 x x[,2] = 0 x tools::assertError(x[,5])