library(gmp) ## From ~/R/Pkgs/Matrix/inst/test-tools-1.R -- only for R <= 3.0.1 -- ##' @title Ensure evaluating 'expr' signals an error ##' @param expr ##' @return the caught error, invisibly ##' @author Martin Maechler assertError <- function(expr, verbose=getOption("verbose")) { d.expr <- deparse(substitute(expr)) t.res <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e) if(!inherits(t.res, "error")) stop(d.expr, "\n\t did not give an error", call. = FALSE) if(verbose) cat("Asserted Error:", conditionMessage(t.res),"\n") invisible(t.res) } Z1 <- as.bigz(1) ; Z1[FALSE] Q1 <- as.bigq(1) ; Q1[FALSE] stopifnot(0 == length(z0 <- as.bigz(0[FALSE])),# failed earlier 0 == length(q0 <- as.bigq(0[FALSE])),# ditto is.bigz(Z1), is.bigz(z0), !is.bigz(1L), !is.bigz(1), !is.bigz(Q1), is.bigq(Q1), is.bigq(q0), !is.bigq(1L), !is.bigq(1/2), !is.bigq(Z1)) Z1[integer()] <- 2 # segfaulted earlier Q1[integer()] <- 2 # ditto assertError(Z1[1] <- list(1)) # segfaulted assertError(Q1[1] <- list(1)) # " assertError(Z1[1] <- NULL ) # " assertError(Q1[1] <- NULL ) # " stopifnot(identical(Z1, as.bigz(1L)), identical(Q1, as.bigq(1L)), identical(1L, as.integer(Z1)), identical(1L, as.integer(Q1)),## failed earlier identical(as.bigz(1[FALSE]), Z1[FALSE]), identical(as.bigz(1[-1]), Z1[-1]), identical(Z1[-1], rep(Z1, 0)) , ##----------- bigq ------------- identical(as.bigq(1[FALSE]), Q1[-1]), identical(Q1[FALSE], Q1[-1]), identical(Q1[-1], rep(Q1, 0)), identical(q0, rep(Q1, 0)) ) stopifnot(length(1[0]) == 0, 0 == length(Z1[0])) Z <- as.bigz(I <- 2^(5*0:5)); mZ <- as.bigz(mI <- matrix(I, 2,3)) Q <- Z / 4 ; mQ <- matrix(Q, 2,3) ii <- c(3:2,0:2,1:0,0:2) i. <- c(2:0,1:0,1); j. <- ii[1:7] i <- i.[i. != 0] j <- j.[j. != 0] I[ii] ; mI[i.,j.] stopifnot(all.equal( Z[ii], I[ii], tol=0), all.equal(4*Q[ii], I[ii], tol=0), identical(mI[i,j], mI[i.,j.]), identical(mZ[i,j], mZ[i.,j.]), identical(mQ[i,j], mQ[i.,j.])) stopifnot(all.equal(asNumeric(mZ[i,j]), mI[i,j], tol=0), all.equal( 4*mQ[i,j], mI[i,j], tol=0)) ## Outside indexing for *matrices* now gives an error: assertError(mI[1,4]); assertError(mZ[1,4]); assertError(mQ[1,4]) assertError(mI[3,2]); assertError(mZ[3,2]); assertError(mQ[3,2]) ## whereas outside indexing of vectors should give NA: stopifnot(identical(I[8:5], asNumeric(Z[8:5])), identical(I[8:5], asNumeric(Q[8:5] * 4))) ## "basics", including as.matrix(), as.array(), as.list() : i <- 1:9 (x <- as.bigz(i, mod = 3)) mx <- as.matrix(x) ## used to "bomb" badly: ## (terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc') lx <- as.list(x) stopifnot(5*x == (5*i) %% 3, identical(as.bigz(x), x), # was not the case in gmp 0.5-14 identical(mx, as.array(x)), is(mx, "bigz"), dim(mx) == c(9,1), is.list(lx), identical(unlist(lx), unlist(lapply(x, unclass)))) ## remove modulus "the new way" (NULL did fail): modulus(x) <- NULL Q <- x / 2 mq <- as.matrix(Q) lq <- as.list(Q) stopifnot(identical(x, as.bigz(i %% 3)), identical(mq, as.array(Q)), is(mq, "bigq"), dim(mq) == c(9,1), is.list(lq), identical(unlist(lq), unlist(lapply(Q, unclass)))) ## Check that as.bigq() is exact *and* asNumeric() is its inverse -------------- set.seed(47) summary(x1 <- rt(10000, df = 0.5)) # really long tailed summary(x2 <- rlnorm(10000, 200, 100)) x <- c(x1, x2) qx <- as.bigq(x) nx <- asNumeric(qx) ## asNumeric()'s method for "bigq" is internal .bigq2num() stopifnot(identical(x, nx), identical(nx, gmp:::.bigq2num(qx)) ) ## duplicated(), unique() : ---------------------- q7 <- as.bigq(-5:7, 7) if(FALSE)# not yet {well, *HARD* / impossible(?) without S4 } Q <- q7^2 * as.bigz(77)^10 Q <- q7^2 * as.bigq(77, 2)^10 (uQ <- unique(Q)) (sDup <- sum(duplicated(Q))) # = 5 stopifnot(!duplicated(uQ), sDup + length(uQ) == length(Q)) nQ <- asNumeric(Q) stopifnot( identical(duplicated(Q), duplicated(nQ)) , all.equal(unique(Q), unique(nQ)) , sort(asNumeric(unique(denominator(Q)))) == 4^c(0, 3:5) , TRUE) ## _ TODO _ rep() [times, length.out, each] checkRep <- function(x) { if((n <- length(x)) < 2) stop("'length(x)' must at least be 2, for these checks") ii <- seq_len(n) n1 <- pmin(.9*n, n-1) stopifnot(identical(rep(x, 1), x), identical(rep(x, 3), c(x,x,x)), identical(rep(x, length.out=n1), x[1:n1]) , identical(rep(x, length.out=n+2), x[c(ii,1:2)]) , ## times is *not* considered when 'length.out' is specified: identical(rep(x, 4, length.out=n+2), x[c(ii,1:2)]) , identical(rep(x, 2, length.out=n1), x[1:n1]) , identical(x, rep(x, each=2)[2*ii]) ) } checkRep(Q) checkRep(q7) (Nu <- numerator(uQ)) checkRep(Nu) ##------ Now check that base :: pmin() / pmax() works *in simple cases* for bigz ##------ (because rep(., length.out) works: ## {{MM: compare with ~/R/Pkgs/Rmpfr/tests/arith-ex.R }} (x <- as.bigz(ix <- 2^(3* 0:7))) (x9 <- pmin(x,9)) xp123 <- pmax(x, 123) stopifnot(x9 == c(1,8, rep(9,6)), xp123[1:3] == 123, xp123[-(1:3)] > 123) chk.pmin <- function(x) { message(deparse(,": ") x9 <- pmin(x, 9) xp123 <- pmax(x, 123) stopifnot( identical(x, pmin(x, Inf)), identical(x9, pmin(x, 23, Inf, 9)) , identical(dim(x9), dim(x)) , identical(dim(xp123), dim(x)) ) } chk.pmin(x) mx <- matrix(x, nrow=3) # with correct warning chk.pmin(mx) qq <- x / 47 Mq <- matrix(qq, nrow=3) # with correct warning if(FALSE) { ## FIXME: pmin() / pmax() are completely wrong for "bigq" !! chk.pmin(qq) chk.pmin(Mq) } ## [<- : Used to return a *matrix* -- not what we want! chk.subassign <- function(x, i, value) { x0 <- x x[i] <- value stopifnot(identical(dim(x0), dim(x)), # only when not indexing *outside* all(x[i] == value))# not always identical() invisible(x) } x. <- chk.subassign(x , 1, -1) q. <- chk.subassign(qq, 1, -1) q. <- chk.subassign(Mq, 1, -1) x. <- chk.subassign(mx, 1, -1) if(require("Rmpfr") && packageVersion("Rmpfr") >= "0.5-2") { stopifnot( all.equal(pmin(14, x, 9), pmin(14, ix, 9), tol=0) , all.equal(mq <- pmin(14, x/3, 9), ## numbers + bigq pmin(14, ix/3, 9), tol= 1e-15) , is.bigq(mq)) ## ## Now, does pmin etc still work for bigz {it did fail!} chk.pmin(x) if(FALSE) ## FIXME: "Rmpfr's pmin / pmax methods destroy this ==> Fix Rmpfr! chk.pmin(mx) if(FALSE) { ## FIXME: pmin() / pmax() are completely wrong for "bigq" !! chk.pmin(qq) chk.pmin(Mq) } ## ## Ditto for "[<-" : x. <- chk.subassign(x , 1, -1) q. <- chk.subassign(qq, 1, -1) q. <- chk.subassign(Mq, 1, -1) x. <- chk.subassign(mx, 1, -1) ## } else message("{Rmpfr + gmp} checks __not__ done") ##--------------------------- order(), sort.list() -------------------------- x <- as.bigz("0x123456789abcdef") # my secret message B <- x + as.bigz(2)^(110:100) (dB <- diff(B)) # now works stopifnot(dB < 0, log2(-dB) == 109:100 # 2^{n+1} - 2^n == 2^n ) rev(B) # is sorted is.unsorted(rev(B))# TRUE but should be FALSE if(FALSE) ## not yet identical(sort(B), rev(B))