library(gmp) ## for reference (==> *not* using * here!) sessionInfo() packageDescription("gmp") ##' an (x == y) which gives TRUE also when both are NA: isEQ <- function(x,y) (x == y) | ( & ## want to test all these (ops <- sapply(getGroupMembers("Ops"), getGroupMembers)) N. <- as.bigz(NA) Nq <- as.bigq(NA) stopifnot(identical(Nq, as.bigq(N.)), identical(N., as.bigz(Nq)))# used to fail xx <- c(NaN, NA, -Inf, -123:-121, -1:2, 7:8, Inf) (xxI <- as.bigz(xx))# Inf's and NaN's do not exist ==> very large integers for +/- Inf (x <- c(NA, xx[is.finite(xx)])) xI <- as.bigz(x) xQ <- as.bigq(xI) stopifnot(identical(xI, as.bigz(xQ)), identical(numerator(xQ), xI)) # numerator( ) stopifnot(isEQ(x, as.integer(x)), isEQ(x, xI), isEQ(x, xQ), identical(xQ, as.bigq(x)), identical(,, identical(,, identical(is.finite(x), is.finite(xI)), identical(is.finite(x), is.finite(xQ)), identical(is.infinite(x), is.infinite(xI)), identical(is.infinite(x), is.infinite(xQ)), ## The next 4 all failed till 2012-05-05: isEQ(x, as.integer(xI)), isEQ(x, as.integer(xQ)), isEQ(x, as.numeric(xI)), isEQ(x, as.numeric(xQ)), TRUE) ## Finally (2020-06-06): mixed arithmetic works : stopifnot(exprs = { isEQ(xI - xQ, c(NA, rep(0, 9))) isEQ(xI + xQ, 2*xI) isEQ(xI * xQ, x^2) all.equal(xQ^xI, x^x) ## as do mixed comparisons (xI == xQ)[-1] !(xI < xQ)[-1] !(xI > xQ)[-1] (xI >= xQ)[-1] }) ## double precision factorial() is exact up to n=22 stopifnot(factorialZ(0:22) == factorial(0:22)) ## factorialZ() etc must also work when passed a bigz instead of an integer; ## till Jan.2014, they silently produced nonsense. N <- as.bigz(n <- 3:8) stopifnot(identical(factorialZ(N), factorialZ(n)), factorialZ (n) == factorial(n), identical(chooseZ(12, N), chooseZ(12, n)), chooseZ(12,n) == choose(12,n), identical(fibnum (N), fibnum (n)), identical(fibnum2(N), fibnum2(n)), identical(lucnum (N), lucnum (n)), identical(lucnum2(N), lucnum2(n))) ## This one does *NOT* distinguish NA and NaN -- that's wanted here EQ1 <- function(x,y) { (abs(x-y) <= 1e-13*(abs(x)+abs(y)) & !(nx <- & !(ny <- | (nx & ny) } stopifnot(EQ1(x, xI)) EQ <- function(x,y) mapply(EQ1, x, y, USE.NAMES=FALSE) ## a version of outer() that should work also with these objects mOuter <- function(X, Y=X, FUN, ...) { lapply(seq_along(X), function(i) FUN(X[i], Y, ...)) } matOuter <- function(X, Y=X, FUN, ...) { t(array(unlist(mOuter(X, Y, FUN, ...)), dim = c(length(Y), length(X)))) } ##' @title ##' @param OP an arithmetic OPerator such +, *,.. as R function ##' @param u numeric vector ##' @param uI a bigz/biginteger vector, "the same" as 'u'. ##' @return a logical n x n matrix, say R, R[i,j] := TRUE iff ##' u[i] OP v[j] are all the same when u,v vary in {u, uI}. ##' @author Martin Maechler opEQ <- function(OP, u, uI=as.bigz(u), eq=TRUE) { stopifnot(length(u) == length(uI)) if(eq) stopifnot(isEQ(u, uI)) # should be the case when result should be all TRUE ## ## choose only some on the RHS: iR <- if(no0.R <- (identical(OP, `/`) || identical(OP, `%/%`) || identical(OP, `%%`))) { ## no zero on the RHS i.e., 2nd operand | u != 0 } else TRUE ## choose only some on the LHS: iL <- if(no0.L <- (identical(OP, `^`))) { ## no zero on the LHS i.e., 1st operand | u != 0 } else TRUE ## EQ(mOuter(u [iL],u [iR], OP) -> R, mOuter(uI[iL],uI[iR], OP)) & EQ(mOuter(u [iL],uI[iR], OP) -> S, mOuter(uI[iL], u[iR], OP)) & EQ(R, S) } ## "Compare" - works "out of the box eqC <- lapply(sapply(ops$Compare, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xI)) stopifnot(, eqC)) opsA <- ops$Arith eqA <- lapply(sapply(opsA, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xI)) op6 <- c("+","-", "*", "/", "%/%", "^")## << are fine - now including "^" _and_ %/% ! stopifnot(sapply(eqA, all)[op6]) ## The others: now (2014-07): only %% is left: has several "wrong": lapply(eqA[, op6))], symnum) ## For example: symnum(opEQ(`%%`, x, xI))# not all TRUE, since, e.g., x [3] %% x x [3] %% xI ## (negative turned into >= 0; warning 'division by zero') x %% x [3] xI %% x [3] ## (no negatives ..) ##-- "^" ------------ z1i <- 0:1 z1n <- as.double(z1i) c(NA^0, NA^0L, z1i^NA, z1n^NA)# <- in R (<= 2011), the first and last are 1 stopifnot(isEQ(c(N.^0, N.^0L, z1i^N.), c(1,1,NA,1)), isEQ(c(Nq^0, Nq^0L, z1i^Nq), c(1,1,NA,1))) ## need non-negative values: x.po0 <- x >= 0 stopifnot(M.pow <- opEQ(`^`, x[x.po0], xI[x.po0])) if(FALSE)# FIXME stopifnot(M.powQ <- opEQ(`^`, x[x.po0], xQ[x.po0])) if(FALSE)# FIXME {z - q} M.poIQ <- opEQ(`^`,xI[x.po0], xQ[x.po0]) ## Modulo arithmetic i <- as.bigz(-5:10, 16); i <- i[i != 0]; i stopifnot(identical(as.integer(i), c(11:15, 1:10))) (Ii <- 1/i )## BUG: in all versions of gmp up to 0.5-5 -- now 7 warnings pow(x, -|n|) I2 <- i^(-1)## BUG: not considering (mod) // segmentation fault in gmp 0.5-1 {now: 7 warn..} stopifnot(identical(Ii, I2),[c(2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)]), identical(Ii[c(1,3)], as.bigz(c(3,5), 16))) (Iz <- 1/(z <- as.bigz(1:12, 13))) stopifnot(identical(Iz, z^-1), Iz == c(1, 7, 9, 10, 8, 11, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 12), identical(modulus(Iz), as.bigz(13))) ## The first two of course give fractions: (r1 <- as.bigz(3) / 1:12) r2 <- as.bigz(3) / as.bigz(1:12) stopifnot(identical(r1, r2)) ## Now, the new scheme : (iLR <- as.bigz(3, 13) / as.bigz(1:12, 13)) ## [1] (3 %% 13) (8 %% 13) (1 %% 13) (4 %% 13) (11 %% 13) (7 %% 13) ## [7] (6 %% 13) (2 %% 13) (9 %% 13) (12 %% 13) (5 %% 13) (10 %% 13) iL <- as.bigz(3, 13) / as.bigz(1:12) iLi <- as.bigz(3, 13) / 1:12 iR <- as.bigz(3) / as.bigz(1:12, 13) iiR <- 3 / as.bigz(1:12, 13) stopifnot(identical(iL, iLi) , identical(iR, iiR) , identical(iR, iLR) , identical(iL, iR)) ## failed until recently... ## whereas these two always use divq.bigz : (q <- as.bigz(3, 13) %/% as.bigz(1:12)) ## [1] (3 %% 13) (1 %% 13) (1 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) ## [7] (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) (0 %% 13) stopifnot(identical(q, divq.bigz(as.bigz(3, 13), 1:12)), ## --------- identical(q, 3 %/% as.bigz(1:12, 13)), q == c(3, 1, 1, rep(0,9))) s <- as.bigz(3, 13) / as.bigz(1:12, 17) ## used to give ## Big Integer ('bigz') object of length 12: ## [1] 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## but now, really just `` drops the contradicting "mod" '' ==> uses rational: stopifnot(identical(s, r1)) ##----- Z^e (modulo m) --------------- z12 <- as.bigz(1:12,12) stopifnot(identical(z12^1, z12), z12^0 == 1, identical(z12^2, as.bigz(rep(c(1,4,9,4,1,0), 2), 12)), identical(z12^3, as.bigz(c(1,8,3:5,0,7:9,4,11,0), 12)), identical(z12^4, z12^2), identical(z12^5, z12^3), identical(z12^6, z12^2), identical(z12^6, (1:12) ^ as.bigz(6, 12)) ) for(E in 6:20) { ir <- as.integer(r <- z12 ^ E) stopifnot(identical(modulus(r), as.bigz(12)), 0 <= ir, ir <= 11) } z17 <- as.bigz(1:16, 17) stopifnot(z17^0 == 1, identical(z17^1, z17), identical(z17^-1, iz <- 1/z17), identical(z17^-2, iz^2), (iz^2) * (sq <- z17^2) == 1, modulus(sq) == 17, unique(sq) == (1:8)^2 %% 17) ##--- Log()s ------------------------- (ex <- c(outer(c(2,5,10), 10^(1:3))))# 20 .. 10'000 stopifnot(dim(L <- outer(as.bigz(2:4), ex, `^`)) == c(3, length(ex))) l2 <- array(log2(L), dim = dim(L)) lnL <- log(L) a.EQ <- function(x,y, tol=1e-15, ...) all.equal(x,y, tol=tol, ...) stopifnot(a.EQ(l2[1,], ex), a.EQ(l2[3,], 2*ex), a.EQ(log(L, 8), lnL/log(8)), a.EQ(c(l2), lnL/log(2))) ###------------------ bigq -------------------------------- xQ1 <- as.bigq(x, 1) eqC <- lapply(sapply(ops$Compare, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xQ1)) stopifnot(Reduce(`&`, eqC))## ## xQ <- as.bigq(x, 17) # == x/17 .. *are* not equal, i.e., not expecting all TRUE: eqQ <- lapply(sapply(ops$Compare, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xQ, eq=FALSE)) lapply(eqQ, symnum)## <- symnum, for nice output Fn <- gmp:::pow.bigq; q <- 2.3 stopifnot(inherits(e1 <- tryCatch(Fn(q,q), error=identity), "error"), inherits(e2 <- tryCatch(q ^ as.bigq(1,3), error=identity), "error"), grepl("Rmpfr", e1$message), identical(e1$message, e2$message)) ## FIXME(2): %% and %/% do not work at all for bigq (opsA4 <- opsA[opsA != "^" & !grepl("^%", opsA)]) eqA1 <- lapply(sapply(opsA4, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xQ1)) sapply(eqA1, table) ## .TRUE -.TRUE *.TRUE /.TRUE ## 100 100 100 90 ## ^^^^ (90: was 81) [not dividing by 0] ## xQ *is* different from x (apart from x[6] (and, NA x[1])) eqA <- lapply(sapply(opsA4, get), function(op) opEQ(op, x, xQ, eq=FALSE)) lapply(eqA, symnum) ## round(x, digits) -- should work *and* be vectorized in both (x, digits) x1 <- as.bigq((-19:19), 10) stopifnot(round(x1, 1) == x1) half <- as.bigq(1, 2) i1 <- (-19:29) x <- half + i1 cbind(x, round(x)) rx1 <- round(x/10, 1) stopifnot(exprs = { as.bigz(round(x)) %% 2 == 0 identical(round(x) > x, i1 %% 2 == 1) (rx1 - x/10) * 20 == c(1,-1) # {recycling up/down}: perfect rounding to even (round(x/100, 2) - x/100) * 200 == c(1,-1) # (ditto) }) (drx1 <- asNumeric(rx1))# shows perfect round to *even* ## but double precision rounding cannot be perfect (as numbers are not exact!): dx <- asNumeric(x/10) dx1 <- round(dx, 1) dmat <- cbind(x=dx, r.x = dx1, rQx = drx1) ## shows "the picture" a bit {see Martin's vignette in CRAN package 'round'}: noquote(cbind(apply(dmat, 2, formatC), ER = ifelse(abs(dx1 - drx1) > 1e-10, "*", ""))) ## standard R: rd <- round(pi*10^(-2:5), digits=7:0) formatC(rd, digits=12, width=1) ## bigq -- show we vectorize in both x, digits (rQ <- round(as.bigq(pi*10^(-2:5)), digits=7:0)) stopifnot(exprs = { as.integer(numerator (rQ)) == 314159L as.integer(denominator(rQ)) == 10^(7:0) all.equal(asNumeric(rQ), rd, tol = 1e-15) })